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Revision 8f3ecba9

Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 16 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 8f3ecba98c0f85f2b48735c1ac110c3c9d957100
  • Vorgänger 01bdb4dc
  • Nachfolger 16d8d326

Beim Verschicken von Emails müssen die Absender- und Empfängeradressen MIME-Encodiert werden.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

package Mailer;
use Email::Address;
use SL::Common;
use SL::Template;
local (*IN, *OUT);
my $boundary = time() . "-$$-${num_sent}";
$boundary = "LxOffice-$self->{version}-$boundary";
my $domain = $self->{from};
$domain =~ s/(.*?\@|>)//g;
my $msgid = "$boundary\@$domain";
my $form = $main::form;
my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $email = $myconfig->{email};
$email =~ s/[^\w\.\-\+=@]//ig;
my $boundary = time() . "-$$-${num_sent}";
$boundary = "LxOffice-$self->{version}-$boundary";
my $domain = $self->{from};
$domain =~ s/(.*?\@|>)//g;
my $msgid = "$boundary\@$domain";
$form->{myconfig_email} = $email;
my $form = $main::form;
my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $template = PlainTextTemplate->new(undef, $form, $myconfig);
my $sendmail = $template->parse_block($main::sendmail);
my $email = $myconfig->{email};
$email =~ s/[^\w\.\-\+=@]//ig;
$self->{charset} = Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET unless $self->{charset};
my %temp_form = ( %{ $form }, 'myconfig_email' => $email );
my $template = PlainTextTemplate->new(undef, \%temp_form, $myconfig);
my $sendmail = $template->parse_block($main::sendmail);
if (!open(OUT, $sendmail)) {
return "$sendmail : $!";
$self->{contenttype} = "text/plain" unless $self->{contenttype};
my ($cc, $bcc);
$cc = "Cc: $self->{cc}\n" if $self->{cc};
$bcc = "Bcc: $self->{bcc}\n" if $self->{bcc};
$self->{charset} ||= Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
$self->{contenttype} ||= "text/plain";
foreach my $item (qw(to cc bcc)) {
next unless ($self->{$item});
$self->{$item} =~ s/\&lt;/</g;
$self->{$item} =~ s/\$<\$/</g;
$self->{$item} =~ s/\&gt;/>/g;
$self->{$item} =~ s/\$>\$/>/g;
my $subject = $self->mime_quote_text($self->{subject}, 60);
my $headers = '';
foreach my $item (qw(from to cc)) {
next unless ($self->{$item});
my (@addr_objects) = Email::Address->parse($self->{$item});
next unless (scalar @addr_objects);
foreach my $addr_obj (@addr_objects) {
$addr_obj->phrase($self->mime_quote_text($addr_obj->phrase(), 60)) if ($addr_obj->phrase());
$addr_obj->comment($self->mime_quote_text($addr_obj->comment(), 60)) if ($addr_obj->comment());
$headers .= sprintf("%s: %s\n", ucfirst($item), $addr_obj->format());
$headers .= sprintf("Subject: %s\n", $self->mime_quote_text($self->{subject}, 60));
print OUT qq|From: $self->{from}
To: $self->{to}
${cc}${bcc}Subject: $subject
Message-ID: <$msgid>
print OUT qq|${headers}Message-ID: <$msgid>
X-Mailer: Lx-Office $self->{version}
MIME-Version: 1.0
Copyright (c) 2004 Casey West. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Perl is distributed under your choice of the GNU General Public License or
the Artistic License.
The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in
/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL and the Artistic Licence can be found
in /usr/share/common-licenses/Artistic.
package Email::Address;
use strict;
## no critic RequireUseWarnings
# support pre-5.6
$addr_spec $angle_addr $name_addr $mailbox];
$VERSION = '1.888';
$STRINGIFY ||= 'format';
$COLLAPSE_SPACES = 1 unless defined $COLLAPSE_SPACES; # who wants //=? me!
=head1 NAME
Email::Address - RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
use Email::Address;
my @addresses = Email::Address->parse($line);
my $address = Email::Address->new(Casey => 'casey@localhost');
print $address->format;
=head1 VERSION
version 1.886
$Id: /my/pep/Email-Address/trunk/lib/Email/ 31900 2007-06-23T01:25:34.344997Z rjbs $
This class implements a regex-based RFC 2822 parser that locates email
addresses in strings and returns a list of C<Email::Address> objects found.
