Revision 7a06d7c0
Von Tamino Steinert vor fast 3 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/DB/ | ||
use SL::Helper::Number qw(_format_total _round_total);
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree strip);
use List::Util qw(first);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any pairwise);
use Math::Round qw(nhimult);
... | ... | |
$record_args{cp_id} = $source->contact_id;
$record_args{cusordnumber} = $source->cv_record_number;
$record_args{is_sales} = $source->is_sales;
# }}} for vim folds
SL/DB/ | ||
use strict;
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree strip);
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::DeliveryOrderItem;
use SL::DB::Helper::ActsAsList;
use SL::DB::Helper::LinkedRecords;
SL/DB/ | ||
use SL::DB::Helper::TransNumberGenerator;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::RecordLinks;
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree);
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree strip);
orderitems => {
SL/DB/ | ||
use SL::Helper::ShippedQty;
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree strip);
SL/DB/ | ||
use SL::DB::Helper::TransNumberGenerator;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::RecordLinks;
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree);
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree strip);
... | ... | |
})) {
return undef;
return undef, $self->db->error->db_error->db_error;
return $order;
... | ... | |
return undef, $self->db->error->db_error->db_error;
return $delivery_order, undef;
return $delivery_order;
#TODO(Werner): überprüfen ob alle Felder richtig gestetzt werden
... | ... | |
$record_args{vendor_id} = undef;
$record_args{salesman_id} = undef;
$record_args{payment_id} = undef;
$record_args{delivery_term_id} = undef;
SL/DB/ | ||
use strict;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree strip);
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::ReclamationItem;
use SL::DB::Manager::ReclamationItem;
... | ... | |
my $item = $class->new(%item_args);
if ( $source->record->is_sales() && ($parent_type =~ m{sales}) ) {
if ( $source->record->is_sales() && ($parent_type =~ m{purchase}) ) {
if ( !$source->record->is_sales() && ($parent_type =~ m{purchase}) ) {
if ( !$source->record->is_sales() && ($parent_type =~ m{sales}) ) {
SL/Dev/ | ||
create_project create_department
... | ... | |
sales_order => 'SL::DB::OrderItem',
purchase_order => 'SL::DB::OrderItem',
sales_delivery_order => 'SL::DB::DeliveryOrderItem',
purchase_delivery_order => 'SL::DB::DeliveryOrderItem',
sales_reclamation => 'SL::DB::ReclamationItem',
purchase_reclamation => 'SL::DB::ReclamationItem',
sub create_sales_invoice {
... | ... | |
return $order;
sub create_sales_reclamation {
my (%params) = @_;
my $record_type = 'sales_reclamation';
my $reclamation_items = delete $params{reclamation_items} // _create_two_items($record_type);
_check_items($reclamation_items, $record_type);
my $save = delete $params{save} // 0;
my $customer = $params{customer} // new_customer(name => 'Test_Customer')->save;
die "'customer' is not of type SL::DB::Customer" unless ref($customer) eq 'SL::DB::Customer';
my $reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new(
customer_id => delete $params{customer_id} // $customer->id,
taxzone_id => delete $params{taxzone_id} // $customer->taxzone->id,
currency_id => delete $params{currency_id} // $::instance_conf->get_currency_id,
taxincluded => delete $params{taxincluded} // 0,
transdate => delete $params{transdate} // DateTime->today,
'closed' => undef,
reclamation_items => $reclamation_items,
$reclamation->assign_attributes(%params) if %params;
if ( $save ) {
$reclamation->calculate_prices_and_taxes; # not tested
return $reclamation;
sub create_purchase_reclamation {
my (%params) = @_;
my $record_type = 'sales_reclamation';
my $reclamation_items = delete $params{reclamation_items} // _create_two_items($record_type);
_check_items($reclamation_items, $record_type);
my $save = delete $params{save} // 0;
my $vendor = $params{vendor} // new_vendor(name => 'Test_Vendor')->save;
die "'vendor' is not of type SL::DB::Vendor" unless ref($vendor) eq 'SL::DB::Vendor';
my $reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new(
vendor_id => delete $params{vendor_id} // $vendor->id,
taxzone_id => delete $params{taxzone_id} // $vendor->taxzone->id,
currency_id => delete $params{currency_id} // $::instance_conf->get_currency_id,
taxincluded => delete $params{taxincluded} // 0,
transdate => delete $params{transdate} // DateTime->today,
'closed' => undef,
reclamation_items => $reclamation_items,
$reclamation->assign_attributes(%params) if %params;
if ( $save ) {
$reclamation->calculate_prices_and_taxes; # not tested
return $reclamation;
sub _check_items {
my ($items, $record_type) = @_;
... | ... | |
return _create_item(record_type => 'sales_delivery_order', %params);
sub create_reclamation_item {
my (%params) = @_;
# record_type can be sales or purchase; make sure one is set
return _create_item(record_type => 'sales_reclamation', %params);
sub _create_item {
my (%params) = @_;
js/kivi.Reclamation.js | ||
$('<input type="hidden" name="use_shipto">').appendTo('#reclamation_form').val('1');
kivi.submit_form_with_action($('#reclamation_form'), 'Reclamation/purchase_reclamation');
kivi.submit_form_with_action($('#reclamation_form'), 'Reclamation/save_and_purchase_reclamation');
ns.direct_delivery_dialog = function(shipto) {
t/workflow/delivery_order_reclamation.t | ||
use Test::More;
use strict;
use lib 't';
use utf8;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Data::Compare;
use Support::TestSetup;
use Test::Exception;
use List::Util qw(zip);
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
use SL::DB::Reclamation;
use SL::DB::ReclamationReason;
use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
use SL::DB::Department;
use SL::DB::Currency;
use SL::DB::PaymentTerm;
use SL::DB::DeliveryTerm;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::Unit;
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(clone);
use SL::Dev::ALL qw(:ALL);
my (
$customer, $vendor,
sub clear_up {
foreach (qw(
DeliveryOrder DeliveryOrderItem
Reclamation ReclamationItem
Customer Vendor
Department PaymentTerm DeliveryTerm
)) {
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Employee->delete_all(where => [ login => 'testuser' ]);
sub reset_state {
my %params = @_;
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => 'kg') || die "Can't find unit 'kg'";
$employee = SL::DB::Employee->new(
'login' => 'testuser',
'name' => 'Test User',
$department = SL::DB::Department->new(
'description' => 'Test Department',
$payment_term = create_payment_terms(
'description' => '14Tage 2%Skonto, 30Tage netto',
'description_long' => "Innerhalb von 14 Tagen abzüglich 2 % Skonto, innerhalb von 30 Tagen rein netto.|Bei einer Zahlung bis zum <%skonto_date%> gewähren wir 2 % Skonto (EUR <%skonto_amount%>) entspricht EUR <%total_wo_skonto%>.Bei einer Zahlung bis zum <%netto_date%> ist der fällige Betrag in Höhe von <%total%> <%currency%> zu überweisen.",
'percent_skonto' => '0.02',
'terms_netto' => 30,
'terms_skonto' => 14
$delivery_term = SL::DB::DeliveryTerm->new(
'description' => 'Test Delivey Term',
'description_long' => 'Test Delivey Term Test Delivey Term',
# some parts/services
@parts = ();
push @parts, new_part(
partnumber => 'Part_1_KG',
unit => $unit->name,
push @parts, new_service(
partnumber => 'Serv_1',
push @parts, new_part(
partnumber => 'Part_2',
push @parts, new_service(
partnumber => 'Serv_2'
$relamation_reason = SL::DB::ReclamationReason->new(
name => "test_reason",
description => "",
position => 1,
my $sales_reclamation = SL::Dev::Record::create_sales_reclamation(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td1",
payment => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
reclamation_items => [
part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70,
reason => $relamation_reason,
part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50,
reason => $relamation_reason,
my $purchase_reclamation = SL::Dev::Record::create_purchase_reclamation(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td2",
payment => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
reclamation_items => [
part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70,
reason => $relamation_reason,
part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50,
reason => $relamation_reason,
my $sales_delivery_order = SL::Dev::Record::create_sales_delivery_order(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td3",
payment_terms => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
is_sales => 1,
orderitems => [ SL::Dev::Record::create_delivery_order_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70),
SL::Dev::Record::create_delivery_order_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50),
my $purchase_delivery_order = SL::Dev::Record::create_purchase_delivery_order(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td4",
payment_terms => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
is_sales => 0,
orderitems => [ SL::Dev::Record::create_delivery_order_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70),
SL::Dev::Record::create_delivery_order_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50),
# convert order → reclamation
my $converted_sales_reclamation = $sales_delivery_order->convert_to_reclamation;
my $converted_purchase_reclamation = $purchase_delivery_order->convert_to_reclamation;
