Revision 8012fdcb
Von Andreas Rudin vor mehr als 6 Jahren hinzugefügt
js/locale/en.js | ||
"Create new quotation/order":"",
"Create new qutoation/order":"",
"Create new version":"",
"Customer details":"",
"Customer missing!":"",
"Database Connection Test":"",
... | ... | |
"Edit picture":"",
"Edit project link":"",
"Edit text block":"",
"Edit the configuration for periodic invoices":"",
"Enter longdescription":"",
"Error: Name missing":"",
"File upload":"",
... | ... | |
"Please enter the new name:":"",
"Please enter values":"",
"Please select a customer.":"",
"Please select a delivery date.":"",
"Please select a vendor.":"",
"Price Types":"",
"Print options":"",
... | ... | |
"The URL is missing.":"",
"The action can only be executed once.":"",
"The description is missing.":"",
"The field '#{title}' must be set.":"",
"The name is missing.":"",
"The name must only consist of letters, numbers and underscores and start with a letter.":"",
"The option field is empty.":"",
... | ... | |
"There are duplicate parts at positions":"",
"There are still transfers not matching the qty of the delivery order. Stock operations can not be changed later. Do you really want to proceed?":"",
"There is one or more sections for which no part has been assigned yet; therefore creating the new record is not possible yet.":"",
"This field must not be empty.":"",
"This sales order has an active configuration for periodic invoices. If you save then all subsequently created invoices will contain those changes as well, but not those that have already been created. Do you want to continue?":"",
"Time/cost estimate actions":"",
... | ... | |
"Transaction description":"",
"Update quotation/order":"",
"Vendor details":"",
"Vendor missing!":"",
"Version actions":"",
"Wrong date format (#1)":"",
"Wrong number format (#1)":"",
"Wrong time format (#1)":"",
"filename has not uploadable characters ":"",
"filesize too big: ":"",
locale/de/all | ||
'Attachment name' => 'Name des Anhangs',
'Attachments' => 'Dateianhänge',
'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'' => 'Es wurde versucht, eine nicht definierte Unterfunktion namens \'%s\' aufzurufen.',
'Attention!' => 'Achtung!',
'Attention: Here will be generated a lot of CB/OB transactions.' => 'Hiermit werden Buchungen für den Schlussbestand (SB-Buchung) und den Eröffnungsbestand (EB-Buchung) für mehrere Konten gleichzeitig gebucht.<br>In diesem Schritt wird das Datum der Buchungen sowie das Saldovortragskonto festgelegt.<br>Das Datum der SB-Buchung wird außerdem verwendet um das Saldo der Konten zu ermitteln, welche im nächsten Schritt (nach "Weiter") angezeigt werden.',
'Audit Control' => 'Bücherkontrolle',
'Aug' => 'Aug',
... | ... | |
'Show »not delivered qty/value« column in sales and purchase orders' => 'Spalte »Nicht gelieferte Menge/Wert« in Aufträgen anzeigen',
'Signature' => 'Unterschrift',
'Since bin is not enforced in the parts data, please specify a bin where goods without a specified bin will be put.' => 'Da Lagerplätze kein Pflichtfeld sind, geben Sie bitte einen Lagerplatz an, in dem Waren ohne spezifizierten Lagerplatz eingelagert werden sollen.',
'Since kivitendo version 3.5 new notations, see documentation 2.14' => 'Seit kivitendo Version 3.5 ersetzt im Buchungsjournal die Bezeichnung «Buchungsdatum» den Begriff »Rechnungsdatum». Das bisherige «Buchungsdatum» heisst neu «Erfassungsdatum» - Details siehe Dokumentation Kapitel 2.14',
'Single quotes' => 'Einfache Anführungszeichen',
'Single values in item mode, cumulated values in invoice mode' => 'Einzelwerte im Artikelmodus, kumulierte Werte im Rechnungsmodus',
'Size' => 'Größe',
locale/en/all | ||
'Add Purchase Order' => '',
'Add Purchase Order (experimental)' => '',
'Add Quotation' => '',
'Add Quotation (experimental)' => '',
'Add RFQ' => '',
'Add RFQ (experimental)' => '',
'Add Request for Quotation' => '',
'Add Requirement Spec' => '',
'Add Requirement Spec Template' => '',
... | ... | |
'Add business' => '',
'Add complexity' => '',
'Add counted' => '',
'Add custom data export query' => '',
'Add custom variable' => '',
'Add department' => '',
'Add empty line (csv_import)' => '',
... | ... | |
'Allow the following users access to my follow-ups:' => '',
'Allow to delete generated printfiles' => '',
'Already counted' => '',
'Always edit assembly items (user can change/delete items even if assemblies are already produced)' => '',
'Always save orders with a projectnumber (create new projects)' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return' => '',
'Amount' => '',
... | ... | |
'Assortment items' => '',
'Assume Tax Consultant Data in Tax Computation?' => '',
'At least' => '',
'At least #1 invoice(s) not saved' => '',
'At least one Perl module that kivitendo ERP requires for running is not installed on your system.' => '',
