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# @tag: defaults_feature
# @description: Einstellen der Feature vom Config-File in die DB verlagern.
# @depends: release_3_0_0
package SL::DBUpgrade2::defaults_feature;

use utf8;

use parent qw(SL::DBUpgrade2::Base);
use strict;

sub run {
my ($self) = @_;

# this query will fail if column already exist (new database)
$self->db_query(qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN webdav boolean DEFAULT false|);
$self->db_query(qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN webdav_documents boolean DEFAULT false|);
$self->db_query(qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN vertreter boolean DEFAULT false|);
$self->db_query(qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN parts_show_image boolean DEFAULT true|);
$self->db_query(qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN parts_listing_image boolean DEFAULT true|);
$self->db_query(qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN parts_image_css text DEFAULT 'border:0;float:left;max-width:250px;margin-top:20px:margin-right:10px;margin-left:10px;'|);

# check current configuration and set default variables accordingly, so that
# kivitendo's behaviour isn't changed by this update
my %old_defaults = ( parts_show_image => 1 );

foreach my $check (qw(webdav vertreter parts_show_image parts_listing_image)) {
my $check_set = exists $::lx_office_conf{features}->{$check} ? $::lx_office_conf{features}->{$check} : $old_defaults{$check};
$self->db_query("UPDATE defaults SET $check = ?", bind => [ $check_set ? 1 : 0 ]);

if (exists $::lx_office_conf{features}->{parts_image_css}) {
my $update_column = "UPDATE defaults SET parts_image_css = ?";
$self->db_query($update_column, bind => [ $::lx_office_conf{features}->{parts_image_css} ]);

return 1;
