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Revision 8131b96c

Von G. Richardson vor mehr als 7 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 8131b96c075b2a3b470b1103de22f20a4238cc63
  • Vorgänger 12194786
  • Nachfolger 8f80614b

Shopmodul - Übersetzungen gefixed

Unterschiede anzeigen:

37 37
38 38

39 39
  foreach my $shop_fetched(@{ $orders_fetched }) {
    flash_later('info', t8('From shop #1 :  #2 shoporders has been fetched', $shop_fetched->{shop_id}, $shop_fetched->{number_of_orders}));
    flash_later('info', t8('From shop #1 :  #2 shoporders have been fetched', $shop_fetched->{shop_id}, $shop_fetched->{number_of_orders}));
41 41
42 42
  $self->redirect_to(controller => "ShopOrder", action => 'list');
43 43
1404 1404
  'From'                        => 'Von',
1405 1405
  'From Date'                   => 'Von',
1406 1406
  'From bin'                    => 'Ausgelagert',
  'From shop #1 :  #2 shoporders has been fetched' => '#2 Bestellungen von Webshop #2 geholt',
  'From shop #1 :  #2 shoporders have been fetched' => '#2 Bestellungen von Webshop #2 geholt',
1408 1408
  'From this version on a new feature is available.' => 'Ab dieser Version ist ein neues Feature verfügbar.',
1409 1409
  'From this version on it is necessary to name a default value.' => 'Ab dieser Version benötigt kivitendo eine Standardwährung.',
1410 1410
  'From this version on the partnumber of services, articles and assemblies have to be unique.' => 'Ab dieser Version müssen Artikelnummern eindeutig vergeben werden.',
3075 3075
  'The connection to the configured client database "#1" on host "#2:#3" failed.' => 'Die Verbindung zur konfigurierten Datenbank "#1" auf Host "#2:#3" schlug fehl.',
3076 3076
  'The connection to the database could not be established.' => 'Die Verbindung zur Datenbank konnte nicht hergestellt werden.',
3077 3077
  'The connection to the template database failed:' => 'Die Verbindung zur Vorlagendatenbank schlug fehl:',
  'The connection to the webshop is not success. Message: #1 -- URL: #2 -- Datatype: #3' => 'Die Verbindung zum Webshop ist fehlgeschlagen. Meldung: #1 -- URL: #2 -- Datentyp: #3',
  'The connection to the webshop was not successful. Message: #1 -- URL: #2 -- Datatype: #3' => 'Die Verbindung zum Webshop ist fehlgeschlagen. Meldung: #1 -- URL: #2 -- Datentyp: #3',
3079 3079
  'The connection to the webshop was successful. Version: #1 -- Revision: #2' => 'Die Verbindung zum Webshop steht: Version #1 -- Revison: #2',
3080 3080
  'The connection was established successfully.' => 'Die Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde erfolgreich hergestellt.',
3081 3081
  'The contact person attribute "birthday" is converted from a free-form text field into a date field.' => 'Das Kontaktpersonenfeld "Geburtstag" wird von einem freien Textfeld auf ein Datumsfeld umgestellt.',
3071 3071
  'The connection to the configured client database "#1" on host "#2:#3" failed.' => '',
3072 3072
  'The connection to the database could not be established.' => '',
3073 3073
  'The connection to the template database failed:' => '',
  'The connection to the webshop is not success. Message: #1 -- URL: #2 -- Datatype: #3' => '',
  'The connection to the webshop was not successful. Message: #1 -- URL: #2 -- Datatype: #3' => '',
3075 3075
  'The connection to the webshop was successful. Version: #1 -- Revision: #2' => '',
3076 3076
  'The connection was established successfully.' => '',
3077 3077
  'The contact person attribute "birthday" is converted from a free-form text field into a date field.' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff