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Revision 8e1cdd82

Von Cem Aydin vor etwa 4 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 8e1cdd820ab8bfe22fe36a70f5789e534c2f5e16
  • Vorgänger 1ed9bb34
  • Nachfolger bb3b0d09

Neues Design Bugfix: #384 Teil: Fehlende Übersetzungen eingefügt

(gem. locale/de/missing)

- locale Dateien neu erzeugt (scripts/ de/en)

Unterschiede anzeigen:

10 10
# run from this directory to rebuild the translation files
11 11

12 12
$self->{texts} = {
  ''                            => '',
14 13
  ' Date missing!'              => '',
15 14
  ' bytes, max='                => '',
16 15
  ' missing!'                   => '',
  ' set to paid missing'        => '',
18 16
  '#1 (custom variable)'        => '',
19 17
  '#1 MD'                       => '',
20 18
  '#1 additional part(s)'       => '',
215 213
  'Add linked record'           => '',
216 214
  'Add links'                   => '',
217 215
  'Add multiple items'          => '',
  'Add new (currency)'          => '',
219 216
  'Add new currency'            => '',
220 217
  'Add new custom variable'     => '',
221 218
  'Add new price rule item'     => '',
331 328
  'Are you sure?'               => '',
332 329
  'Article'                     => '',
333 330
  'Article Code'                => '',
  'Article Name'                => '',
  'Article No.'                 => '',
336 331
  'Article classification'      => '',
337 332
  'Article data'                => '',
  'Article info '               => '',
339 333
  'Article type'                => '',
340 334
  'Articles'                    => '',
341 335
  'As a result, the saved onhand values of the present goods can be stored into a warehouse designated by you, or will be reset for a proper warehouse tracking' => '',
458 452
  'Best Before'                 => '',
459 453
  'Best Discount'               => '',
460 454
  'Best Price'                  => '',
  'Bestbefore'                  => '',
462 455
  'Bilanz'                      => '',
463 456
  'Billable amount'             => '',
464 457
  'Billed amount'               => '',
506 499
  'Bought'                      => '',
507 500
  'Break down by'               => '',
508 501
  'Break up the update and contact a service provider.' => '',
  'Buffer Substraction'         => '',
510 502
  'Business'                    => '',
511 503
  'Business Discount'           => '',
512 504
  'Business Number'             => '',
679 671
  'Compare to'                  => '',
680 672
  'Complexities'                => '',
681 673
  'Complexity'                  => '',
  'Composition'                 => '',
683 674
  'Conditions'                  => '',
684 675
  'Configuration'               => '',
685 676
  'Configuration of individual TODO items' => '',
851 842
  'Customer'                    => '',
852 843
  'Customer & Contact'          => '',
853 844
  'Customer & Order Information' => '',
  'Customer & Order info'       => '',
855 845
  'Customer & Order'        => '',
856 846
  'Customer (database ID)'      => '',
857 847
  'Customer (name)'             => '',
859 849
  'Customer GLN'                => '',
860 850
  'Customer Master Data'        => '',
861 851
  'Customer Name'               => '',
  'Customer No.'                => '',
863 852
  'Customer Number'             => '',
864 853
  'Customer Order Number'       => '',
865 854
  'Customer Part Number'        => '',
869 858
  'Customer details'            => '',
870 859
  'Customer missing!'           => '',
871 860
  'Customer not found'          => '',
  'Customer prices'             => '',
873 861
  'Customer saved'              => '',
874 862
  'Customer saved!'             => '',
875 863
  'Customer specific Price'     => '',
942 930
  'Date the payment is due with discount' => '',
943 931
  'Dates'                       => '',
944 932
  'Dates & Numbers'             => '',
  'Dates & Numbers'         => '',
946 933
  'Datev export encoding'       => '',
947 934
  'Datevautomatik'              => '',
948 935
  'Deactivate by default'       => '',
1058 1045
  'Destination bin'             => '',
1059 1046
  'Destination warehouse'       => '',
1060 1047
  'Destination warehouse and bin' => '',
  'Detail information about this customer' => '',
1062 1048
  'Detail view'                 => '',
1063 1049
  'Detailed information about this contact' => '',
  'Detailed information about this customer' => '',
1064 1051
  'Details'                     => '',
1065 1052
  'Details (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
1066 1053
  'Dial command missing in kivitendo configuration\'s [cti] section' => '',
1078 1065
  'Display file'                => '',
1079 1066
  'Display options'             => '',
1080 1067
  'Displayable Name Preferences' => '',
  'Divers'                      => '',
1082 1068
  'Do not change the tax rate of taxkey 0.' => '',
1083 1069
  'Do not check for duplicates' => '',
1084 1070
  'Do not create ZUGFeRD invoices' => '',
1122 1108
  'Document generating failed. Please check Templates an LateX !' => '',
1123 1109
  'Documentation'               => '',
1124 1110
  'Documentation (in German)'   => '',
  'Documentation about Variables in a new window/tab' => '',
  'Documentation about periodic invoices in a new window' => '',
  'Documentation about periodic invoices in a new window/tab' => '',
  'Documentation about variables in a new window/tab' => '',
1127 1113
  'Documents'                   => '',
1128 1114
  'Documents in the WebDAV repository' => '',
1129 1115
  'Don\'t include a printout of the record with the email' => '',
1164 1150
  'Dunning Process Config saved!' => '',
1165 1151
  'Dunning Process started for selected invoices!' => '',
1166 1152
  'Dunning level'               => '',
  'Dunning levels & dunning types' => '',
1168 1153
  'Dunning number'              => '',
1169 1154
  'Dunning overview'            => '',
1170 1155
  'Dunning status'              => '',
1314 1299
  'Enter the requested execution date or leave empty for the quickest possible execution:' => '',
1315 1300
  'Entries for which automatic conversion failed:' => '',
1316 1301
  'Entries for which automatic conversion succeeded:' => '',
  'Entry Group'                 => '',
1318 1302
  'Equity'                      => '',
1319 1303
  'Erfolgsrechnung'             => '',
1320 1304
  'Error'                       => '',
1431 1415
  'Executed'                    => '',
1432 1416
  'Execution Date = Invoice Duedate' => '',
1433 1417
  'Execution Date = Skonto Date' => '',
  'Execution Date Buffer'       => '',
1434 1419
  'Execution date'              => '',
1435 1420
  'Execution date from'         => '',
1436 1421
  'Execution date to'           => '',
1470 1455
  'Extended'                    => '',
1471 1456
  'Extended status'             => '',
1472 1457
  'Extension Of Time'           => '',
  'FILL THIS CAPTION'           => '',
1474 1458
  'Factor'                      => '',
1475 1459
  'Fax'                         => '',
1476 1460
  'Features'                    => '',
1605 1589
  'Handling & Dates'            => '',
1606 1590
  'Handling & Scope'            => '',
1607 1591
  'Handling of WebDAV'          => '',
  'Handling, Dates & Numbers'   => '',
1609 1592
  'Handling, Numbers & Dates'   => '',
1610 1593
  'Hardcopy'                    => '',
1611 1594
  'Has item type'               => '',
  'Has serial no.'              => '',
1613 1595
  'Has serial number'           => '',
1614 1596
  'Headers'                     => '',
1615 1597
  'Heading'                     => '',
1646 1628
  'ID (lit)'                    => '',
1647 1629
  'ID number'                   => '',
1648 1630
  'ID of own bank account'      => '',
  'ID\'s & Numbers'             => '',
1650 1631
  'ID/Acc_ID'                   => '',
1651 1632
  'IDs & Dates'                 => '',
  'IDs & Numbers'               => '',
1653 1633
  'II'                          => '',
1654 1634
  'III'                         => '',
1655 1635
  'IMPORT'                      => '',
1952 1932
  'Main sorting'                => '',
1953 1933
  'Make'                        => '',
1954 1934
  'Make (vendor\'s database ID, number or name; with X being a number)' => '',
  'Make Model'                  => '',
1956 1935
  'Make compatible for import'  => '',
1957 1936
  'Make default profile'        => '',
1958 1937
  'Makemodel Price'             => '',
1959 1938
  'Manage Custom Variables'     => '',
1960 1939
  'Mandantennummer'             => '',
  'Mandate'                     => '',
1962 1940
  'Mandate Date of Signature'   => '',
1963 1941
  'Mandator'                    => '',
1964 1942
  'Mandator ID'                 => '',
2196 2174
  'Nov'                         => '',
2197 2175
  'November'                    => '',
2198 2176
  'Number'                      => '',
  'Number & Dates'              => '',
2200 2177
  'Number Format'               => '',
2201 2178
  'Number missing in Row'       => '',
2202 2179
  'Number of Data: '            => '',
2218 2195
  'Number pages'                => '',
2219 2196
  'Number variables: \'PRECISION=n\' forces numbers to be shown with exactly n decimal places.' => '',
2220 2197
  'Numbers'                     => '',
  'Numbers & Dates'             => '',
2221 2199
  'Numbers & IDs'               => '',
2222 2200
  'OB Transaction'              => '',
2223 2201
  'Objects have been imported.' => '',
2258 2236
  'Open invoice'                => '',
2259 2237
  'Open new tab'                => '',