'At least one of the columns #1, customer, customernumber, customer_gln, vendor, vendornumber, vendor_gln (depending on the target table) is required for matching the entry to an existing customer or vendor.' => '',
'At most' => '',
... | ... | |
'Attachment name' => '',
'Attachments' => '',
'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'' => '',
'Attention!' => '',
'Attention: Here will be generated a lot of CB/OB transactions.' => '',
'Audit Control' => '',
'Aug' => '',
... | ... | |
'Available Prices' => '',
'Available identity fields' => '',
'Available qty' => '',
'Available to all users' => '',
'BB Balance' => '',
'BIC' => '',
... | ... | |
'Bank collection via SEPA' => '',
'Bank collections via SEPA' => '',
'Bank transaction' => '',
'Bank transaction with id #1 has already been linked to #2.' => '',
'Bank transaction with id #1 has already been linked to one or more record and/or some amount is already assigned.' => '',
'Bank transactions' => '',
'Bank transactions MT940' => '',
'Bank transactions that either only have warnings or no message at all have been posted.' => '',
... | ... | |
'CN' => '',
'CR' => '',
'CSS style for pictures' => '',
'CSV' => '',
'CSV Export successful!' => '',
'CSV export' => '',
'CSV export -- options' => '',
... | ... | |
'Calculate due date automatically' => '',
'Calling #1 now' => '',
'Can not create that quantity with current stock' => '',
'Can only delete the "Storno zu" part of the cancellation pair.' => '',
'Can\'t connect to shop. #1' => '',
'Can\'t load item without a valid' => '',
'Cancel' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Payables Transaction' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Receivables Transaction' => '',
'Cancelling is disallowed. Either undo or balance the current payments until the open amount matches the invoice amount' => '',
'Cannot check correct WebDAV folder' => '',
'Cannot delete account!' => '',
'Cannot delete customer!' => '',
... | ... | |
'Chart' => '',
'Chart Type' => '',
'Chart balance' => '',
'Chart configuration overview regarding reports' => '',
'Chart list' => '',
'Chart of Accounts' => '',
'Chart picker' => '',
... | ... | |
'Current profile' => '',
'Current status' => '',
'Current status:' => '',
'Current user\'s login' => '',
'Current value:' => '',
'Current version' => '',
'Current year' => '',
'Currently #1 delivery orders can be converted into invoices and printed.' => '',
'Custom CSV format' => '',
'Custom Variables' => '',
'Custom data export' => '',
'Custom shipto' => '',
'Custom variables for module' => '',
'Customer' => '',
... | ... | |
'Customer Name' => '',
'Customer Number' => '',
'Customer Order Number' => '',
'Customer Part Number' => '',
'Customer Price' => '',
'Customer deleted!' => '',
'Customer details' => '',
'Customer missing!' => '',
'Customer not found' => '',
'Customer saved' => '',
'Customer saved!' => '',
'Customer specific Price' => '',
'Customer type' => '',
'Customer variables' => '',
'Customer\'s Mandate Date of Signature' => '',
... | ... | |
'Database Host' => '',
'Database ID' => '',
'Database Management' => '',
'Database Superuser' => '',
'Database User' => '',
'Database host and port' => '',
'Database login (#1)' => '',
'Database name' => '',
'Database settings' => '',
'Database superuser privileges are required for parts of the database modifications.' => '',
'Database superuser privileges are required for the update.' => '',
'Database template' => '',
'Database update error:' => '',
'Database user and password' => '',
... | ... | |
'Debit/Credit Label' => '',
'Dec' => '',
'December' => '',
'December last year period' => '',
'Decimalplaces' => '',
'Decrease' => '',
'Default (no language selected)' => '',
... | ... | |
'Description (translation for #1)' => '',
'Description missing!' => '',
'Description of #1' => '',
'Design custom data export queries' => '',
'Destination BIC' => '',
'Destination IBAN' => '',
'Destination bin' => '',
... | ... | |
'Edit booking group' => '',
'Edit business' => '',
'Edit complexity' => '',
'Edit custom data export query' => '',
'Edit custom shipto' => '',
'Edit custom variable' => '',
'Edit delivery term' => '',
... | ... | |
'Error when saving: #1' => '',
'Error with default taxzone' => '',
'Error!' => '',
'Error: #1' => '',
'Error: A negative target quantity is not allowed.' => '',
'Error: A quantity and a target quantity could not be given both.' => '',
'Error: A quantity or a target quantity must be given.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Exchangerate for payment missing!' => '',
'Exchangerate missing!' => '',
'Execute' => '',
'Execute a custom data export query' => '',
'Execute custom data export \'#1\'' => '',
'Executed' => '',
'Execution date' => '',
'Execution date from' => '',
