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Revision 7e96894a

Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 17 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 7e96894ae37a5e6e387a0519a1cc6afaec023c10
  • Vorgänger fdec9e46
  • Nachfolger c9f49c18

Eine Option zur Ausgabe bereits angewandter Datenbankupgrades hinzugefügt.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

my ($opt_list, $opt_tree, $opt_rtree, $opt_nodeps, $opt_graphviz, $opt_help);
my ($opt_user, $opt_apply);
my ($opt_user, $opt_apply, $opt_applied);
our (%myconfig, $form, $user, $auth);
--apply=tag Applies the database upgrades 'tag' and all
upgrades it depends on. If '--apply' is used
then the option '--user' must be used as well.
--applied List the applied database upgrades for the
database that the user given with '--user' uses.
--help Show this help and exit.
sub dump_sql_result {
my ($results, $column_order) = @_;
my %column_lengths = map { $_, length $_ } keys %{ $results->[0] };
foreach my $row (@{ $results }) {
map { $column_lengths{$_} = length $row->{$_} if (length $row->{$_} > $column_lengths{$_}) } keys %{ $row };
my @sorted_names;
if ($column_order && scalar @{ $column_order }) {
@sorted_names = @{ $column_order };
} else {
@sorted_names = sort keys %column_lengths;
my $format = join('|', map { '%-' . $column_lengths{$_} . 's' } @sorted_names) . "\n";
printf $format, @sorted_names;
print join('+', map { '-' x $column_lengths{$_} } @sorted_names) . "\n";
foreach my $row (@{ $results }) {
printf $format, map { $row->{$_} } @sorted_names;
printf "(\%d row\%s)\n", scalar @{ $results }, scalar @{ $results } > 1 ? 's' : '';
sub dump_applied {
my @results;
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto(\%myconfig);
$dbh->{PrintWarn} = 0;
$dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
$user->create_schema_info_table($form, $dbh);
my $query = qq|SELECT tag, login, itime FROM schema_info ORDER BY itime|;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() || $form->dberror($query);
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push @results, $ref;
if (!scalar @results) {
print "No database upgrades have been applied yet.\n";
} else {
dump_sql_result(\@results, [qw(tag login itime)]);
sub build_upgrade_order {
my $name = shift;
my $order = shift;
"graphviz:s" => \$opt_graphviz,
"user=s" => \$opt_user,
"apply=s" => \$opt_apply,
"applied" => \$opt_applied,
"help" => \$opt_help,
if ($opt_apply) {
$form->error("--apply used but no configuration file given with --user.") if (!$user);
$form->error("--apply used but no user name given with --user.") if (!$user);
if ($opt_applied) {
$form->error("--applied used but no user name given with --user.") if (!$user);

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