


Herunterladen (3,58 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
51c64daf Moritz Bunkus
package DateTime;

02742685 Sven Schöling
use strict;

5e9aaf1c Moritz Bunkus
use SL::Util qw(_hashify);

7964f8ed Moritz Bunkus
sub new_local {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
return $class->new(hour => 0, minute => 0, second => 0, time_zone => $::locale->get_local_time_zone, %params);

51c64daf Moritz Bunkus
sub now_local {
return shift->now(time_zone => $::locale->get_local_time_zone);

sub today_local {
return shift->now(time_zone => $::locale->get_local_time_zone)->truncate(to => 'day');

3711d95e Thomas Heck
sub to_kivitendo_time {
my ($self, %params) = _hashify(1, @_);
return $::locale->format_date_object_to_time($self, %params);

14817fd9 Moritz Bunkus
sub to_kivitendo {
5e9aaf1c Moritz Bunkus
my ($self, %params) = _hashify(1, @_);
38e08b2f Moritz Bunkus
return $::locale->format_date_object($self, %params);
51c64daf Moritz Bunkus

14817fd9 Moritz Bunkus
sub to_lxoffice {
# Legacy name.
goto &to_kivitendo;

sub from_kivitendo {
646cb2aa Moritz Bunkus
return $::locale->parse_date_to_object($_[1]);
51c64daf Moritz Bunkus

14817fd9 Moritz Bunkus
sub from_lxoffice {
# Legacy name.
ee04154a Moritz Bunkus
goto &from_kivitendo;
14817fd9 Moritz Bunkus

81b492ac Sven Schöling
sub add_business_duration {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $abs_days = abs $params{days};
my $neg = $params{days} < 0;
my $bweek = $params{businessweek} || 5;
my $weeks = int ($abs_days / $bweek);
my $days = $abs_days % $bweek;

if ($neg) {
$self->subtract(weeks => $weeks);
$self->add(days => 8 - $self->day_of_week) if $self->day_of_week > $bweek;
$self->subtract(days => $self->day_of_week > $days ? $days : $days + (7 - $bweek));
} else {
$self->add(weeks => $weeks);
$self->subtract(days => $self->day_of_week - $bweek) if $self->day_of_week > $bweek;
$self->add(days => $self->day_of_week + $days <= $bweek ? $days : $days + (7 - $bweek));


sub add_businessdays {
my ($self, %params) = @_;


sub subtract_businessdays {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

$params{days} *= -1;


a8b18c65 Moritz Bunkus
sub end_of_month {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->truncate(to => 'month')->add(months => 1)->subtract(days => 1);

3f24ab6b Bernd Bleßmann
sub next_workday {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $extra_days = $params{extra_days} // 1;
$self->add(days => $extra_days);

my $day_of_week = $self->day_of_week;
$self->add(days => (8 - $day_of_week)) if $day_of_week >= 6;

return $self;

51c64daf Moritz Bunkus


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::Helpers::DateTime - helper functions for L<DateTime>


=over 4

7964f8ed Moritz Bunkus
=item C<new_local %params>

Returns the time given in C<%params> with the time zone set to the
local time zone.

51c64daf Moritz Bunkus
=item C<now_local>

Returns the current time with the time zone set to the local time zone.

=item C<today_local>

Returns the current date with the time zone set to the local time zone.

14817fd9 Moritz Bunkus
=item C<to_kivitendo %param>
51c64daf Moritz Bunkus
008c2e15 Moritz Bunkus
Formats the date and time according to the current kivitendo user's
38e08b2f Moritz Bunkus
date format with L<Locale::format_datetime_object>.
51c64daf Moritz Bunkus
14817fd9 Moritz Bunkus
The legacy name C<to_lxoffice> is still supported.

=item C<from_kivitendo $string>
51c64daf Moritz Bunkus
008c2e15 Moritz Bunkus
Parses a date string formatted in the current kivitendo user's date
51c64daf Moritz Bunkus
format and returns an instance of L<DateTime>.

38e08b2f Moritz Bunkus
Note that only dates can be parsed at the moment, not the time
14817fd9 Moritz Bunkus
component (as opposed to L<to_kivitendo>).

The legacy name C<from_lxoffice> is still supported.
38e08b2f Moritz Bunkus
a8b18c65 Moritz Bunkus
=item C<end_of_month>

Sets the object to the last day of object's month at midnight. Returns
the object itself.

3f24ab6b Bernd Bleßmann
=item C<next_workday %params>

Sets the object to the next workday. The recognized parameter is:

=over 2

=item * C<extra_days> - optional: If C<extra_days> is given, then
that amount of days is added to the objects date and if the resulting
date is not a workday, the object is set to the next workday.
Defaults to 1.


Returns the object itself.

51c64daf Moritz Bunkus

=head1 AUTHOR

Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
