Revision 821cc706
Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 7 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
return if $self->errors;
my $datev_ref;
($datev_ref, $self->{warnings}) = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $self->generate_datev_lines,
from => $self->from,
to => $self->to,
locked => $self->locked,
from => $self->from,
to => $self->to,
locked => $self->locked,
my $filename = "EXTF_DATEV_kivitendo" . $self->from->ymd() . '-' . $self->to->ymd() . ".csv";
... | ... | |
sub check_vcnumbers_are_valid_pk_numbers {
my ($self) = @_;
# better use a class variable and set this in sub new (also needed in DATEV::CSV)
# calculation is also a bit more sane in sub check_valid_length_of_accounts
my $length_of_accounts = length(SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_first(where => [charttype => 'A'])->accno) // 4;
my $pk_length = $length_of_accounts + 1;
my $query = <<"SQL";
... | ... | |
my $accno_length = selectall_hashref_query($::form, SL::DB->client->dbh, $query);
if (1 < keys $accno_length) {
if (1 < scalar @$accno_length) {
$::form->error(t8("Invalid combination of ledger account number length." .
" Mismatch length of #1 with length of #2. Please check your account settings. ",
$accno_length->[0]->{char_length}, $accno_length->[1]->{char_length}));
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
DATEV: Unsaubere if-Bedingung optimiert
+ Kosmetik