kivitendo/t/helper/csv.t @ 85743ebe
552ed9ba | Bernd Bleßmann | use Test::More tests => 91;
6b378ca7 | Sven Schöling | |||
use lib 't';
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | use utf8;
6b378ca7 | Sven Schöling | |||
90af0ce7 | Sven Schöling | use Data::Dumper;
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | use Support::TestSetup;
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | |||
use_ok 'SL::Helper::Csv';
6b378ca7 | Sven Schöling | Support::TestSetup::login();
my $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"Kaffee\n", # " # make emacs happy
e95294b5 | Bernd Bleßmann | header => [ 'description' ],
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{ class => 'SL::DB::Part', }],
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | );
0fb93bcf | Sven Schöling | isa_ok $csv->_csv, 'Text::CSV_XS';
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | isa_ok $csv->_io, 'IO::File';
isa_ok $csv->parse, 'SL::Helper::Csv', 'parsing returns self';
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { description => 'Kaffee' } ], 'simple case works';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, 'Kaffee', 'get_object works';
$::myconfig{numberformat} = '1.000,00';
$::myconfig{dateformat} = '';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"Kaffee;0.12;12,2;1,5234\n", # " # make emacs happy
e95294b5 | Bernd Bleßmann | header => [ 'description', 'sellprice', 'lastcost_as_number', 'listprice' ],
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',}],
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | );
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->sellprice, 0.12, 'numeric attr works';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->lastcost, 12.2, 'attr helper works';
f9f7b56e | Sven Schöling | is $csv->get_objects->[0]->listprice, 1.5234, 'dispatch works';
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | |||
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
sep_char => ',',
quote_char => "'",
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',}]
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | );
is scalar @{ $csv->get_objects }, 1, 'auto header works';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, 'Kaffee', 'get_object works on auto header';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | );
is scalar @{ $csv->get_objects }, 1, 'bozo header doesn\'t blow things up';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | );
is scalar @{ $csv->get_objects }, 2, 'multiple objects work';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, 'Kaffee', 'first object';
is $csv->get_objects->[1]->partnumber, '1123245', 'second object';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
numberformat => '1,000.00',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | );
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->lastcost, '1221.52', 'formatnumber';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | # " # make emacs happy
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | numberformat => '1,000.00',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | );
is $csv->parse, undef, 'broken csv header won\'t get parsed';
8fba112b | Sven Schöling | ######
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | # " # make emacs happy
8fba112b | Sven Schöling | numberformat => '1,000.00',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
8fba112b | Sven Schöling | );
is $csv->parse, undef, 'broken csv content won\'t get parsed';
is_deeply $csv->errors, [ '"Kaf"fee";;0.12;1,221.52'."\n", 2023, 'EIQ - QUO character not allowed', 5, 2 ], 'error';
c46898c7 | Sven Schöling | isa_ok( ($csv->errors)[0], 'SL::Helper::Csv::Error', 'Errors get objectified');
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | |||
1dcc096b | Sven Schöling | ####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
numberformat => '1,000.00',
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
1dcc096b | Sven Schöling | );
42f9ff8a | Bernd Bleßmann | is $csv->get_objects->[0]->lastcost, '1221.52', 'ignore_unknown_columns works';
1dcc096b | Sven Schöling | |||
417cc3a7 | Sven Schöling | #####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;Standard 7%
Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;16 %
numberformat => '1,000.00',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => {buchungsgruppe => "buchungsgruppen.description"},
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | }]
417cc3a7 | Sven Schöling | );
isa_ok $csv->get_objects->[0]->buchungsgruppe, 'SL::DB::Buchungsgruppe', 'deep dispatch auto vivify works';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->buchungsgruppe->description, 'Standard 7%', '...and gets set correctly';
1dcc096b | Sven Schöling | |||
90af0ce7 | Sven Schöling | #####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;213;Chair 0815
numberformat => '1,000.00',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => {
make_1 => "makemodels.0.make",
model_1 => "makemodels.0.model",
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | }],
90af0ce7 | Sven Schöling | );
my @mm = $csv->get_objects->[0]->makemodel;
is scalar @mm, 1, 'one-to-many dispatch';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->makemodels->[0]->model, 'Chair 0815', '... and works';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;213;Chair 0815;523;Table 15
numberformat => '1,000.00',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => {
make_1 => "makemodels.0.make",
model_1 => "makemodels.0.model",
make_2 => "makemodels.1.make",
model_2 => "makemodels.1.model",
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | }]
90af0ce7 | Sven Schöling | );
print Dumper($csv->errors);
76e3efe6 | Sven Schöling | @mm = $csv->get_objects->[0]->makemodel;