... | ... | |
'Filter for customer variables' => '',
'Filter for item variables' => '',
'Filter parts' => '',
'Filter record template' => '',
'Financial Controlling' => '',
'Financial Controlling Report' => '',
'Financial Overview' => '',
... | ... | |
'Firstname' => '',
'Fix transaction' => '',
'Fix transactions' => '',
'Fixed value' => '',
'Focus position after update' => '',
'Folgekonto' => '',
'Follow-Up' => '',
... | ... | |
'Hide help text' => '',
'Hide mappings (csv_import)' => '',
'Hide settings' => '',
'Hint: Not all VC Numbers are personal accounts compliant' => '',
'Hints' => '',
'History' => '',
'History Search' => '',
... | ... | |
'If disabled sales quotations cannot be converted into sales invoices directly.' => '',
'If enabled a column will be shown in sales and purchase orders that lists both the amount and the value not shipped yet for each item.' => '',
'If enabled a warning will be shown in sales and purchase orders if there are two or more positions of the same part (new controller only).' => '',
'If enabled a warning will be shown in sales and purchase orders if there the delivery date is empty.' => '',
'If enabled only those projects that are assigned to the currently selected customer are offered for selection in sales records.' => '',
'If enabled purchase and sales records cannot be saved if no transaction description has been entered.' => '',
'If item not found, allow creation of new item' => '',
... | ... | |
'Introduction of clients' => '',
'Inv. Duedate' => '',
'Invalid' => '',
'Invalid combination of ledger account number length. Mismatch length of #1 with length of #2. Please check your account settings. ' => '',
'Invalid duration format' => '',
'Invalid follow-up ID.' => '',
'Invalid quantity.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Jump to' => '',
'Jun' => '',
'June' => '',
'KNE' => '',
'KNE Export successful!' => '',
'KNr. beim Kunden' => '',
'KOST Quantity' => '',
... | ... | |
'Local bank code' => '',
'Lock System' => '',
'Lock and unlock installation' => '',
'Lock bookings' => '',
'Lock file handling failed. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => '',
'Lockfile created!' => '',
'Lockfile removed!' => '',
... | ... | |
'No clients have been created yet.' => '',
'No contact selected to delete' => '',
'No contra account selected!' => '',
'No custom data exports have been created yet.' => '',
'No customer has been selected yet.' => '',
'No customer selected or found!' => '',
'No data was found.' => '',
'No default currency' => '',
'No default value' => '',
'No delivery orders have been selected.' => '',
'No delivery term has been created yet.' => '',
'No dunnings have been selected for printing.' => '',
... | ... | |
'No start date given, setting to #1' => '',
'No such job #1 in the database.' => '',
'No summary account' => '',
'No superuser credentials were entered.' => '',
'No template has been selected yet.' => '',
'No text blocks have been created for this position.' => '',
'No text has been entered yet.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Not done yet' => '',
'Not obsolete' => '',
'Note' => '',
'Note that parameter names must not be quoted.' => '',
'Note: Taxkeys must have a "valid from" date, and will not behave correctly without.' => '',
'Note: the object is already in use. Therefore some values cannot be changed.' => '',
'Notes' => '',
... | ... | |
'On' => '',
'On Hand' => '',
'On Order' => '',
'On the next page the type of all variables can be set.' => '',
'One OB-transaction' => '',
'One SB-transaction' => '',
'One of the columns "qty" or "target_qty" must be given. If "target_qty" is given, the quantity to transfer for each transfer will be calculate, so that the quantity for this part, warehouse and bin will result in the given "target_qty" after each transfer.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Please install the below listed modules or ask your system administrator to.' => '',
'Please log in to the administration panel.' => '',
'Please modify filename' => '',
'Please provide corresponding credentials.' => '',
'Please re-run the analysis for broken general ledger entries by clicking this button:' => '',
'Please read the file' => '',
'Please select a customer from the list below.' => '',
'Please select a customer.' => '',
'Please select a delivery date.' => '',
'Please select a vendor from the list below.' => '',
'Please select a vendor.' => '',
'Please select the dataset you want to delete:' => '',
... | ... | |
'Port' => '',
'Portrait' => '',
'Position' => '',
'Position #1' => '',
'Position #1: #2' => '',
'Position identity fields for fill up?' => '',
'Position type in quotation/order' => '',
'Positions' => '',
... | ... | |
'Preselected bin' => '',
'Preselected cutoff date' => '',
