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Revision 80391646

Von Sven Schöling vor etwa 3 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 803916465d8a60d75ade24e06cffee6cc40c528c
  • Vorgänger c26b9ddd
  • Nachfolger d6cc1832

DeliveryOrder: remove periodic invoices support

Unterschiede anzeigen:

# open the periodic invoices config dialog
# If there are values in the form (i.e. dialog was opened before),
# then use this values. Create new ones, else.
sub action_show_periodic_invoices_config_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = make_periodic_invoices_config_from_yaml(delete $::form->{config});
$config ||= SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->find_by(oe_id => $::form->{id}) if $::form->{id};
$config ||= SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->new(periodicity => 'm',
order_value_periodicity => 'p', # = same as periodicity
start_date_as_date => $::form->{transdate_as_date} || $::form->current_date,
extend_automatically_by => 12,
active => 1,
email_subject => GenericTranslations->get(
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type =>"preset_text_periodic_invoices_email_subject"),
email_body => GenericTranslations->get(
language_id => $::form->{language_id},
translation_type =>"preset_text_periodic_invoices_email_body"),
$config->periodicity('m') if none { $_ eq $config->periodicity } @SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::PERIODICITIES;
$config->order_value_periodicity('p') if none { $_ eq $config->order_value_periodicity } ('p', @SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::ORDER_VALUE_PERIODICITIES);
$::form->get_lists(printers => "ALL_PRINTERS",
charts => { key => 'ALL_CHARTS',
transdate => 'current_date' });
$::form->{AR} = [ grep { $_->{link} =~ m/(?:^|:)AR(?::|$)/ } @{ $::form->{ALL_CHARTS} } ];
if ($::form->{customer_id}) {
$::form->{ALL_CONTACTS} = SL::DB::Manager::Contact->get_all_sorted(where => [ cp_cv_id => $::form->{customer_id} ]);
my $customer_object = SL::DB::Manager::Customer->find_by(id => $::form->{customer_id});
$::form->{postal_invoice} = $customer_object->postal_invoice;
$::form->{email_recipient_invoice_address} = $::form->{postal_invoice} ? '' : $customer_object->invoice_mail;
$config->send_email(0) if $::form->{postal_invoice};
$self->render('oe/edit_periodic_invoices_config', { layout => 0 },
popup_dialog => 1,
popup_js_close_function => 'kivi.Order.close_periodic_invoices_config_dialog()',
popup_js_assign_function => 'kivi.Order.assign_periodic_invoices_config()',
config => $config,
# assign the values of the periodic invoices config dialog
# as yaml in the hidden tag and set the status.
sub action_assign_periodic_invoices_config {
my ($self) = @_;
$::form->isblank('start_date_as_date', $::locale->text('The start date is missing.'));
my $config = { active => $::form->{active} ? 1 : 0,
terminated => $::form->{terminated} ? 1 : 0,
direct_debit => $::form->{direct_debit} ? 1 : 0,
periodicity => (any { $_ eq $::form->{periodicity} } @SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::PERIODICITIES) ? $::form->{periodicity} : 'm',
order_value_periodicity => (any { $_ eq $::form->{order_value_periodicity} } ('p', @SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::ORDER_VALUE_PERIODICITIES)) ? $::form->{order_value_periodicity} : 'p',
start_date_as_date => $::form->{start_date_as_date},
end_date_as_date => $::form->{end_date_as_date},
first_billing_date_as_date => $::form->{first_billing_date_as_date},
print => $::form->{print} ? 1 : 0,
printer_id => $::form->{print} ? $::form->{printer_id} * 1 : undef,
copies => $::form->{copies} * 1 ? $::form->{copies} : 1,
extend_automatically_by => $::form->{extend_automatically_by} * 1 || undef,
ar_chart_id => $::form->{ar_chart_id} * 1,
send_email => $::form->{send_email} ? 1 : 0,
email_recipient_contact_id => $::form->{email_recipient_contact_id} * 1 || undef,
email_recipient_address => $::form->{email_recipient_address},
email_sender => $::form->{email_sender},
email_subject => $::form->{email_subject},
email_body => $::form->{email_body},
my $periodic_invoices_config = SL::YAML::Dump($config);
my $status = $self->get_periodic_invoices_status($config);
->insertAfter(hidden_tag('order.periodic_invoices_config', $periodic_invoices_config), '#periodic_invoices_status')
->html('#periodic_invoices_status', $status)
->flash('info', t8('The periodic invoices config has been assigned.'))
sub action_get_has_active_periodic_invoices {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = make_periodic_invoices_config_from_yaml(delete $::form->{config});
$config ||= SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->find_by(oe_id => $::form->{id}) if $::form->{id};
my $has_active_periodic_invoices =
$self->type eq sales_order_type()
&& $config
&& $config->active
&& (!$config->end_date || ($config->end_date > DateTime->today_local))
&& $config->get_previous_billed_period_start_date;
$_[0]->render(\ !!$has_active_periodic_invoices, { type => 'text' });
# save the order and redirect to the frontend subroutine for a new
# delivery order
sub action_save_and_delivery_order {