# convert reclamation → order
my $converted_sales_delivery_order = $sales_reclamation->convert_to_delivery_order->save->load;
my $converted_purchase_delivery_order = $purchase_reclamation->convert_to_delivery_order->save->load;
#get items before strip
my @purchase_reclamation_items = $purchase_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @sales_reclamation_items = $sales_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @converted_purchase_reclamation_items = $converted_purchase_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @converted_sales_reclamation_items = $converted_sales_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @purchase_delivery_order_items = $purchase_delivery_order->items_sorted;
my @sales_delivery_order_items = $sales_delivery_order->items_sorted;
my @converted_purchase_delivery_order_items = $converted_purchase_delivery_order->items_sorted;
my @converted_sales_delivery_order_items = $converted_sales_delivery_order->items_sorted;
### TESTS #####################################################################
## created sales und purchase reclamation should be nearly the same
my $sales_reclamation_tmp = clone($sales_reclamation);
my $purchase_reclamation_tmp = clone($purchase_reclamation);
# clean different values
foreach (qw(
customer_id vendor_id
id record_number
itime mtime
)) {
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_reclamation_items, @sales_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id reclamation_id
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($purchase_reclamation_tmp->strip->as_tree, $sales_reclamation_tmp->strip->as_tree);
## created sales und purchase delivery_order should be nearly the same
my $sales_delivery_order_tmp = clone($sales_delivery_order);
my $purchase_delivery_order_tmp = clone($purchase_delivery_order);
# clean different values
foreach (qw(
customer_id vendor_id
id is_sales order_type
donumber salesman_id
itime mtime
)) {
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_delivery_order_items, @sales_delivery_order_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id delivery_order_id
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($purchase_delivery_order_tmp->strip->as_tree, $sales_delivery_order_tmp->strip->as_tree);
## converted have to be linked to parent
# sales
my $linked_sales_delivery_order = $converted_sales_reclamation->linked_records->[0];
my $linked_sales_reclamation = $converted_sales_delivery_order->linked_records->[0];
is_deeply($linked_sales_delivery_order->strip->as_tree, $sales_delivery_order->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($linked_sales_reclamation->strip->as_tree, $sales_reclamation->load->strip->as_tree);
# purchase
my $linked_purchase_delivery_order = $converted_purchase_reclamation->linked_records->[0];
my $linked_purchase_reclamation = $converted_purchase_delivery_order->linked_records->[0];
is_deeply($linked_purchase_delivery_order->strip->as_tree, $purchase_delivery_order->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($linked_purchase_reclamation->strip->as_tree, $purchase_reclamation->load->strip->as_tree);
## converted should be nealy the same
# sales
foreach my $pair (zip(@sales_delivery_order_items, @converted_sales_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
ok Compare($first->strip->as_tree, $second->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id delivery_order_id reclamation_id itime mtime
cusordnumber marge_price_factor ordnumber transdate
description reason_description_ext reason_description_int reason_id
ok Compare($sales_delivery_order->strip->as_tree, $converted_sales_reclamation->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id employee_id itime mtime reqdate
is_sales order_type ordnumber oreqnumber
amount exchangerate netamount
cp_id contact_id
cusordnumber cv_record_number
donumber record_number
foreach my $pair (zip(@sales_reclamation_items, @converted_sales_delivery_order_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
ok Compare($first->strip->as_tree, $second->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id delivery_order_id reclamation_id itime mtime
cusordnumber marge_price_factor ordnumber transdate
description reason_description_ext reason_description_int reason_id
ok Compare($sales_reclamation->strip->as_tree, $converted_sales_delivery_order->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id employee_id itime mtime delivered reqdate
is_sales order_type ordnumber oreqnumber
amount exchangerate netamount
cp_id contact_id
cusordnumber cv_record_number
donumber record_number
# purchase
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_delivery_order_items, @converted_purchase_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
ok Compare($first->strip->as_tree, $second->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id delivery_order_id reclamation_id itime mtime