90af0ce7 | Sven Schöling | is scalar @mm, 1, 'multiple one-to-many dispatch';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->makemodels->[0]->model, 'Chair 0815', '...check 1';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->makemodels->[0]->make, '213', '...check 2';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->makemodels->[1]->model, 'Table 15', '...check 3';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->makemodels->[1]->make, '523', '...check 4';
45119ead | Sven Schöling | ######
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
numberformat => '1,000.00',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => {buchungsgruppe => "buchungsgruppen.1.description"},
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | }]
45119ead | Sven Schöling | );
is $csv->parse, undef, 'wrong profile gets rejected';
is_deeply $csv->errors, [ 'buchungsgruppen.1.description', undef, "Profile path error. Indexed relationship is not OneToMany around here: 'buchungsgruppen.1'", undef ,0 ], 'error indicates wrong header';
c46898c7 | Sven Schöling | isa_ok( ($csv->errors)[0], 'SL::Helper::Csv::Error', 'Errors get objectified');
45119ead | Sven Schöling | |||
09294068 | Sven Schöling | ####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
numberformat => '1,000.00',
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
strict_profile => 1,
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => {lastcost => 'lastcost_as_number'},
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | }]
09294068 | Sven Schöling | );
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->lastcost, '1221.52', 'strict_profile with ignore';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->sellprice, undef, 'strict profile with ignore 2';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
numberformat => '1,000.00',
strict_profile => 1,
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => {lastcost => 'lastcost_as_number'},
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | }]
09294068 | Sven Schöling | );
is_deeply( ($csv->errors)[0], [ 'description', undef, 'header field \'description\' is not recognized', undef, 0 ], 'strict_profile without ignore_columns throws error');
61a56da0 | Sven Schöling | #####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"Kaffee", # " # make emacs happy
e95294b5 | Bernd Bleßmann | header => [ 'description' ],
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
61a56da0 | Sven Schöling | );
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { description => 'Kaffee' } ], 'eol bug at the end of files';
09294068 | Sven Schöling | |||
7d9888e3 | Sven Schöling | #####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"Description\nKaffee", # " # make emacs happy
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | case_insensitive_header => 1,
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{
profile => { description => 'description' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part'
7d9888e3 | Sven Schöling | );
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { description => 'Kaffee' } ], 'case insensitive header from csv works';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"Kaffee", # " # make emacs happy
e95294b5 | Bernd Bleßmann | header => [ 'Description' ],
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | case_insensitive_header => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { description => 'description' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part'
7d9888e3 | Sven Schöling | );
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { description => 'Kaffee' } ], 'case insensitive header as param works';
07a38b9f | Sven Schöling | #####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}description\nKaffee", # " # make emacs happy
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
07a38b9f | Sven Schöling | encoding => 'utf8',
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { description => 'Kaffee' } ], 'utf8 BOM works (bug 1872)';
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | #####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"Kaffee", # " # make emacs happy
e95294b5 | Bernd Bleßmann | header => [ 'Description' ],
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{class => 'SL::DB::Part'}],
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | );
is_deeply $csv->get_data, undef, 'case insensitive header without flag ignores';
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | #####
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Kaffee", # " # make emacs happy
e95294b5 | Bernd Bleßmann | header => [ 'foo' ],
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [{
profile => { foo => '' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { foo => 'Kaffee' } ], 'empty path still gets parsed into data';
ok $csv->get_objects->[0], 'empty path gets ignored in object creation';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Kaffee", # " # make emacs happy
e95294b5 | Bernd Bleßmann | header => [ 'foo' ],
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | strict_profile => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { foo => '' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { foo => 'Kaffee' } ], 'empty path still gets parsed into data (strict profile)';
ok $csv->get_objects->[0], 'empty path gets ignored in object creation (strict profile)';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Phil", # " # make emacs happy
e95294b5 | Bernd Bleßmann | header => [ 'CVAR_grOUnDHog' ],
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | strict_profile => 1,
case_insensitive_header => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { cvar_Groundhog => '' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { cvar_Groundhog => 'Phil' } ], 'using empty path to get cvars working';
ok $csv->get_objects->[0], '...and not destorying the objects';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"description\nKaffee", # " # make emacs happy
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { description => 'Kaffee' } ], 'without profile and class works';