Alternatley you may construct objects manually. The goal of this software is to
be correct, and very very fast.
my $CTL = q{\x00-\x1F\x7F};
my $special = q{()<>\\[\\]:;@\\\\,."};
my $text = qr/[^\x0A\x0D]/;
my $quoted_pair = qr/\\$text/;
my $ctext = qr/(?>[^()\\]+)/;
my ($ccontent, $comment) = (q{})x2;
for (1 .. $COMMENT_NEST_LEVEL) {
$ccontent = qr/$ctext|$quoted_pair|$comment/;
$comment = qr/\s*\((?:\s*$ccontent)*\s*\)\s*/;
my $cfws = qr/$comment|\s+/;
my $atext = qq/[^$CTL$special\\s]/;
my $atom = qr/$cfws*$atext+$cfws*/;
my $dot_atom_text = qr/$atext+(?:\.$atext+)*/;
my $dot_atom = qr/$cfws*$dot_atom_text$cfws*/;
my $qtext = qr/[^\\"]/;
my $qcontent = qr/$qtext|$quoted_pair/;
my $quoted_string = qr/$cfws*"$qcontent+"$cfws*/;
my $word = qr/$atom|$quoted_string/;
# XXX: This ($phrase) used to just be: my $phrase = qr/$word+/; It was changed
# to resolve bug 22991, creating a significant slowdown. Given current speed
# problems. Once 16320 is resolved, this section should be dealt with.
# -- rjbs, 2006-11-11
#my $obs_phrase = qr/$word(?:$word|\.|$cfws)*/;
# XXX: ...and the above solution caused endless problems (never returned) when
# examining this address, now in a test:
# admin+=E6=96=B0=E5=8A=A0=E5=9D=A1_Weblog-- ATAT
# So we disallow the hateful CFWS in this context for now. Of modern mail
# agents, only Apple Web Mail 2.0 is known to produce obs-phrase.
# -- rjbs, 2006-11-19
my $simple_word = qr/$atom|\.|\s*"$qcontent+"\s*/;
my $obs_phrase = qr/$simple_word+/;
my $phrase = qr/$obs_phrase|(?:$word+)/;
my $local_part = qr/$dot_atom|$quoted_string/;
my $dtext = qr/[^\[\]\\]/;
my $dcontent = qr/$dtext|$quoted_pair/;
my $domain_literal = qr/$cfws*\[(?:\s*$dcontent)*\s*\]$cfws*/;
my $domain = qr/$dot_atom|$domain_literal/;
my $display_name = $phrase;
=head2 Package Variables
Several regular expressions used in this package are useful to others.
For convenience, these variables are declared as package variables that
you may access from your program.
These regular expressions conform to the rules specified in RFC 2822.
You can access these variables using the full namespace. If you want
short names, define them yourself.
my $addr_spec = $Email::Address::addr_spec;
=over 4
=item $Email::Address::addr_spec
This regular expression defined what an email address is allowed to
look like.
=item $Email::Address::angle_addr
This regular expression defines an C<$addr_spec> wrapped in angle
=item $Email::Address::name_addr
This regular expression defines what an email address can look like
with an optional preceeding display name, also known as the C<phrase>.
=item $Email::Address::mailbox
This is the complete regular expression defining an RFC 2822 emial
address with an optional preceeding display name and optional
following comment.
$addr_spec = qr/$local_part\@$domain/;
$angle_addr = qr/$cfws*<$addr_spec>$cfws*/;
$name_addr = qr/$display_name?$angle_addr/;
$mailbox = qr/(?:$name_addr|$addr_spec)$comment*/;
sub _PHRASE () { 0 }
sub _ADDRESS () { 1 }
sub _COMMENT () { 2 }
sub _ORIGINAL () { 3 }
sub _IN_CACHE () { 4 }
=head2 Class Methods
=over 4
=item parse
my @addrs = Email::Address->parse(
q[me@local, Casey <me@local>, "Casey" <me@local> (West)]
This method returns a list of C<Email::Address> objects it finds
in the input string.
The specification for an email address allows for infinitley
nestable comments. That's nice in theory, but a little over done.
