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use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.008; # too much magic in here to include perl 5.6

unshift @INC, "modules/override"; # Use our own versions of various modules (e.g. YAML).
push @INC, "modules/fallback"; # Only use our own versions of modules if there's no system version.

use Data::Dumper;
use Devel::REPL 1.002001;
use Term::ReadLine::Perl::Bind; # use sane key binding for rxvt users

use SL::LxOfficeConf;

my $login = shift || $::lx_office_conf{console}{login} || 'demo';
my $history_file = $::lx_office_conf{console}{history_file} || '/tmp/lxoffice_console_history.log'; # fallback if users is not writable
my $debug_file = $::lx_office_conf{console}{log_file} || '/tmp/lxoffice_console_debug.log';
my $autorun = $::lx_office_conf{console}{autorun};

# will be configed eventually
my @plugins = qw(History LexEnv Colors MultiLine::PPI FancyPrompt PermanentHistory AutoloadModules);

my $repl = Devel::REPL->new;
$repl->load_plugin($_) for @plugins;
$repl->print("trying to auto login as '$login'...");
$repl->print($repl->eval("lxinit '$login'"));
if ($autorun) {
my $result = $repl->eval($autorun);
$repl->print($result->message) if ref($result) eq 'Devel::REPL::Error';

package Devel::REPL;

use utf8;
use CGI qw( -no_xhtml);
use DateTime;
use SL::Auth;
use SL::Form;
use SL::Helper::DateTime;
use SL::InstanceConfiguration;
use SL::Locale;
use SL::LXDebug;
use Data::Dumper;
use List::Util qw(max);

# this is a cleaned up version of
# it lacks redirection, some html setup and most of the authentication process.
# it is assumed that anyone with physical access and execution rights on this script
# won't be hindered by authentication anyway.
sub lxinit {
my $login = shift;

die 'need login' unless $login;

package main;

$::lxdebug = LXDebug->new(file => $debug_file);
$::locale = Locale->new($::lx_office_conf{system}->{language});
$::form = Form->new;
$::auth = SL::Auth->new;
$::instance_conf = SL::InstanceConfiguration->new;
$::request = { cgi => CGI->new({}) };

die 'cannot reach auth db' unless $::auth->session_tables_present;


require "bin/mozilla/";

die "cannot find user $login" unless %::myconfig = $::auth->read_user(login => $login);

$::form->{login} = $login; # normaly implicit at login

die "cannot find locale for user $login" unless $::locale = Locale->new($::myconfig{countrycode});


return "logged in as $login";

# these function provides a load command to slurp in a lx-office module
# since it's seldomly useful, it's not documented in help
sub load {
my $module = shift;
$module =~ s/[^\w]//g;
require "bin/mozilla/$";

sub reload {
require Module::Reload;

return "modules reloaded";

sub quit {

sub help {
print <<EOL;

kivitendo Konsole

./scripts/console [login]

Spezielle Kommandos:

help - zeigt diese Hilfe an.
lxinit 'login' - lädt das kivitendo-Environment für den User 'login'.
reload - lädt modifizierte Module neu.
pp DATA - zeigt die Datenstruktur mit Data::Dumper an.
quit - beendet die Konsole

# load 'module' - läd das angegebene Modul, d.h. bin/mozilla/ und SL/

sub pp {
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

sub ptab {
my @rows = ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[0] } : @_;
return '<empty result set>' unless @rows;

my @columns = sort keys %{ $rows[0] };
my @widths = map { max @{ $_ } } map { my $column = $_; [ length($column), map { length("" . ($_->{$column} // '')) } @rows ] } @columns;
my @output = (join ' | ', map { my $width = $widths[$_]; sprintf "\%-${width}s", $columns[$_] } (0..@columns - 1));
push @output, join('-+-', map { '-' x $_ } @widths);
push @output, map { my $row = $_; join(' | ', map { my $width = $widths[$_]; sprintf "\%-${width}s", $row->{ $columns[$_] } // '' } (0..@columns - 1) ) } @rows;

return join("\n", @output);

sub pobj {
my ($obj) = @_;
return '<no object>' unless $obj;

my $ref = ref $obj;
$ref =~ s/^SL::DB:://;
my %primaries = map { ($_ => 1) } $obj->meta->primary_key;
my @columns = map { "${_}:" . ($obj->$_ // 'UNDEF') } sort $obj->meta->primary_key;
push @columns, map { "${_}:" . ($obj->$_ // 'UNDEF') } grep { !$primaries{$_} } sort map { $_->{name} } $obj->meta->columns;

return "<${ref} " . join(' ', @columns) . '>';

sub sql {
my $dbh = ref($_[0]) ? shift : $::form->get_standard_dbh;
my ($query, @args) = @_;

if ($query =~ m/^\s*select/i) {
ptab($dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, { Slice => {} }, @args));
} else {
$dbh->do($query, { Slice => {} }, @args);



=head1 NAME

scripts/console - kivitendo console


> help # displays a brief documentation


Users of Ruby on Rails will recognize this as a perl reimplementation of the
rails scripts/console. It's intend is to provide a shell environment to the
lx-office internals. This will mostly not interest you if you just want to do
your ERP stuff with lx-office, but will be invaluable for those who wish to
make changes to lx-office itself.


You can do most things in the console that you could do in an actual perl
script. Certain helper functions will aid you in debugging the state of the

=head2 pp C<DATA>

Named after the rails pretty print gem, this will call Data::Dumper on the
given C<DATA>. Use it to see what is going on.

Currently C<pp> will set the Data::Dumper depth to 2, so if you need a
different depth, you'll have to change that. A nice feature would be to
configure that, or at least to be able to change it at runtime.

=head2 ptab C<@data>

Returns a tabular representation of C<@data>. C<@data> must be an
array or array reference containing hash references. Column widths are
calculated automatically.

Undefined values are represented by an empty column.

Example usage:

ptab($dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM employee", { Slice => {} }));

=head2 pobj C<$obj>

Returns a textual representation of the L<Rose::DB> instance
C<$obj>. This includes the class name, then the primary key columns as
name/value pairs and then all other columns as name/value pairs.

Undefined values are represented by C<UNDEF>.

Example usage:

pobj(SL::DB::Manager::Employee->find_by(login => 'demo'));

=head2 sql C<[ $dbh, ] $query, @bind_values>

Executes an SQL query using the optional bind values. If the first
parameter is a database handle then that database handle is used;
otherwise the handle returned by L<SL::Form/get_standard_dbh> is used.

If the query is a C<SELECT> then the result is filtered through
L<ptab()>. Otherwise the result of C<$dbh-&gt;do($query, undef, @bind_values)>
is returned.

Example usage:

sql(qq|SELECT * FROM employee|);
qq|UPDATE employee SET notes = ? WHERE login = ?|,
'This guy is evil!', 'demo');

=head2 lxinit C<login>

Login into lx-office using a specified login. No password will be required, and
security mechanisms will mostly be inactive. form, locale, myconfig will be
correctly set.

=head2 reload

Attempts to reload modules that changed since last reload (or inital startup).
This will mostly work just fine, except for Moose classes that have been made
immutable. Keep in mind that existing objects will continue to have the methods
of the classes they were created with.

=head1 BUGS

- Reload on immutable Moose classes is buggy.
- Logging in more than once is not supported by the program, and thus not by
the console. It seems to work, but strange things may happen.

=head1 SEE ALSO

Configuration of this script is located in:


See there for interesting options.

=head1 AUTHOR

Sven Schöling <>