2260 2238
  'Open sales delivery orders'  => '',
  'Open this Website in a new window' => '',
2262 2239
  'OpenDocument/OASIS'          => '',
2263 2240
  'Openings'                    => '',
2264 2241
  'Option'                      => '',
  'Optional Transaction Type'   => '',
2266 2242
  'Optional comment'            => '',
2267 2243
  'Options'                     => '',
2268 2244
  'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (350kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language): ' => '',
2279 2255
  'Order deleted!'              => '',
2280 2256
  'Order item search'           => '',
2281 2257
  'Order probability'           => '',
  'Order probability & expected billing date' => '',
  'Order probability & expected billing date' => '',
2283 2259
  'Order value periodicity'     => '',
2284 2260
  'Order/Item row name'         => '',
2285 2261
  'Order/Item/Stock row name'   => '',
2394 2370
  'Perform check when an ar transaction is posted?' => '',
2395 2371
  'Period'                      => '',
2396 2372
  'Period:'                     => '',
  'Periode'                     => '',
2398 2373
  'Periodic Invoices'           => '',
2399 2374
  'Periodic inventory'          => '',
2400 2375
  'Periodic invoices active'    => '',
2485 2460
  'Preferences saved!'          => '',
2486 2461
  'Prefix for the new bins\' names' => '',
2487 2462
  'Preis'                       => '',
  'Preisgruppen'                => '',
2489 2463
  'Prepare bank collection via SEPA XML' => '',
2490 2464
  'Prepare bank transfer via SEPA XML' => '',
2491 2465
  'Prepayment'                  => '',
2683 2657
  'Recipients'                  => '',
2684 2658
  'Reconcile'                   => '',
2685 2659
  'Reconciliation'              => '',
  'Reconciliation of bank accounts' => '',
2687 2660
  'Reconciliation with bank'    => '',
2688 2661
  'Record Type'                 => '',
2689 2662
  'Record Vendor Invoice'       => '',
2701 2674
  'Reference / Invoice Number'  => '',
2702 2675
  'Reference day'               => '',
2703 2676
  'Reference missing!'          => '',
  'Registration'                => '',
2704 2678
  'Relaxed (UTF-8)'             => '',
2705 2679
  'Release From Stock'          => '',
2706 2680
  'Remaining'                   => '',
2903 2877
  'Screen'                      => '',
2904 2878
  'Scrollbar height percentage for form postion area (0 means no scrollbar)' => '',
2905 2879
  'Search'                      => '',
  'Search & Add Article'        => '',
2906 2881
  'Search & Add Customer'       => '',
2907 2882
  'Search & Add Vendor'         => '',
2908 2883
  'Search & Add Vendor by Name' => '',
  'Search & add article'        => '',
2910 2884
  'Search AP Aging'             => '',
2911 2885
  'Search AR Aging'             => '',
  'Search Customer by name and add by selecting' => '',
  'Search Result'               => '',
2914 2886
  'Search bank transactions'    => '',
2915 2887
  'Search contacts'             => '',
  'Search customer by name and add by selecting' => '',
2916 2889
  'Search for Items used in Assemblies' => '',
2917 2890
  'Search parts by customer partnumber in sales order forms' => '',
2918 2891
  'Search parts by vendor partnumber (model) in purchase order forms' => '',
2925 2898
  'Sections'                    => '',
2926 2899
  'Sections that are not assigned to any of the items above will be added as new positions.' => '',
2927 2900
  'Select'                      => '',
  'Select Article'              => '',
  'Select Contact'              => '',
2928 2903
  'Select Deliveries'           => '',
2929 2904
  'Select Mulit-Item Options'   => '',
2930 2905
  'Select Shipping Address'     => '',
2931 2906
  'Select a Customer'           => '',
2932 2907
  'Select a period'             => '',
  'Select article'              => '',
  'Select contacts'             => '',
2935 2908
  'Select federal state...'     => '',
2936 2909
  'Select file to upload'       => '',
2937 2910
  'Select from one of the items below' => '',
2988 2961
  'Set the invoice skonto date (if exists) as the default execution date for SEPA export.' => '',
2989 2962
  'Set to paid missing'         => '',
2990 2963
  'Settings'                    => '',
  'Settings stocktaking'        => '',
2992 2964
  'Setup Menu'                  => '',
2993 2965
  'Ship to (database ID)'       => '',
2994 2966
  'Ship via'                    => '',
3020 2992
  'Shop Ordernumber'            => '',
3021 2993
  'Shop Orders'                 => '',
3022 2994
  'Shop article'                => '',
  'Shop bearbeiten'             => '',
3024 2995
  'Shop customernumber'         => '',
3025 2996
  'Shop orderdate'              => '',
3026 2997
  'Shop ordernumber'            => '',
3048 3019
  'Should the "mark as paid" button showed in purchase invoices?' => '',
3049 3020
  'Should the "mark as paid" button showed on sales invoices?' => '',
3050 3021
  'Show'                        => '',
  'Show "mark as paid'          => '',
  'Show "mark as paid"'         => '',
3052 3023
  'Show AP transactions as part of AP invoice report' => '',
3053 3024
  'Show AR transactions as part of AR invoice report' => '',
3054 3025
  'Show Bestbefore'             => '',
3136 3107
  'Space'                       => '',
3137 3108
  'Split entry detected. The values you have entered will result in an entry with more than one position on both debit and credit. Due to known problems involving accounting software kivitendo does not allow these.' => '',
3138 3109
  'Spoolfile'                   => '',
  'Starspanate_coa'             => '',
3140 3110
  'Start (verb)'                => '',
3141 3111
  'Start Dunning Process'       => '',
3142 3112
  'Start date'                  => '',
3144 3114
  'Start process'               => '',
3145 3115
  'Start the correction assistant' => '',
3146 3116
  'Startdate method'            => '',
  'Startdate_coa'               => '',
3147 3118
  'Starting Balance'            => '',
3148 3119
  'Starting balance'            => '',
3149 3120
  'Starting date'               => '',
3150 3121
  'Starting the task server failed.' => '',
3151 3122
  'Starting with version 2.6.3 the configuration files in "config" have been consolidated.' => '',
  'State'                       => '',
3153 3123
  'Statement'                   => '',
3154 3124
  'Statement Balance'           => '',
3155 3125
  'Statement sent to'           => '',
3176 3146
  'Stocktaking Journal'         => '',
3177 3147
  'Stop (verb)'                 => '',
3178 3148
  'Stopping the task server failed. Output:' => '',
  'Storage'                     => '',
  'Storage & Article'           => '',
3181 3149
  'Storage Backends'            => '',
3182 3150
  'Storage Type for Attachments' => '',
3183 3151
  'Storage Type for generated/imported PDF Documents' => '',
3184 3152
  'Storage Type for images'     => '',
3185 3153
  'Storage Type for shopimages' => '',
  'Store & Articles'            => '',
3187 3154
  'Storing PDF in storage backend failed: #1' => '',
3188 3155
  'Storing PDF to webdav folder failed: #1' => '',
3189 3156
  'Storing the emails in the journal is currently disabled in the client configuration.' => '',
3280 3247
  'Template database'           => '',
3281 3248
  'Template date'               => '',
3282 3249
  'Templates'                   => '',
  'Templates / Master Templates' => '',
3284 3250
  'Terms'                       => '',
3285 3251
  'Terms missing in row '       => '',
3286 3252
  'Test database connectivity'  => '',
3970 3936
  'User login'                  => '',
3971 3937
  'User name'                   => '',
3972 3938
  'Username'                    => '',
  'Users'                       => '',
3974 3939
  'Users that are a member in this group' => '',
3975 3940
  'Users that have access to this client' => '',
3976 3941
  'Users with access'           => '',
4004 3969
  'Vendor Invoices & AP Transactions' => '',
4005 3970
  'Vendor Master Data'          => '',
4006 3971
  'Vendor Name'                 => '',
  'Vendor No.'                  => '',
4008 3972
  'Vendor Number'               => '',
4009 3973
  'Vendor Order Number'         => '',
4010 3974
  'Vendor deleted!'             => '',
4030 3994
  'WHJournal'                   => 'Warehouse journal',
4031 3995
  'WHUsage'                     => 'Warehouse withdrawal',
4032 3996
  'Warehouse'                   => '',
  'Warehouse & Article'         => '',
4033 3998
  'Warehouse (database ID)'     => '',
4034 3999
  'Warehouse (name)'            => '',
4035 4000
  'Warehouse From'              => '',
4067 4032
  'What type of item is this?'  => '',
4068 4033
  'When converting a requirement spec into a quotation or an oder each section gets converted into a line position in the new record. This is the article used by default for this conversion.' => '',
4069 4034
  'Which is located at doc/kivitendo-Dokumentation.pdf. Click here: ' => '',
  'Wiedervorlagen (Notizen)'    => '',
4071 4035
  'With Attachments'            => '',
4072 4036
  'With Extension Of Time'      => '',
4073 4037
  'With Ignoring Onhand'        => '',
4259 4223
  'for'                         => '',
4260 4224
  'for Document types'          => '',
4261 4225
  'for Period'                  => '',
  'for Profile'                 => '',
4263 4226
  'for all'                     => '',
4264 4227
  'for date'                    => '',
4265 4228
  'found'                       => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff