Revision 86dcebf0
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 4 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
use utf8;
use Encode qw(decode);
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use URI::Escape;
use Cwd;
use DateTime;
use File::stat;
use File::Slurp qw(slurp);
use File::Spec::Unix;
use File::Spec::Win32;
use File::MimeInfo::Magic;
... | ... | |
use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(:all);
use SL::Locale::String;
use SL::SessionFile;
use SL::SessionFile::Random;
use SL::File;
use SL::Controller::Helper::ThumbnailCreator qw(file_probe_image_type);
use SL::Controller::Helper::ThumbnailCreator qw(file_probe_image_type file_probe_type);
use constant DO_DELETE => 0;
use constant DO_UNIMPORT => 1;
... | ... | |
$_->{thumbnail} = _create_thumbnail($_) for @files;
if($self->object_type eq 'shop_image'){
->run('kivi.ShopPart.show_images', $self->object_id)
... | ... | |
return @sources;
# ignores all errros
# todo: cache thumbs?
sub _create_thumbnail {
my ($file) = @_;
my $filename;
if (!eval { $filename = $file->get_file(); 1; }) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_create_thumbnail get_file failed: " . $EVAL_ERROR);
# Workaround for pfds which are not handled by file_probe_type.
# Maybe use mime info stored in db?
my $mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::magic($filename);
if ($mime_type =~ m{pdf}) {
$filename = _convert_pdf_to_png($filename);
return if !$filename;
my $content;
if (!eval { $content = slurp $filename; 1; }) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_create_thumbnail slurp failed: " . $EVAL_ERROR);
my $ret;
if (!eval { $ret = file_probe_type($content); 1; }) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_create_thumbnail file_probe_type failed: " . $EVAL_ERROR);
# file_probe_type returns a hash ref with thumbnail info and content
# or an error message
if ('HASH' ne ref $ret) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_create_thumbnail file_probe_type returned an error: " . $ret);
return $ret;
sub _convert_pdf_to_png {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile::Random->new();
my $command = 'pdftoppm -singlefile -scale-to 64 -png' . ' ' . $filename . ' ' . $sfile->file_name;
if (system($command) == -1) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_convert_pdf_to_png: system call failed: " . $ERRNO);
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "SL::File::_convert_pdf_to_png: pdftoppm failed with error code: " . ($CHILD_ERROR >> 8));
return $sfile->file_name . '.png';
templates/webpages/file/list.html | ||
[%- USE LxERP -%][% USE L %]
[% USE T8 %]
[% USE Base64 %]
[% USE HTML %]
[%- IF ! json %]
<div id="[% file_type %]_list_[% object_type %]">
[%- END %]
... | ... | |
<th class="listheading" width="30%"><b>[% LxERP.t8('Description') %]</b></th>
[%- ELSE %]
<th class="listheading" width="40%"></th>
<th class="listheading" width="40%"><b>[% LxERP.t8('ImagePreview') %]</b></th>
[%- END %]
... | ... | |
<td>[% file.description %]</td>
[%- ELSE %]
<td align="left">
[%- IF file.thumbnail %]
<a href="[% %][%- IF file.version %]&version=[%- file.version %][%- END %]">
<img src="data:[% HTML.escape(file.thumbnail.thumbnail_img_content_type) %];base64,[% file.thumbnail.thumbnail_img_content.encode_base64 %]" alt="[% file.file_name %]">
[%- ELSE %]
[%- END %]
[%- END %]
[%- END # FOREACH file %]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Dateimanagement: Thumbnails erzeugen und anzeigen