package SL::Dev::ALL;
use strict;
use Exporter;
use SL::Dev::Part;
use SL::Dev::CustomerVendor;
use SL::Dev::Inventory;
use SL::Dev::Record;
use SL::Dev::Payment;
sub import {
no strict "refs";
for (qw(Part CustomerVendor Inventory Record Payment)) {
Exporter::export_to_level("SL::Dev::$_", 1, @_);
=head1 NAME
SL::Dev::ALL: Dependency-only package for all SL::Dev::* modules
use SL::Dev::ALL;
This module depends on all modules in SL/Dev/*.pm for the convenience of being
able to write a simple C<use SL::Dev::ALL> and having everything loaded. This
is supposed to be used only for test cases or in the kivitendo console. Normal
modules should C<use> only the modules they actually need.
To automatically include it in the console, add a line in the client section of
the kivitendo.config, e.g.
autorun = require "bin/mozilla/common.pl";
= use SL::DB::Helper::ALL;
= use SL::Dev::ALL;
=head1 AUTHOR
G. Richardson E<lt>grichardson@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>