cusordnumber marge_price_factor ordnumber transdate
description reason_description_ext reason_description_int reason_id
ok Compare($purchase_delivery_order->strip->as_tree, $converted_purchase_reclamation->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id employee_id itime mtime reqdate
is_sales order_type ordnumber oreqnumber
amount exchangerate netamount
cp_id contact_id
cusordnumber cv_record_number
donumber record_number
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_reclamation_items, @converted_purchase_delivery_order_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
ok Compare($first->strip->as_tree, $second->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id delivery_order_id reclamation_id itime mtime
cusordnumber marge_price_factor ordnumber transdate
description reason_description_ext reason_description_int reason_id
ok Compare($purchase_reclamation->strip->as_tree, $converted_purchase_delivery_order->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id employee_id itime mtime delivered reqdate
is_sales order_type ordnumber oreqnumber
amount exchangerate netamount
cp_id contact_id
cusordnumber cv_record_number
donumber record_number
#diag Dumper($purchase_reclamation->strip->as_tree);
#diag Dumper($linked_purchase_reclamation->strip->as_tree);
t/workflow/order_reclamation.t | ||
use Test::More;
use strict;
use lib 't';
use utf8;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Data::Compare;
use Support::TestSetup;
use Test::Exception;
use List::Util qw(zip);
use SL::DB::Order;
use SL::DB::Reclamation;
use SL::DB::ReclamationReason;
use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
use SL::DB::Department;
use SL::DB::Currency;
use SL::DB::PaymentTerm;
use SL::DB::DeliveryTerm;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::Unit;
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(clone);
use SL::Dev::ALL qw(:ALL);
my (
$customer, $vendor,
sub clear_up {
foreach (qw(
Order OrderItem
Reclamation ReclamationItem
Customer Vendor
Department PaymentTerm DeliveryTerm
)) {
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Employee->delete_all(where => [ login => 'testuser' ]);
sub reset_state {
my %params = @_;
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => 'kg') || die "Can't find unit 'kg'";
$employee = SL::DB::Employee->new(
'login' => 'testuser',
'name' => 'Test User',
$department = SL::DB::Department->new(
'description' => 'Test Department',
$payment_term = create_payment_terms(
'description' => '14Tage 2%Skonto, 30Tage netto',
'description_long' => "Innerhalb von 14 Tagen abzüglich 2 % Skonto, innerhalb von 30 Tagen rein netto.|Bei einer Zahlung bis zum <%skonto_date%> gewähren wir 2 % Skonto (EUR <%skonto_amount%>) entspricht EUR <%total_wo_skonto%>.Bei einer Zahlung bis zum <%netto_date%> ist der fällige Betrag in Höhe von <%total%> <%currency%> zu überweisen.",
'percent_skonto' => '0.02',
'terms_netto' => 30,
'terms_skonto' => 14
$delivery_term = SL::DB::DeliveryTerm->new(
'description' => 'Test Delivey Term',
'description_long' => 'Test Delivey Term Test Delivey Term',
# some parts/services
@parts = ();
push @parts, new_part(
partnumber => 'Part_1_KG',
unit => $unit->name,
push @parts, new_service(
partnumber => 'Serv_1',
push @parts, new_part(
partnumber => 'Part_2',
push @parts, new_service(
partnumber => 'Serv_2'
$relamation_reason = SL::DB::ReclamationReason->new(
name => "test_reason",
description => "",
position => 1,
my $sales_reclamation = SL::Dev::Record::create_sales_reclamation(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td1",
payment => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
reclamation_items => [
part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70,
reason => $relamation_reason,
part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50,
reason => $relamation_reason,
my $purchase_reclamation = SL::Dev::Record::create_purchase_reclamation(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td2",
payment => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
reclamation_items => [
part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70,
reason => $relamation_reason,
part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50,
reason => $relamation_reason,
my $sales_order = SL::Dev::Record::create_sales_order(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td3",
payment_terms => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
orderitems => [ SL::Dev::Record::create_order_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70),
SL::Dev::Record::create_order_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50),
my $purchase_order = SL::Dev::Record::create_purchase_order(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td4",
