kivitendo/t/helper/object.t @ 844a541e
963330cc | Sven Schöling | use strict;
use Test::More tests => 37;
use lib 't';
# to test delegate, test a few of these combinations:
# target_class or object
# target_method given or not
# object or class invocation
{ package T::Helper::Object::Delegatee;
sub test_simple { "simple" }
sub test_class { "classic" }
sub test_invocation { (ref $_[0] ? ref $_[0] : $_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__ }
sub test_method { !!ref $_[0] }
sub test_wantarray {
if (!defined wantarray) {
${$_[1]} = 'void';
} else {
${$_[1]} = wantarray ? 'list' : 'scalar';
sub args { @_ }
my $delegatee = bless {}, "T::Helper::Object::Delegatee";
package T::Helper::Object::Test1;
use SL::Helper::Object (
delegate => [
obj => [ "test_simple", "test_invocation", "test_method", "test_wantarray", "args" ],
obj => [ { target_method => "test_simple" }, "test_simple_renamed" ],
"T::Helper::Object::Delegatee" => [ "test_class" ],
"T::Helper::Object::Delegatee" => [ { target_method => "test_class" }, "test_class_renamed" ],
"T::Helper::Object::Delegatee" => [ { target_method => "test_invocation" }, "test_class_invocation" ],
"T::Helper::Object::Delegatee" => [ { target_method => "test_method" }, "test_function" ],
obj => [ { target_method => 'test_wantarray', force_context => 'void' }, 'test_void_context' ],
obj => [ { target_method => 'test_wantarray', force_context => 'scalar' }, 'test_scalar_context' ],
obj => [ { target_method => 'test_wantarray', force_context => 'list' }, 'test_list_context' ],
obj => [ { target_method => 'args', args => 'none' }, 'no_args' ],
obj => [ { target_method => 'args', args => 'raw' }, 'raw_args' ],
obj => [ { target_method => 'args', args => 'standard' }, 'standard_args' ],
"T::Helper::Object::Delegatee" => [ { target_method => "args", args => 'raw' }, "raw_class_args" ],
"T::Helper::Object::Delegatee" => [ { target_method => "args", args => 'standard' }, "standard_class_args" ],
"T::Helper::Object::Delegatee" => [ { target_method => "args", args => 'standard', class_function => 1 }, "class_function_args" ],
sub obj { $_[0]{obj} }
my $obj1 = bless { obj => $delegatee }, "T::Helper::Object::Test1";
is $obj1->test_simple, 'simple', 'simple delegation works';
is $obj1->test_simple_renamed, 'simple', 'renamed delegation works';
is $obj1->test_class, 'classic', 'class delegation works';
is $obj1->test_class_renamed, 'classic', 'renamed class delegation works';
ok $obj1->test_invocation, 'object invocation works';
ok $obj1->test_class_invocation, 'class invocation works';
ok $obj1->test_method, 'method invocation works';
ok !$obj1->test_function, 'function invocation works';
# 3: args in [ none, raw,standard ]
is scalar $obj1->no_args("test"), 1, 'args none ignores args';
is [$obj1->raw_args("test")]->[0], $delegatee, 'args raw 1';
is [$obj1->raw_args("test")]->[1], $obj1, 'args raw 2';
is [$obj1->raw_args("test")]->[2], "test", 'args raw 3';
is scalar $obj1->raw_args("test"), 3, 'args raw args list';
is [$obj1->standard_args("test")]->[0], $delegatee, 'args standard 1';
is [$obj1->standard_args("test")]->[1], "test", 'args standard 1';
is scalar $obj1->standard_args("test"), 2, 'args standard args list';
is [$obj1->raw_class_args("test")]->[0], ref $delegatee, 'args raw 1';
is [$obj1->raw_class_args("test")]->[1], $obj1, 'args raw 2';
is [$obj1->raw_class_args("test")]->[2], "test", 'args raw 3';
is scalar $obj1->raw_class_args("test"), 3, 'args raw args list';
is [$obj1->standard_class_args("test")]->[0], ref $delegatee, 'args standard 1';
is [$obj1->standard_class_args("test")]->[1], "test", 'args standard 1';
is scalar $obj1->standard_class_args("test"), 2, 'args standard args list';
is [$obj1->class_function_args("test")]->[0], 'test', 'args class function standard 1';
is scalar $obj1->class_function_args("test"), 1, 'args class function standard args list';
# 4: force_context [ none, void, scalar, list ]
my $c;
$c = ''; $obj1->test_void_context(\$c); is $c, 'void', 'force context void works';
$c = ''; $obj1->test_scalar_context(\$c); is $c, 'scalar', 'force context scalar works';
$c = ''; $obj1->test_list_context(\$c); is $c, 'list', 'force context list works';
# and without forcing:
$c = ''; $obj1->test_wantarray(\$c); is $c, 'void', 'natural context void works';
$c = ''; my $test = $obj1->test_wantarray(\$c); is $c, 'scalar', 'natural context scalar works';
$c = ''; my @test = $obj1->test_wantarray(\$c); is $c, 'list', 'natural context list works';
# try stupid stuff that should die
my $dies = 1;
eval { package T::Helper::Object::Test2;
delegate => [ one => [], "two" ],
$dies = 0;
ok $dies, 'delegate with uneven number of args dies';
$dies = 1;
eval { package T::Helper::Object::Test3;
delegate => {},
$dies = 0;
ok $dies, 'delegate with hashref dies';
$dies = 1;
eval { package T::Helper::Object::Test4;
delegate => [
"List::Util" => [ '{}; print "gotcha"' ],
$dies = 0;
ok $dies, 'code injection in method names dies';
$dies = 1;
eval { package T::Helper::Object::Test5;
delegate => [
"print 'this'" => [ 'test' ],
$dies = 0;
ok $dies, 'code injection in target dies';
$dies = 1;
eval { package T::Helper::Object::Test6;
delegate => [
"List::Util" => [ { target_method => 'system()' }, 'test' ],
$dies = 0;
ok $dies, 'code injection in target_method dies';
$dies = 1;
eval { package T::Helper::Object::Test6;
delegate => [
"List::Util" => [ { target_name => 'test2' }, 'test' ],
$dies = 0;
42f9ff8a | Bernd Bleßmann | ok $dies, 'unknown parameter dies';
963330cc | Sven Schöling | |||