my $form_orderitems = delete $::form->{order}->{orderitems};
my $form_periodic_invoices_config = delete $::form->{order}->{periodic_invoices_config};
$self->setup_custom_shipto_from_form($order, $::form);
if (my $periodic_invoices_config_attrs = $form_periodic_invoices_config ? SL::YAML::Load($form_periodic_invoices_config) : undef) {
my $periodic_invoices_config = $order->periodic_invoices_config || $order->periodic_invoices_config(SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->new);
# remove deleted items
foreach my $idx (reverse 0..$#{$order->orderitems}) {
obsolete => 0 ] ]);
$self->{all_delivery_terms} = SL::DB::Manager::DeliveryTerm->get_all_sorted();
$self->{current_employee_id} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id;
$self->{periodic_invoices_status} = $self->get_periodic_invoices_status($self->order->periodic_invoices_config);
$self->{order_probabilities} = [ map { { title => ($_ * 10) . '%', id => $_ * 10 } } (0..10) ];
$self->{positions_scrollbar_height} = SL::Helper::UserPreferences::PositionsScrollbar->new()->get_height();
$self->get_item_cvpartnumber($_) for @{$self->order->items_sorted};
$::request->{layout}->use_javascript("${_}.js") for qw(kivi.SalesPurchase kivi.Order kivi.File ckeditor/ckeditor ckeditor/adapters/jquery
edit_periodic_invoices_config calculate_qty kivi.Validator follow_up show_history);
calculate_qty kivi.Validator follow_up show_history);
call => [ '', 'save', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices', ['kivi.validate_form','#order_form'] ],
action => [
t8('Save as new'),
call => [ '', 'save_as_new', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts ],
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices' ],
disabled => !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.') : undef,
], # end of combobox "Save"
call => [ '', 'save_and_delivery_order', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts,
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices' ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type()))
action => [
t8('Save and Invoice'),
call => [ '', 'save_and_invoice', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts ],
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices' ],
action => [
t8('Save and AP Transaction'),
return %files;
sub make_periodic_invoices_config_from_yaml {
my ($yaml_config) = @_;
return if !$yaml_config;
my $attr = SL::YAML::Load($yaml_config);
return if 'HASH' ne ref $attr;
return SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->new(%$attr);
sub get_periodic_invoices_status {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
return if $self->type ne sales_order_type();
return t8('not configured') if !$config;
my $active = ('HASH' eq ref $config) ? $config->{active}
: ('SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig' eq ref $config) ? $config->active
: die "Cannot get status of periodic invoices config";
return $active ? t8('active') : t8('inactive');
sub get_title_for {
my ($self, $action) = @_;
ns.show_periodic_invoices_config_dialog = function() {
if ($('#type').val() !== 'sales_order') return;
url: '',
data: { type: $('#type').val(),
id: $('#id').val(),
config: $('#order_periodic_invoices_config').val(),
customer_id: $('#order_customer_id').val(),
transdate_as_date: $('#order_transdate_as_date').val(),
language_id: $('#language_id').val()
id: 'jq_periodic_invoices_config_dialog',
load: kivi.reinit_widgets,
dialog: {
title: kivi.t8('Edit the configuration for periodic invoices'),
width: 800,
height: 650
return true;
ns.close_periodic_invoices_config_dialog = function() {
ns.assign_periodic_invoices_config = function() {
var data = $('[name="Form"]').serializeArray();
data.push({ name: 'type', value: $('#type').val() },
{ name: 'action', value: 'Order/assign_periodic_invoices_config' });
$.post("", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
ns.check_save_active_periodic_invoices = function() {
var type = $('#type').val();
if (type !== 'sales_order') return true;
var active = false;
url: '',
data: { action: 'Order/get_has_active_periodic_invoices',
type : type,
id : $('#id').val(),
config: $('#order_periodic_invoices_config').val(),
method: "GET",
async: false,
dataType: 'text',
success: function(val) {
active = val;
if (active == 1) {
return confirm(kivi.t8('This sales order has an active configuration for periodic invoices. If you save then all subsequently created invoices will contain those changes as well, but not those that have already been created. Do you want to continue?'));
return true;
ns.show_vc_details_dialog = function() {
if (!ns.check_cv()) return;
var vc;
title_key = 'description',
style = 'width: 250px') %]</td>
[%- IF SELF.type == "sales_order" %]
<th align="right">[%- 'Periodic Invoices' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.button_tag('kivi.Order.show_periodic_invoices_config_dialog()', LxERP.t8('Configure')) %]
(<span id='periodic_invoices_status'>[%- SELF.periodic_invoices_status -%]</span>)
<a href="doc/html/ch03.html#features.periodic-invoices.variables" target="_blank">?</a>
[%- END %]

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