payment_terms => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
orderitems => [ SL::Dev::Record::create_order_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70),
SL::Dev::Record::create_order_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50),
# convert order → reclamation
my $converted_sales_reclamation = $sales_order->convert_to_reclamation;
my $converted_purchase_reclamation = $purchase_order->convert_to_reclamation;
# convert reclamation → order
my $converted_sales_order = $sales_reclamation->convert_to_order->save->load;
my $converted_purchase_order = $purchase_reclamation->convert_to_order->save->load;
#get items before strip
my @purchase_reclamation_items = $purchase_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @sales_reclamation_items = $sales_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @converted_purchase_reclamation_items = $converted_purchase_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @converted_sales_reclamation_items = $converted_sales_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @purchase_order_items = $purchase_order->items_sorted;
my @sales_order_items = $sales_order->items_sorted;
my @converted_purchase_order_items = $converted_purchase_order->items_sorted;
my @converted_sales_order_items = $converted_sales_order->items_sorted;
### TESTS #####################################################################
## created sales und purchase reclamation should be nearly the same
my $sales_reclamation_tmp = clone($sales_reclamation);
my $purchase_reclamation_tmp = clone($purchase_reclamation);
# clean different values
foreach (qw(
customer_id vendor_id
id record_number
itime mtime
)) {
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_reclamation_items, @sales_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id reclamation_id
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($purchase_reclamation_tmp->strip->as_tree, $sales_reclamation_tmp->strip->as_tree);
## created sales und purchase order should be nearly the same
my $sales_order_tmp = clone($sales_order);
my $purchase_order_tmp = clone($purchase_order);
# clean different values
foreach (qw(
customer_id vendor_id
ordnumber salesman_id
itime mtime
)) {
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_order_items, @sales_order_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id trans_id
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($purchase_order_tmp->strip->as_tree, $sales_order_tmp->strip->as_tree);
## converted have to be linked to parent
# sales
my $linked_sales_order = $converted_sales_reclamation->linked_records->[0];
my $linked_sales_reclamation = $converted_sales_order->linked_records->[0];
is_deeply($linked_sales_order->strip->as_tree, $sales_order->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($linked_sales_reclamation->strip->as_tree, $sales_reclamation->load->strip->as_tree);
# purchase
my $linked_purchase_order = $converted_purchase_reclamation->linked_records->[0];
my $linked_purchase_reclamation = $converted_purchase_order->linked_records->[0];
is_deeply($linked_purchase_order->strip->as_tree, $purchase_order->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($linked_purchase_reclamation->strip->as_tree, $purchase_reclamation->load->strip->as_tree);
## converted should be nealy the same
# sales
foreach my $pair (zip(@sales_order_items, @converted_sales_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
ok Compare($first->strip->as_tree, $second->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id trans_id reclamation_id itime mtime
cusordnumber marge_percent marge_price_factor marge_total optional ordnumber ship subtotal transdate
reason_description_ext reason_description_int reason_id
ok Compare($sales_order->strip->as_tree, $converted_sales_reclamation->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id employee_id itime mtime reqdate transdate
delivery_customer_id delivery_vendor_id expected_billing_date marge_percent marge_total order_probability proforma quonumber quotation
cp_id contact_id
cusordnumber cv_record_number
ordnumber record_number
foreach my $pair (zip(@sales_reclamation_items, @converted_sales_order_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
ok Compare($first->strip->as_tree, $second->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id trans_id reclamation_id itime mtime
cusordnumber marge_percent marge_price_factor marge_total optional ordnumber ship subtotal transdate
reason_description_ext reason_description_int reason_id
ok Compare($sales_reclamation->strip->as_tree, $converted_sales_order->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id employee_id itime mtime reqdate transdate
delivery_customer_id delivery_vendor_id expected_billing_date marge_percent marge_total order_probability proforma quonumber quotation
