package SL::DB::Unit;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use List::Util qw(first);
use strict;
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::Unit;
use SL::DB::Manager::Unit;
use SL::DB::Helper::ActsAsList;
base => {
type => 'many to one',
class => 'SL::DB::Unit',
column_map => { base_unit => 'name' },
translations => {
type => 'one to many',
class => 'SL::DB::UnitsLanguage',
column_map => { name => 'unit' },
sub unit_class {
my $self = shift;
return $self if !$self->base_unit || $self->name eq $self->base_unit;
return $self->base->unit_class;
sub convertible_units {
my $self = shift;
my $all_units = scalar(@_) && (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') ? $_[0] : [ @_ ];
$all_units = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->all_units if ! @{ $all_units };
return [
sort { $a->sortkey <=> $b->sortkey }
grep { $_->unit_class->name eq $self->unit_class->name }
@{ $all_units }
sub base_factor {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cache = $::request->cache('base_factor');
if (!defined $cache->{$self->id}) {
$cache->{$self->id} = !$self->base_unit || !$self->factor || ($self->name eq $self->base_unit) ? 1 : $self->factor * $self->base->base_factor;
return $cache->{$self->id};
sub convert_to {
my ($self, $qty, $other_unit) = @_;
my $my_base_factor = $self->base_factor || 1;
my $other_base_factor = $other_unit->base_factor || 1;
return ($qty // 0) * $my_base_factor / $other_base_factor;
sub is_time_based {
my ($self) = @_;
return any { $_->id == $self->id } @{ SL::DB::Manager::Unit->time_based_units };
sub get_translation_obj {
my ($self, $language) = @_;
my $language_id = (ref($language) eq 'SL::DB::Language' ? $language->id : $language) || undef;
return first { $_->language_id => $language_id } @{ $self->translations || [] };
sub get_translation {
my ($self, $language, $qty) = @_;
my $translation = $self->name; # fallback, if no translation found
my $translation_obj = $self->get_translation_obj(language => $language);
if ($translation_obj) {
$translation = (($qty // 0) > 1 || ($qty // 0) == 0) ? $translation_obj->localized_plural : $translation_obj->localized;
return $translation;