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | #####
552ed9ba | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
# Note: The second last line is not empty. The description is a space character.
ok $csv->parse;
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ {partnumber => 1, description => 'Kaffee'}, {partnumber => '', description => ' '}, {partnumber => 3, description => 'Tee'} ], 'ignoring empty lines works (header in csv file)';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
# Note: The second last line is not empty. The description is a space character.
header => ['description', 'partnumber'],
ok $csv->parse;
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ {partnumber => 1, description => 'Kaffee'}, {partnumber => '', description => ' '}, {partnumber => 3, description => 'Tee'} ], 'ignoring empty lines works';
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Kaffee;1,50\nSchoke;0,89\n",
header => [
[ 'datatype', 'description', 'sellprice' ],
profile => [
{ profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',}
ok $csv->_check_multiplexed, 'multiplex check works on not-multiplexed data';
ok !$csv->is_multiplexed, 'not-multiplexed data is recognized';
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | |||
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | #####
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"P;Kaffee;1,50\nC;Meier\n",
header => [
[ 'datatype', 'description', 'listprice' ],
[ 'datatype', 'name' ],
profile => [
{ profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P' },
{ class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C' }
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | );
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | ok $csv->_check_multiplexed, 'multiplex check works on multiplexed data';
ok $csv->is_multiplexed, 'multiplexed data is recognized';
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | |||
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"P;Kaffee;1,50\nC;Meier\n",
header => [
[ 'datatype', 'description', 'listprice' ],
[ 'datatype', 'name' ],
profile => [
{ profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part', },
{ class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C' }
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | ok !$csv->_check_multiplexed, 'multiplex check works on multiplexed data and detects missing row_ident';
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | |||
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | #####
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"P;Kaffee;1,50\nC;Meier\n",
header => [
[ 'datatype', 'description', 'listprice' ],
[ 'datatype', 'name' ],
profile => [
{ profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
row_ident => 'P' },
{ class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C' }
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | );
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | ok !$csv->_check_multiplexed, 'multiplex check works on multiplexed data and detects missing class';
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | |||
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | #####
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"P;Kaffee;1,50\nC;Meier\n", # " # make emacs happy
header => [
[ 'datatype', 'description', 'listprice' ],
profile => [
{ profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P' },
{ class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C' }
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | ok !$csv->_check_multiplexed, 'multiplex check works on multiplexed data and detects missing header';
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"P;Kaffee;1,50\nC;Meier\n", # " # make emacs happy
header => [
[ 'datatype', 'description', 'listprice' ],
[ 'datatype', 'name' ],
profile => [
{ profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P' },
{ class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C' }
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | );
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | $csv->parse;
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | is_deeply $csv->get_data,
[ { datatype => 'P', description => 'Kaffee', listprice => '1,50' }, { datatype => 'C', name => 'Meier' } ],
'multiplex: simple case works';
is scalar @{ $csv->get_objects }, 2, 'multiplex: multiple objects work';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, 'Kaffee', 'multiplex: first object';
is $csv->get_objects->[1]->name, 'Meier', 'multiplex: second object';
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | |||
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | #####
a54fc392 | Sven Schöling | |||
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | file => \"datatype;description;listprice\ndatatype;name\nP;Kaffee;1,50\nC;Meier\n", # " # make emacs happy
profile => [
{ profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P' },
{ class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C' }
