kivitendo/SL/Template/Plugin/ @ 8177c150
8177c150 | Moritz Bunkus | package SL::Template::Plugin::L;
use base qw( Template::Plugin );
use Template::Plugin;
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $context = shift;
return bless { }, $class;
sub attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $options = shift || {};
my @result = ();
while (my ($name, $value) = each %{ $options }) {
next unless $name;
$value ||= '';
push @result, "${name}=\"" . $::locale->quote_special_chars('HTML', $value) . '"';
return @result ? ' ' . join(' ', @result) : '';
sub html_tag {
my $self = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $content = shift;
my $attributes = $self->attributes(shift || {});
return "<${tag}${attributes}/>" unless $content;
return "<${tag}${attributes}>${content}</${tag}>";
sub select_tag {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $options_str = shift;
my $attributes = shift || {};
$attributes->{name} = $name;
$attributes->{id} ||= $name;
return $self->html_tag('select', $options_str, $attributes);
sub options_for_select {
my $self = shift;
my $collection = shift;
my $options = shift || {};
my $value_key = $options->{value} || 'id';
my $title_key = $options->{title} || $value_key;
my @tags = ();
if ($collection && (ref $collection eq 'ARRAY')) {
foreach my $element (@{ $collection }) {
my @result = !ref $element ? ( $element, $element )
: ref $element eq 'ARRAY' ? ( $element->[0], $element->[1] )
: ref $element eq 'HASH' ? ( $element->{$value_key}, $element->{$title_key} )
: ( $element->$value_key, $element->$title_key );
my %attributes = ( value => $result[0] );
$attributes{selected} = 'selected' if $options->{default} && ($options->{default} eq ($result[0] || ''));
push @tags, $self->html_tag('option', $result[1], \%attributes);
return join('', @tags);
=head1 NAME
SL::Templates::Plugin::L -- Layouting / tag generation
Usage from a template:
[% USE L %]
[% L.select_tag('direction', [ [ 'left', 'To the left' ], [ 'right', 'To the right' ] ]) %]
[% L.select_tag('direction', L.options_for_select([ { direction => 'left', display => 'To the left' },
{ direction => 'right', display => 'To the right' } ],
value => 'direction', title => 'display', default => 'right')) %]
A module modeled a bit after Rails' ActionView helpers. Several small
functions that create HTML tags from various kinds of data sources.
=over 4
=item C<attributes \%items>
Creates a string from all elements in C<\%items> suitable for usage as
HTML tag attributes. Keys and values are HTML escaped even though keys
must not contain non-ASCII characters for browsers to accept them.
=item C<html_tag $tag_name, $content_string, \%attributes>
Creates an opening and closing HTML tag for C<$tag_name> and puts
C<$content_string> between the two. If C<$content_string> is undefined
or empty then only a E<lt>tag/E<gt> tag will be created. Attributes
are key/value pairs added to the opening tag.
=item C<options_for_select \@collection, \%options>
Creates a string suitable for a HTML 'select' tag consisting of one
'E<lt>optionE<gt>' tag for each element in C<\@collection>. The value
to use and the title to display are extracted from the elements in
C<\@collection>. Each element can be one of four things:
=over 12
=item 1. An array reference with at least two elements. The first element is
the value, the second element is its title.
=item 2. A scalar. The scalar is both the value and the title.
=item 3. A hash reference. In this case C<\%options> must contain
I<value> and I<title> keys that name the keys in the element to use
for the value and title respectively.
=item 4. A blessed reference. In this case C<\%options> must contain
I<value> and I<title> keys that name functions called on the blessed
reference whose return values are used as the value and title
For cases 3 and 4 C<$options{value}> defaults to C<id> and
C<$options{title}> defaults to C<$options{value}>.
=item C<select_tag $name, $options_string, \%attributes>
Creates a HTML 'select' tag named $name with the contents
$options_string and with arbitrary HTML attributes from
C<\%attributes>. The tag's C<id> defaults to C<$name>.
The $options_string is usually created by the C<options_for_select>
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>