By default this module allows for two (C<2>) levels of nested
comments. If you think you need more, modify the
C<$Email::Address::COMMENT_NEST_LEVEL> package variable to allow
$Email::Address::COMMENT_NEST_LEVEL = 10; # I'm deep
The reason for this hardly limiting limitation is simple: efficiency.
Long strings of whitespace can be problematic for this module to parse, a bug
which has not yet been adequately addressed. The default behavior is now to
collapse multiple spaces into a single space, which avoids this problem. To
prevent this behavior, set C<$Email::Address::COLLAPSE_SPACES> to zero. This
variable will go away when the bug is resolved properly.
sub __get_cached_parse {
return if $NOCACHE;
my ($class, $line) = @_;
return @{$PARSE_CACHE{$line}} if exists $PARSE_CACHE{$line};
sub __cache_parse {
return if $NOCACHE;
my ($class, $line, $addrs) = @_;
$PARSE_CACHE{$line} = $addrs;
sub parse {
my ($class, $line) = @_;
return unless $line;
$line =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g if $COLLAPSE_SPACES;
if (my @cached = $class->__get_cached_parse($line)) {
return @cached;
my (@mailboxes) = ($line =~ /$mailbox/go);
my @addrs;
foreach (@mailboxes) {
my $original = $_;
my @comments = /($comment)/go;
s/$comment//go if @comments;
my ($user, $host, $com);
($user, $host) = ($1, $2) if s/<($local_part)\@($domain)>//o;
if (! defined($user) || ! defined($host)) {
($user, $host) = ($1, $2);
my ($phrase) = /($display_name)/o;
for ( $phrase, $host, $user, @comments ) {
next unless defined $_;
$_ = undef unless length $_;
my $new_comment = join q{ }, @comments;
push @addrs,
$class->new($phrase, "$user\@$host", $new_comment, $original);
$addrs[-1]->[_IN_CACHE] = [ \$line, $#addrs ]
$class->__cache_parse($line, \@addrs);
return @addrs;
=item new
my $address = Email::Address->new(undef, 'casey@local');
my $address = Email::Address->new('Casey West', 'casey@local');
my $address = Email::Address->new(undef, 'casey@local', '(Casey)');
Constructs and returns a new C<Email::Address> object. Takes four
positional arguments: phrase, email, and comment, and original string.
The original string should only really be set using C<parse>.
sub new { bless [@_[1..4]], $_[0] }
=item purge_cache
One way this module stays fast is with internal caches. Caches live
in memory and there is the remote possibility that you will have a
memory problem. In the off chance that you think you're one of those
people, this class method will empty those caches.
I've loaded over 12000 objects and not encountered a memory problem.
sub purge_cache {
=item disable_cache
=item enable_cache
Email::Address->disable_cache if memory_low();
If you'd rather not cache address parses at all, you can disable (and reenable) the Email::Address cache with these methods. The cache is enabled by default.
sub disable_cache {
my ($class) = @_;
sub enable_cache {
$NOCACHE = undef;
=head2 Instance Methods
=over 4
=item phrase
my $phrase = $address->phrase;
$address->phrase( "Me oh my" );
Accessor and mutator for the phrase portion of an address.
=item address
my $addr = $address->address;
$addr->address( "" );
Accessor and mutator for the address portion of an address.
=item comment
my $comment = $address->comment;
$address->comment( "(Work address)" );
Accessor and mutator for the comment portion of an address.
=item original
my $orig = $address->original;
Accessor for the original address found when parsing, or passed
to C<new>.
=item host
my $host = $address->host;
Accessor for the host portion of an address's address.
=item user
my $user = $address->user;
Accessor for the user portion of an address's address.