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | );
15851ea2 | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | $csv->parse;
43010559 | Bernd Bleßmann | is scalar @{ $csv->get_objects }, 2, 'multiplex: auto header works';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, 'Kaffee', 'multiplex: auto header first object';
is $csv->get_objects->[1]->name, 'Meier', 'multiplex: auto header second object';
c8473408 | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
e87f225c | Bernd Bleßmann | ######
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
# " # make emacs happy
profile => [
{class => 'SL::DB::Part', row_ident => 'P'},
{class => 'SL::DB::Customer', row_ident => 'C'},
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
is $csv->parse, undef, 'multiplex: broken csv header won\'t get parsed';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
# " # make emacs happy
profile => [
{class => 'SL::DB::Part', row_ident => 'P'},
{class => 'SL::DB::Customer', row_ident => 'C'},
header => [ [], ['name'] ],
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
ok !$csv->_check_multiplexed, 'multiplex check detects empty header';
de4b1e97 | Bernd Bleßmann | #####
ccb40ac4 | Bernd Bleßmann | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
ea25e624 | Moritz Bunkus | file => \ Encode::encode('utf-8', <<EOL),
ccb40ac4 | Bernd Bleßmann | description;longdescription;datatype
Kaffee;"lecker Kaffee";P
Bier;"kühles Bier";P
# " # make emacs happy
profile => [
{class => 'SL::DB::Part', row_ident => 'P'},
{class => 'SL::DB::Customer', row_ident => 'C'},
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
is $csv->_multiplex_datatype_position, 2, 'multiplex check detects datatype field position right';
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { datatype => 'P', description => 'Kaffee', longdescription => 'lecker Kaffee' },
{ datatype => 'C', name => 'Meier', customernumber => 1},
{ datatype => 'P', description => 'Bier', longdescription => 'kühles Bier' },
{ datatype => 'C', name => 'Mueller', customernumber => 2}
'multiplex: datatype not at first position works';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
ea25e624 | Moritz Bunkus | file => \ Encode::encode('utf-8', <<EOL),
ccb40ac4 | Bernd Bleßmann | datatype;description;longdescription
P;Kaffee;"lecker Kaffee"
P;Bier;"kühles Bier"
# " # make emacs happy
profile => [
{class => 'SL::DB::Part', row_ident => 'P'},
{class => 'SL::DB::Customer', row_ident => 'C'},
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
ok !$csv->parse, 'multiplex check detects incosistent datatype field position';
is_deeply( ($csv->errors)[0], [ 0, 'datatype field must be at the same position for all datatypes for multiplexed data', 0, 0 ], 'multiplex data with inconsistent datatype field posiotion throws error');
de4b1e97 | Bernd Bleßmann | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Datatype;Description\nDatatype;Name\nP;Kaffee\nC;Meier", # " # make emacs happy
case_insensitive_header => 1,
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
profile => [
profile => { datatype => 'datatype', description => 'description' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P'
profile => { datatype => 'datatype', name => 'name' },
class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C'
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { datatype => 'P', description => 'Kaffee' },
{ datatype => 'C', name => 'Meier'} ],
'multiplex: case insensitive header from csv works';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"P;Kaffee\nC;Meier", # " # make emacs happy
header => [[ 'Datatype', 'Description' ], [ 'Datatype', 'Name']],
case_insensitive_header => 1,
cb7c9269 | Bernd Bleßmann | ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
de4b1e97 | Bernd Bleßmann | profile => [
profile => { datatype => 'datatype', description => 'description' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P'
profile => { datatype => 'datatype', name => 'name' },
class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C'
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [ { datatype => 'P', description => 'Kaffee' },
{ datatype => 'C', name => 'Meier' } ],
'multiplex: case insensitive header as param works';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"P;Kaffee\nC;Meier", # " # make emacs happy
header => [[ 'Datatype', 'Description' ], [ 'Datatype', 'Name']],
profile => [
profile => { datatype => 'datatype', description => 'description' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P'
profile => { datatype => 'datatype', name => 'name' },
class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C'
is_deeply $csv->get_data, undef, 'multiplex: case insensitive header without flag ignores';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
# " # make emacs happy
header => [[ 'datatype', 'Afoo', 'Abar' ], [ 'datatype', 'Bfoo', 'Bbar']],
profile => [{
profile => { datatype => '', Afoo => '', Abar => '' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P'
