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package SL::Helper::MT940;

use strict;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use File::Copy qw(copy);

sub convert_mt940_data {
my ($mt940_data) = @_;

# takes the data from an uploaded mt940 file, converts it to csv via aqbanking and returns the converted data
# The uploaded file data is stored as a session file, just like the aqbanking settings file.

my $import_filename = 'bank_transfer.940';
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile->new($import_filename, mode => '>');

# create needed dir structure for aqbanking 5.x and 6.x
my $todir = $sfile->get_path . '/imexporters/csv/profiles';
mkpath $todir;
die "Cannot create $todir" unless -d $todir;

File::Copy::copy('users/aqbanking.conf', $todir.'/kivi.conf');
die "Cannot create local aqbanking conf " unless -f $todir.'/kivi.conf';

mkpath $sfile->get_path . '/settings6/aqbanking';

my $aqbin = $::lx_office_conf{applications}->{aqbanking};
die "Can't find aqbanking-cli, please check your configuration file.\n" unless -f $aqbin;
my $cmd = "$aqbin --cfgdir=\"" . $sfile->get_path . "\" import --importer=\"swift\" --profile=\"SWIFT-MT940\" -f " .
$sfile->get_path . "/$import_filename | $aqbin --cfgdir=\"" . $sfile->get_path . "\" export --profile=kivi 2> /dev/null ";

my $converted_data = '"empty";"local_bank_code";"local_account_number";"remote_bank_code";"remote_account_number";"transdate";"valutadate";"amount";'.

open my $mt, "-|", "$cmd" || die "Problem with executing aqbanking\n";
my $headerline = <$mt>; # discard original aqbanking header line
while (<$mt>) {
$converted_data .= $_;
close $mt;
return $converted_data;