my %_INDEX = (
phrase => _PHRASE,
address => _ADDRESS,
comment => _COMMENT,
original => _ORIGINAL,
for my $method (keys %_INDEX) {
no strict 'refs';
my $index = $_INDEX{ $method };
*$method = sub {
if ($_[1]) {
if ($_[0][_IN_CACHE]) {
my $replicant = bless [ @{$_[0]} ] => ref $_[0];
$PARSE_CACHE{ ${ $_[0][_IN_CACHE][0] } }[ $_[0][_IN_CACHE][1] ]
= $replicant;
$_[0][_IN_CACHE] = undef;
$_[0]->[ $index ] = $_[1];
} else {
$_[0]->[ $index ];
sub host { ($_[0]->[_ADDRESS] =~ /\@($domain)/o)[0] }
sub user { ($_[0]->[_ADDRESS] =~ /($local_part)\@/o)[0] }
=item format
my $printable = $address->format;
Returns a properly formatted RFC 2822 address representing the
sub format {
local $^W = 0; ## no critic
return $FORMAT_CACHE{"@{$_[0]}"} if exists $FORMAT_CACHE{"@{$_[0]}"};
$FORMAT_CACHE{"@{$_[0]}"} = $_[0]->_format;
sub _format {
my ($self) = @_;
unless (
defined $self->[_PHRASE] && length $self->[_PHRASE]
defined $self->[_COMMENT] && length $self->[_COMMENT]
) {
return $self->[_ADDRESS];
my $format = sprintf q{%s <%s> %s},
$self->_enquoted_phrase, $self->[_ADDRESS], $self->[_COMMENT];
$format =~ s/^\s+//;
$format =~ s/\s+$//;
return $format;
sub _enquoted_phrase {
my ($self) = @_;
my $phrase = $self->[_PHRASE];
# if it's encoded -- rjbs, 2007-02-28
return $phrase if $phrase =~ /\A=\?.+\?=\z/;
$phrase =~ s/\A"(.+)"\z/$1/;
$phrase =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
return qq{"$phrase"};
=item name
my $name = $address->name;
This method tries very hard to determine the name belonging to the address.
First the C<phrase> is checked. If that doesn't work out the C<comment>
is looked into. If that still doesn't work out, the C<user> portion of
the C<address> is returned.
This method does B<not> try to massage any name it identifies and instead
leaves that up to someone else. Who is it to decide if someone wants their
name capitalized, or if they're Irish?
sub name {
local $^W = 0;
return $NAME_CACHE{"@{$_[0]}"} if exists $NAME_CACHE{"@{$_[0]}"};
my ($self) = @_;
my $name = q{};
if ( $name = $self->[_PHRASE] ) {
$name =~ s/^"//;
$name =~ s/"$//;
$name =~ s/($quoted_pair)/substr $1, -1/goe;
} elsif ( $name = $self->[_COMMENT] ) {
$name =~ s/^\(//;
$name =~ s/\)$//;
$name =~ s/($quoted_pair)/substr $1, -1/goe;
$name =~ s/$comment/ /go;
} else {
($name) = $self->[_ADDRESS] =~ /($local_part)\@/o;
$NAME_CACHE{"@{$_[0]}"} = $name;
=head2 Overloaded Operators
=over 4
=item stringify
print "I have your email address, $address.";
Objects stringify to C<format> by default. It's possible that you don't
like that idea. Okay, then, you can change it by modifying
C<$Email:Address::STRINGIFY>. Please consider modifying this package
variable using C<local>. You might step on someone else's toes if you
local $Email::Address::STRINGIFY = 'address';
print "I have your address, $address.";
print "I have your address, $address.";
# "Casey West" <>
sub as_string {
warn 'altering $Email::Address::STRINGIFY is deprecated; subclass instead'
if $STRINGIFY ne 'format';
use overload '""' => 'as_string';
=head2 Did I Mention Fast?
On his 1.8GHz Apple MacBook, rjbs gets these results:
$ perl -Ilib bench/ bench/corpus.txt 5
Rate Mail::Address Email::Address
Mail::Address 2.59/s -- -44%
Email::Address 4.59/s 77% --
$ perl -Ilib bench/ bench/corpus.txt 25
Rate Mail::Address Email::Address
Mail::Address 2.58/s -- -67%
Email::Address 7.84/s 204% --
$ perl -Ilib bench/ bench/corpus.txt 50
Rate Mail::Address Email::Address
Mail::Address 2.57/s -- -70%
Email::Address 8.53/s 232% --
...unfortunately, a known bug causes a loss of speed the string to parse has
certain known characteristics, and disabling cache will also degrade
This module is maintained by the Perl Email Project
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Email::Simple>, L<perl>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Originally by Casey West, <F<>>.
Maintained, 2006-2007, Ricardo SIGNES <F<>>.
Thanks to Kevin Riggle and Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for tests for annoying phrase-quoting bugs!
Copyright (c) 2004 Casey West. All rights reserved. This module is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

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