'Preselected warehouse' => '',
'Preset email body for periodic invoices' => '',
'Preset email strings' => '',
'Preset email subject for periodic invoices' => '',
'Preset email text for purchase orders' => '',
'Preset email text for requests (rfq)' => '',
'Preset email text for sales delivery orders' => '',
... | ... | |
'Quarter' => '',
'Quarterly' => '',
'Query Type' => '',
'Query parameters' => '',
'Queue' => '',
'Quick Search' => '',
'Quick Searches that will be shown in the header in this client' => '',
... | ... | |
'Report about warehouse contents' => '',
'Report about warehouse transactions' => '',
'Report and misc. Preferences' => '',
'Report configuration overview' => '',
'Report date' => '',
'Report for' => '',
'Report separately' => '',
... | ... | |
'Requests for Quotation' => '',
'Require a transaction description in purchase and sales records' => '',
'Require stock out to consider a delivery order position delivered?' => '',
'Required access right' => '',
'Required by' => '',
'Requirement Spec Status' => '',
'Requirement Spec Statuses' => '',
... | ... | |
'Requirement specs' => '',
'Reset' => '',
'Result' => '',
'Result of SQL query' => '',
'Revenue' => '',
'Revenue Account' => '',
'Reversal invoices cannot be canceled.' => '',
... | ... | |
'SEPA message ID' => '',
'SEPA message IDs' => '',
'SEPA strings' => '',
'SQL query' => '',
'SWIFT MT940 format' => '',
'Saldo' => '',
'Saldo Credit' => '',
... | ... | |
'Show »not delivered qty/value« column in sales and purchase orders' => '',
'Signature' => '',
'Since bin is not enforced in the parts data, please specify a bin where goods without a specified bin will be put.' => '',
'Since kivitendo version 3.5 new notations, see documentation 2.14' => 'Since kivitendo version 3.5 new usage of the notations «Booking Date» and «Entry Date», see documentation 2.14',
'Single quotes' => '',
'Single values in item mode, cumulated values in invoice mode' => '',
'Size' => '',
... | ... | |
'Status' => '',
'Status Shoptransfer' => '',
'Status Shopupload' => '',
'Step #1/#2' => '',
'Step 1 -- limit number of delivery orders to process' => '',
'Step 2' => '',
'Step 2 -- Watch status' => '',
... | ... | |
'Templates' => '',
'Terms missing in row ' => '',
'Test database connectivity' => '',
'Text' => '',
'Text block actions' => '',
'Text block picture actions' => '',
'Text blocks' => '',
... | ... | |
'The PDF has been printed' => '',
'The SEPA export has been created.' => '',
'The SEPA strings have been saved.' => '',
'The SQL query can be parameterized with variables named as follows: <%name%>.' => '',
'The SQL query does not contain any parameter that need to be configured.' => '',
'The URL is missing.' => '',
'The WebDAV feature has been used.' => '',
'The abbreviation is missing.' => '',
... | ... | |
'The connection was established successfully.' => '',
'The contact person attribute "birthday" is converted from a free-form text field into a date field.' => '',
'The creation of the authentication database failed:' => '',
'The credentials (username & password) for connecting database are wrong.' => '',
'The custom data export has been deleted.' => '',
'The custom data export has been saved.' => '',
'The custom variable has been created.' => '',
'The custom variable has been deleted.' => '',
'The custom variable has been saved.' => '',
... | ... | |
'The database name is missing.' => '',
'The database port is missing.' => '',
'The database update/creation did not succeed. The file #1 contained the following error:' => '',
'The database user \'#1\' does not have superuser privileges.' => '',
'The database user is missing.' => '',
'The dataset #1 has been created.' => '',
'The dataset #1 has been deleted.' => '',
... | ... | |
'The payment term has been saved.' => '',
'The payment term is in use and cannot be deleted.' => '',
'The payments have been posted.' => '',
'The periodic invoices config has been assigned.' => '',
'The port is missing.' => '',
'The preferred one is to install packages provided by your operating system distribution (e.g. Debian or RPM packages).' => '',
'The price rule for this discount does not exist anymore' => '',
... | ... | |
'The project link has been updated.' => '',
'The project number is already in use.' => '',
'The project number is missing.' => '',
'The query did not return any data.' => '',
'The quotation has been deleted' => '',
'The quotation has been saved' => '',
'The receivables chart isn\'t a valid chart.' => '',
'The recipient, subject or body is missing.' => '',
'The record template \'#1\' has been loaded.' => '',
... | ... | |
'The requirement spec has been saved.' => '',
'The requirement spec is in use and cannot be deleted.' => '',
'The requirement spec template has been saved.' => '',
'The rfq has been deleted' => '',
'The rfq has been saved' => '',
'The second reason is that kivitendo allowed the user to enter the tax amount manually regardless of the taxkey used.' => '',
'The second way is to use Perl\'s CPAN module and let it download and install the module for you.' => '',
'The selected bank account does not exist anymore.' => '',
... | ... | |
'The task server is already running.' => '',
'The task server is not running at the moment but needed for this module' => '',
'The task server is not running.' => '',
'The task server is required for this module but not enabled for the current client. Please enable it for the client "#1" in the administration section.' => '',
'The task server was started successfully.' => '',
'The task server was stopped successfully.' => '',
'The tax zone has been deleted.' => '',
... | ... | |
'This Price Rule is no longer valid' => '',
'This can be done with the following query:' => '',
'This could have happened for two reasons:' => '',
'This customer has already been added.' => '',
'This customer number is already in use.' => '',
'This discount has since gone down' => '',
'This discount has since gone up' => '',
... | ... | |
'This discount is only valid in sales documents' => '',
'This export will include all records in the given time range and all supplicant information from checked entities. You will receive a single zip file. Please extract this file onto the data medium requested by your auditor.' => '',
'This feature especially prevents mistakes by mixing up prior tax and sales tax.' => '',
'This field must not be empty.' => '',
'This function requires the presence of articles with a time-based unit such as "h" or "min".' => '',
'This general ledger transaction has not been posted yet.' => '',
'This group is valid for the following clients' => '',
... | ... | |
'This has been changed in this version.' => '',
'This invoice has already been posted.' => '',
'This invoice has been canceled already.' => '',
'This invoice has been linked with a sepa export, undo this first.' => '',
'This invoice has not been posted yet.' => '',
'This invoice\'s dunning level: #1' => '',
'This is a very critical problem.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Units that have already been used (e.g. for parts and services or in invoices or warehouse transactions) cannot be changed.' => '',
'Unknown Category' => '',
'Unknown Link' => '',
'Unknown control fields: #1' => '',
'Unknown dependency \'%s\'.' => '',
'Unknown module: #1' => '',
'Unknown problem type.' => '',
... | ... | |
'Warehouse saved.' => '',
'Warehouses' => '',
'Warn before saving orders with duplicate parts (new controller only)' => '',
'Warn before saving orders without a delivery date' => '',
'Warning' => '',
'Warning! Loading a draft will discard unsaved data!' => '',
'Warning: One or more field value are not in valid DATEV format at:' => '',
'Warnings and errors' => '',
'Watch status' => '',
'We need a array of datev_lines' => '',
'We need a valid from date' => '',
'We need a valid to date' => '',
'Web shops' => '',
'WebDAV' => '',
'WebDAV link' => '',
... | ... | |
'Working copy; no description yet' => '',
'Working on export' => '',
'Write bin to default bin in part?' => '',
'Wrong date format (#1)' => '',
'Wrong field value \'#1\' for field \'#2\' for the transaction with amount \'#3\'' => '',
'Wrong number format (#1)' => '',
'Wrong tax keys recorded' => '',
'Wrong taxes recorded' => '',
'Wrong time format (#1)' => '',
'X' => '',
'YYYY' => '',
'Year' => '',
... | ... | |
'You cannot create an invoice for delivery orders from different vendors.' => '',
'You cannot modify individual assigments from additional articles to line items.' => '',
'You cannot paste function blocks or sub function blocks if there is no section.' => '',
'You do not have access to any custom data export.' => '',
'You do not have permission to access this entry.' => '',
'You do not have the permissions to access this function.' => '',
'You don\'t have the rights to edit this customer.' => '',
templates/webpages/gl/search.html | ||
<th align=right>[% 'Employee' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3>[% L.select_tag('employee_id', ALL_EMPLOYEES, title_key = 'safe_name', with_empty = 1) %]</td>
<th align=right style="color:red;">[% 'Attention!' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3 style="color:red;">
[% 'Since kivitendo version 3.5 new notations, see documentation 2.14' | $T8 %]
<th align=right>[% 'Filter date by' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3>
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Warnhinweis in der Suchmaske des Buchungsjournals bezueglich geaenderter Datumsbezeichnungen wieder entfernen
siehe commit 18848eb015510889f521eefa747dee2d1dcd0bec vom 30.5.2017