Workflow: delivery_order ↔ reclamation
Workflow: order ↔ reclamation
Reclamation: Controller and Templates created
also for ReclamationReason
Changes in SL/DB/, SL/DB/Helper/, SL/Controller/ and SL/ for Reclamation
Links in menus added for: - Reclamation/add...
Added alias record_id to order_item and delivery_order_item
Reclamation: added to RecordLinks
Reclamation: Presenter added
Reclamation: add default settings
Reclamation: sql-script for data tables and rose objects added
Also created all needed functions in SL/DB/, SL/DB/ and SL/DB/
js: namespace.js laden
Sonst gibt es einen JS-Fehler in den Login-Masken.Das wurde im Layout::None gmacht, aber die Login-Masken basierennun auf dem Layout::Design40Switch.
Fehlerhafte MetaSetup/ (projektattribute) wieder entfernt
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