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package Support::TestSetup;

use strict;

use Data::Dumper;
use CGI qw( -no_xhtml);
use IO::File;
use SL::Auth;
use SL::Form;
use SL::Locale;
use SL::LXDebug;
use Data::Dumper;
use SL::Layout::None;
use SL::LxOfficeConf;
use SL::InstanceConfiguration;
use SL::Request;

sub login {

my $client = 'Unit-Tests';
my $login = 'unittests';

package main;

$::lxdebug = LXDebug->new(target => LXDebug::STDERR_TARGET);
$::locale = Locale->new($::lx_office_conf{system}->{language});
$::form = Form->new;
$::auth = SL::Auth->new(unit_tests_database => 1);
die "Cannot find client with ID or name '$client'" if !$::auth->set_client($client);

$::instance_conf = SL::InstanceConfiguration->new;
$::request = SL::Request->new( cgi => CGI->new({}), layout => SL::Layout::None->new );

die 'cannot reach auth db' unless $::auth->session_tables_present;


require "bin/mozilla/";

die "cannot find user $login" unless %::myconfig = $::auth->read_user(login => $login);

$::form->{login} = $login; # normaly implicit at login

die "cannot find locale for user $login" unless $::locale = Locale->new($::myconfig{countrycode});


$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess( @_ ) } if $::lx_office_conf{debug}->{backtrace_on_die};

return 1;

sub templates_cache_writable {
my $dir = $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{userspath} . '/templates-cache';
return 1 if -w $dir;

# Try actually creating a file. Due to ACLs this might be possible
# even if the basic Unix permissions and Perl's -w test say
# otherwise.
my $file = "${dir}/.writetest";
my $out = IO::File->new($file, "w") || return 0;
unlink $file;

return 1;