cp_id contact_id
cusordnumber cv_record_number
ordnumber record_number
# purchase
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_order_items, @converted_purchase_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
ok Compare($first->strip->as_tree, $second->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id trans_id reclamation_id itime mtime
cusordnumber marge_percent marge_price_factor marge_total optional ordnumber ship subtotal transdate
reason_description_ext reason_description_int reason_id
ok Compare($purchase_order->strip->as_tree, $converted_purchase_reclamation->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id employee_id itime mtime reqdate transdate
delivery_customer_id delivery_vendor_id expected_billing_date marge_percent marge_total order_probability proforma quonumber quotation
cp_id contact_id
cusordnumber cv_record_number
ordnumber record_number
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_reclamation_items, @converted_purchase_order_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
ok Compare($first->strip->as_tree, $second->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id trans_id reclamation_id itime mtime
cusordnumber marge_percent marge_price_factor marge_total optional ordnumber ship subtotal transdate
reason_description_ext reason_description_int reason_id
ok Compare($purchase_reclamation->strip->as_tree, $converted_purchase_order->strip->as_tree, {ignore_hash_keys => [qw(
id employee_id itime mtime reqdate transdate
delivery_customer_id delivery_vendor_id expected_billing_date marge_percent marge_total order_probability proforma quonumber quotation
cp_id contact_id
cusordnumber cv_record_number
ordnumber record_number
t/workflow/reclamation_reclamation.t | ||
use Test::More;
use strict;
use lib 't';
use utf8;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Support::TestSetup;
use Test::Exception;
use List::Util qw(zip);
use SL::DB::Reclamation;
use SL::DB::ReclamationReason;
use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
use SL::DB::Department;
use SL::DB::Currency;
use SL::DB::PaymentTerm;
use SL::DB::DeliveryTerm;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::Unit;
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(clone);
use SL::Dev::ALL qw(:ALL);
my (
$customer, $vendor,
sub clear_up {
foreach (qw(
Reclamation ReclamationItem
Customer Vendor
Department PaymentTerm DeliveryTerm
)) {
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Employee->delete_all(where => [ login => 'testuser' ]);
sub reset_state {
my %params = @_;
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => 'kg') || die "Can't find unit 'kg'";
$employee = SL::DB::Employee->new(
'login' => 'testuser',
'name' => 'Test User',
$department = SL::DB::Department->new(
'description' => 'Test Department',
$payment_term = create_payment_terms(
'description' => '14Tage 2%Skonto, 30Tage netto',
'description_long' => "Innerhalb von 14 Tagen abzüglich 2 % Skonto, innerhalb von 30 Tagen rein netto.|Bei einer Zahlung bis zum <%skonto_date%> gewähren wir 2 % Skonto (EUR <%skonto_amount%>) entspricht EUR <%total_wo_skonto%>.Bei einer Zahlung bis zum <%netto_date%> ist der fällige Betrag in Höhe von <%total%> <%currency%> zu überweisen.",
'percent_skonto' => '0.02',
'terms_netto' => 30,
'terms_skonto' => 14
$delivery_term = SL::DB::DeliveryTerm->new(
'description' => 'Test Delivey Term',
'description_long' => 'Test Delivey Term Test Delivey Term',
# some parts/services
@parts = ();
push @parts, new_part(
partnumber => 'Part_1_KG',
unit => $unit->name,
push @parts, new_service(
partnumber => 'Serv_1',
push @parts, new_part(
partnumber => 'Part_2',
push @parts, new_service(
partnumber => 'Serv_2'
$relamation_reason = SL::DB::ReclamationReason->new(
name => "test_reason",
description => "",
position => 1,
my $sales_reclamation = SL::Dev::Record::create_sales_reclamation(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td1",
payment => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
reclamation_items => [
part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70,
reason => $relamation_reason,
part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50,
reason => $relamation_reason,
my $purchase_reclamation = SL::Dev::Record::create_purchase_reclamation(
save => 1,
employee => $employee,
shippingpoint => "sp",
transaction_description => "td2",
payment => $payment_term,
delivery_term => $delivery_term,
taxincluded => 0,
reclamation_items => [
part => $parts[0], qty => 3, sellprice => 70,
reason => $relamation_reason,
part => $parts[1], qty => 10, sellprice => 50,
reason => $relamation_reason,
# new
my $new_sales_reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new_from($sales_reclamation, destination_type => 'sales_reclamation')->save->load;
