Revision 84c35c85
Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 16 Jahren hinzugefügt
scripts/ | ||
use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::Iconv;
use SL::LXDebug;
... | ... | |
my ($opt_list, $opt_tree, $opt_rtree, $opt_nodeps, $opt_graphviz, $opt_help);
my ($opt_user, $opt_apply, $opt_applied, $opt_format);
my ($opt_user, $opt_apply, $opt_applied, $opt_format, $opt_test_utf8);
my ($opt_dbhost, $opt_dbport, $opt_dbname, $opt_dbuser, $opt_dbpassword);
our (%myconfig, $form, $user, $auth);
... | ... | |
then the option \'--user\' must be used as well.
--applied List the applied database upgrades for the
database that the user given with \'--user\' uses.
--test-utf8 Tests a PostgreSQL cluster for proper UTF-8 support.
You have to specify the database to test with the
parameters --dbname, --dbhost, --dbport, --dbuser
and --dbpassword.
--help Show this help and exit.
--user=name The name of the user configuration to use for
database connectivity.
--dbname=name Database connection options for the UTF-8
--dbhost=host handling test.
... | ... | |
GetOptions("list" => \$opt_list,
"tree" => \$opt_tree,
"rtree" => \$opt_rtree,
"nodeps" => \$opt_nodeps,
"graphviz:s" => \$opt_graphviz,
"format:s" => \$opt_format,
"user=s" => \$opt_user,
"apply=s" => \$opt_apply,
"applied" => \$opt_applied,
"help" => \$opt_help,
GetOptions("list" => \$opt_list,
"tree" => \$opt_tree,
"rtree" => \$opt_rtree,
"nodeps" => \$opt_nodeps,
"graphviz:s" => \$opt_graphviz,
"format:s" => \$opt_format,
"user=s" => \$opt_user,
"apply=s" => \$opt_apply,
"applied" => \$opt_applied,
"test-utf8" => \$opt_test_utf8,
"dbhost:s" => \$opt_dbhost,
"dbport:s" => \$opt_dbport,
"dbname:s" => \$opt_dbname,
"dbuser:s" => \$opt_dbuser,
"dbpassword:s" => \$opt_dbpassword,
"help" => \$opt_help,
show_help() if ($opt_help);
... | ... | |
$form->error("--applied used but no user name given with --user.") if (!$user);
if ($opt_test_utf8) {
$form->error("--test-utf8 used but no database name given with --dbname.") if (!$opt_dbname);
my $iconv_to_utf8 = Text::Iconv->new("ISO-8859-15", "UTF-8");
my $iconv_from_utf8 = Text::Iconv->new("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-15");
my $umlaut_upper = '?';
my $umlaut_upper_utf8 = $iconv_to_utf8->convert($umlaut_upper);
my $dbconnect = "dbi:Pg:dbname=${opt_dbname}";
$dbconnect .= ";host=${opt_dbhost}" if ($opt_dbhost);
$dbconnect .= ";port=${opt_dbport}" if ($opt_dbport);
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dbconnect, $opt_dbuser, $opt_dbpassword);
$form->error("UTF-8 test: Database connect failed (" . $DBI::errstr . ")") if (!$dbh);
my ($umlaut_lower_utf8) = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq|SELECT lower(?)|, undef, $umlaut_upper_utf8);
my $umlaut_lower = $iconv_from_utf8->convert($umlaut_lower_utf8);
if ($umlaut_lower eq '?') {
print "UTF-8 test was successful.\n";
} elsif ($umlaut_lower eq '?') {
print "UTF-8 test was NOT successful: Umlauts are not modified (this might be partially ok, but you should probably not use UTF-8 on this cluster).\n";
} else {
print "UTF-8 test was NOT successful: Umlauts are destroyed. Do not use UTF-8 on this cluster.\n";
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Einen Test für Postgres-Datenbankcluster hinzugefügt, ob sie anständig mit Umlauten funktionieren, wenn UTF-8 als Encoding verwendet wird.