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Revision 89222e20

Von Kivitendo Admin vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID 89222e203ab46838cc6a51422a0e04e2f2253cc2
  • Vorgänger 6605a2b3
  • Nachfolger 88e947fe

Typos in Kommentaren

Unterschiede anzeigen:

is $links->[0]->{_record_link_direction}, 'from', '_record_link_direction from';
is $links->[0]->{_record_link}->to_id, $o1->id, '_record_link from';
# check if bidi returns an array of links even if aready existing
# check if bidi returns an array of links even if already existing
my @links = $d->link_to_record($o2, bidirectional => 1);
# at this point the structure is:
$links = $o1->linked_records(direction => 'to', recursive => 1, save_path => 1);
is @$links, 4, 'recursive finds all 4 (backlink to self because of bidi o1<->o2)';
# because of the link o1->d the longest path should be legth 2. test that
# because of the link o1->d the longest path should be length 2. test that
is max(map { $_->{_record_link_depth} } @$links), 2, 'longest path is 2';
$links = $o2->linked_records(direction => 'to', recursive => 1);

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff