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<title>Commande <%ordnumber%> <%name%></title>
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-15">


<body bgcolor=ffffff>

<table width=100%>
<tr valign=bottom>
<td width=10>&nbsp;</td>
<table width=100%>

<td align=right>
T?l&nbsp;: <%tel%>
<br>Fax&nbsp;: <%fax%>

<th colspan=3>
<h4>B O N&nbsp;&nbsp;D E&nbsp;&nbsp;C O M M A N D E</h4>


<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td align=right>
<th align=right>Date commande</th><td width=10>&nbsp;</td><td><%orddate%></td>
<th align=right>Requis pour</th><td width=10>&nbsp;</td><td><%reqdate%></td>

<th align=right>N? commande</th><td>&nbsp;</td><td><%ordnumber%></td></tr>

<table width=100%>
<tr bgcolor=000000>
<th align=left><font color=ffffff>Command? par</th>


<table width=100%>
<tr bgcolor=000000>
<!-- <th align=right><font color=ffffff>No.</th> -->
<th align=left><font color=ffffff>N?</th>
<th align=left><font color=ffffff>Description</th>
<th><font color=ffffff>Qt?</th>
<th><font color=ffffff>Prix</th>
<th><font color=ffffff>Montant</th>

<%foreach number%>
<tr valign=top>
<!-- <td align=right><%runningnumber%>.</td>
veuillez ajuster le colspan si vous voulez inclure ce poste pour d?caler le sous-total vers la droite.
<td align=right><%qty%></td>
<td align=right><%sellprice%></td>
<td align=right><%linetotal%></td>
<%end number%>

<td colspan=6><hr noshade></td>
<th colspan=4 align=right>Sous-total</th>
<td colspan=2 align=right><%subtotal%></td>

<%foreach tax%>
<th colspan=4 align=right><%taxdescription%> @ <%taxrate%> %</th>
<td colspan=2 align=right><%tax%></td>
<%end tax%>

<td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan=4><hr noshade></td>

<td colspan=2>? r?gler dans <b><%terms%></b> jours au plus tard</td>
<th colspan=2 align=right>Total</th>
<th colspan=2 align=right><%total%></th>



<table width=100%>
<tr valign=top>
<%if notes%>
<td>? noter&nbsp;:</td>
<%end notes%>
<td align=right>
Tous prix indiqu?s en <b><%currency%></b>


<table width=100%>
<tr valign=top>
<font size=-3>
Payment due NET <%terms%> Days from date of Invoice.
Interest on overdue amounts will acrue at the rate of 1.5% per month
from due date until paid in full. Items returned are subject to
a 10% restocking charge. A return authorization must be obtained
from <%company%> before goods are returned. Returns must be shipped
prepaid and properly insured. <%company%> will not be responsible
for damages during transit.
<td width=150>
X <hr noshade>