profile => { datatype => '', Bfoo => '', Bbar => '' },
class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C'
is_deeply $csv->get_data,
[ { datatype => 'P', Afoo => 'Kaffee', Abar => 'lecker' }, { datatype => 'C', Bfoo => 'Meier', Bbar => 'froh' } ],
'multiplex: empty path still gets parsed into data';
ok $csv->get_objects->[0], 'multiplex: empty path gets ignored in object creation';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
# " # make emacs happy
header => [[ 'datatype', 'Afoo', 'Abar' ], [ 'datatype', 'Bfoo', 'Bbar']],
strict_profile => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { datatype => '', Afoo => '', Abar => '' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
row_ident => 'P'
profile => { datatype => '', Bfoo => '', Bbar => '' },
class => 'SL::DB::Customer',
row_ident => 'C'
is_deeply $csv->get_data,
[ { datatype => 'P', Afoo => 'Kaffee', Abar => 'lecker' }, { datatype => 'C', Bfoo => 'Meier', Bbar => 'froh' } ],
'multiplex: empty path still gets parsed into data (strict profile)';
ok $csv->get_objects->[0], 'multiplex: empty path gets ignored in object creation (strict profile)';
552ed9ba | Bernd Bleßmann | $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
P; ;
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
profile => [ { class => 'SL::DB::Customer', row_ident => 'C' },
{ class => 'SL::DB::Part', row_ident => 'P' },
is_deeply $csv->get_data, [
{datatype => 'C', customernumber => 1000, name => 'Meier'},
{datatype => 'P', partnumber => 1, description => 'Kaffee'},
{datatype => 'C', customernumber => undef, name => undef},
{datatype => 'P', partnumber => '', description => ' '},
{datatype => 'C', customernumber => 2000, name => 'Meister'},
{datatype => 'P', partnumber => '3', description => 'Tee'},
], 'ignoring empty lines works (multiplex data)';
f74b0dac | Sven Schöling | # Mappings
# simple case
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
sep_char => ',',
quote_char => "'",
profile => [
profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
mapping => { purchaseprice => 'listprice' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
ok $csv->parse, 'simple mapping parses';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->listprice, 1.5234, 'simple mapping works';
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
numberformat => '1,000.00',
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
strict_profile => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { lastcost => 'lastcost_as_number' },
mapping => { purchaseprice => 'lastcost' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
ok $csv->parse, 'strict mapping parses';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->lastcost, 1221.52, 'strict mapping works';
# swapping
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \<<EOL,
Kaffee;1;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
numberformat => '1,000.00',
ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
strict_profile => 1,
profile => [{
mapping => { partnumber => 'description', description => 'partnumber' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
ok $csv->parse, 'swapping parses';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->partnumber, 'Kaffee', 'strict mapping works 1';
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, '1', 'strict mapping works 2';
# case insensitive shit
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Description\nKaffee", # " # make emacs happy
case_insensitive_header => 1,
profile => [{
mapping => { description => 'description' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part'
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, 'Kaffee', 'case insensitive mapping without profile works';
# case insensitive shit
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"Price\n4,99", # " # make emacs happy
case_insensitive_header => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' },
mapping => { price => 'sellprice' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->sellprice, 4.99, 'case insensitive mapping with profile works';
e87f225c | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
5f55d797 | Moritz Bunkus | # self-mapping with profile
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"sellprice\n4,99", # " # make emacs happy
case_insensitive_header => 1,
profile => [{
profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' },
mapping => { sellprice => 'sellprice' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->sellprice, 4.99, 'self-mapping with profile works';
# self-mapping without profile
$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \"sellprice\n4.99", # " # make emacs happy
case_insensitive_header => 1,
profile => [{
mapping => { sellprice => 'sellprice' },
class => 'SL::DB::Part',
is $csv->get_objects->[0]->sellprice, 4.99, 'self-mapping without profile works';
2f6ebd89 | Sven Schöling | # vim: ft=perl
af205393 | Bernd Bleßmann | # set emacs to perl mode
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# End: