Revision 7a0da5ac
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 14 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
sub handle_request {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
$self->{request} = shift;
... | ... | |
return ($controller, $action);
sub get_standard_filehandles {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{interface} =~ m/f(?:ast)cgi/i ? $self->{request}->GetHandles() : (\*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR);
package main;
use strict;
SL/ | ||
sub unescape_string {
my ($self, $text, $do_iconv) = @_;
sub _handle_quoting_and_encoding {
my ($self, $text, $do_unquote) = @_;
$text = $main::locale->unquote_special_chars('HTML', $text);
$text = $::locale->{iconv}->convert($text) if $do_iconv;
$text = $main::locale->unquote_special_chars('HTML', $text) if $do_unquote;
$text = Encode::encode('UTF-8', $text) if $::locale->is_utf8;
return $text;
sub generate_csv_content {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $stdout = ($::dispatcher->get_standard_filehandles)[1];
# Text::CSV_XS seems to downgrade to bytes already (see
# SL/ Therefore don't let FCGI do that again.
$::locale->with_raw_io($stdout, sub { $self->_generate_csv_content($stdout) });
sub _generate_csv_content {
my ($self, $stdout) = @_;
my %valid_sep_chars = (';' => ';', ',' => ',', ':' => ':', 'TAB' => "\t");
my %valid_escape_chars = ('"' => 1, "'" => 1);
... | ... | |
my @visible_columns = $self->get_visible_columns('CSV');
my $stdout;
open $stdout, '>-';
binmode $stdout, ':encoding(utf8)' if $::locale->is_utf8;
if ($opts->{headers}) {
if (!$self->{custom_headers}) {
$csv->print($stdout, [ map { $self->unescape_string($self->{columns}->{$_}->{text}, 1) } @visible_columns ]);
$csv->print($stdout, [ map { $self->_handle_quoting_and_encoding($self->{columns}->{$_}->{text}, 1) } @visible_columns ]);
} else {
foreach my $row (@{ $self->{custom_headers} }) {
... | ... | |
foreach my $col (@{ $row }) {
my $num_output = ($col->{colspan} && ($col->{colspan} > 1)) ? $col->{colspan} : 1;
push @{ $fields }, ($self->unescape_string($col->{text})) x $num_output;
push @{ $fields }, ($self->_handle_quoting_and_encoding($col->{text}, 1)) x $num_output;
$csv->print($stdout, $fields);
... | ... | |
my $num_output = ($row->{$col}{colspan} && ($row->{$col}->{colspan} > 1)) ? $row->{$col}->{colspan} : 1;
$skip_next = $num_output - 1;
push @data, join($eol, map { s/\r?\n/$eol/g; $_ } @{ $row->{$col}->{data} });
push @data, join($eol, map { s/\r?\n/$eol/g; $self->_handle_quoting_and_encoding($_, 0) } @{ $row->{$col}->{data} });
push @data, ('') x $skip_next if ($skip_next);
| | ||
use SL::Dispatcher;
my $dispatcher = SL::Dispatcher->new('CGI');
our $dispatcher = SL::Dispatcher->new('CGI');
dispatcher.fpl | ||
my $dispatcher = SL::Dispatcher->new('FastCGI');
our $dispatcher = SL::Dispatcher->new('FastCGI');
my $request = FCGI::Request();
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
CSV-Export für ISO- und UTF-8, mit und ohne FastCGI gefixt
Fix für Bug 1535.