my $new_purchase_reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new_from($purchase_reclamation, destination_type => 'purchase_reclamation')->save->load;
# convert
my $converted_purchase_reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new_from($sales_reclamation, destination_type => 'purchase_reclamation');
my $converted_sales_reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new_from($purchase_reclamation, destination_type => 'sales_reclamation');
#get items before strip
my @purchase_reclamation_items = $purchase_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @sales_reclamation_items = $sales_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @new_purchase_reclamation_items = $new_purchase_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @new_sales_reclamation_items = $new_sales_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @converted_purchase_reclamation_items = $converted_purchase_reclamation->items_sorted;
my @converted_sales_reclamation_items = $converted_sales_reclamation->items_sorted;
### TESTS #####################################################################
## created sales und purchase reclamation should be nearly the same
my $sales_tmp = clone($sales_reclamation);
my $purchase_tmp = clone($purchase_reclamation);
# clean different values
foreach (qw(
customer_id vendor_id
id record_number transaction_description
itime mtime
)) {
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_reclamation_items, @sales_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id reclamation_id
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($purchase_tmp->strip->as_tree, $sales_tmp->strip->as_tree);
## converted have to be linked to parent
# new
my $linked_sales_reclamation_n = $new_sales_reclamation->linked_records->[0];
my $linked_purchase_reclamation_n = $new_purchase_reclamation->linked_records->[0];
is_deeply($linked_sales_reclamation_n->strip->as_tree, $sales_reclamation->load->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($linked_purchase_reclamation_n->strip->as_tree, $purchase_reclamation->load->strip->as_tree);
# converted
my $linked_sales_reclamation_c = $converted_purchase_reclamation->linked_records->[0];
my $linked_purchase_reclamation_c = $converted_sales_reclamation->linked_records->[0];
is_deeply($linked_sales_reclamation_c->strip->as_tree, $sales_reclamation->load->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($linked_purchase_reclamation_c->strip->as_tree, $purchase_reclamation->load->strip->as_tree);
## new reclamations should be nealy the same
my $new_sales_tmp = clone($new_sales_reclamation);
my $sales_tmp2 = clone($sales_reclamation);
my $new_purchase_tmp = clone($new_purchase_reclamation);
my $purchase_tmp2 = clone($purchase_reclamation);
# clean different values
foreach (qw(
id record_number
reqdate employee_id transdate
itime mtime
)) {
foreach my $pair (zip(@sales_reclamation_items, @new_sales_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id reclamation_id
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($sales_tmp2->strip->as_tree, $new_sales_tmp->strip->as_tree);
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_reclamation_items, @new_purchase_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id reclamation_id
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($purchase_tmp2->strip->as_tree, $new_purchase_tmp->strip->as_tree);
## converted reclamation should be nealy the same
my $sales_tmp3 = clone($sales_reclamation);
my $converted_sales_tmp = clone($converted_sales_reclamation);
my $purchase_tmp3 = clone($purchase_reclamation);
my $converted_purchase_tmp = clone($converted_purchase_reclamation);
# clean changing values
foreach (qw(
customer_id vendor_id
id record_number
employee_id reqdate
itime mtime
)) {
# from sales to purchase
foreach my $pair (zip(@sales_reclamation_items, @converted_purchase_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id reclamation_id
sellprice discount
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($sales_tmp3->strip->as_tree, $converted_purchase_tmp->strip->as_tree);
# from purchase to sales
foreach my $pair (zip(@purchase_reclamation_items, @converted_sales_reclamation_items)) {
my ($first, $second) = @{$pair};
my $first_tmp = clone($first);
my $second_tmp = clone($second);
foreach (qw(
id reclamation_id
itime mtime
)) {
is_deeply($first_tmp->strip->as_tree, $second_tmp->strip->as_tree);
is_deeply($purchase_tmp3->strip->as_tree, $converted_sales_tmp->strip->as_tree);
#diag Dumper($first->strip->as_tree);
#diag Dumper($second->strip->as_tree);
# set emacs to perl mode
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# End:
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Reclamation: Test for workflow (reclamation, order, delivery_order)