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package SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecItem;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Clipboard::Base);

use List::Util qw(sum);

use SL::Common;
use SL::Locale::String;

sub dump {
my ($self, $object) = @_;

return $self->as_tree(_load_children($self->reload_object($object)), exclude => sub { ref($_[0]) !~ m/::RequirementSpecItem$/ });

sub describe {
my ($self) = @_;

my $item = $self->content;
my $num_children = @{ $item->{children} || [] };
my $num_grandchildren = sum map { scalar(@{ $_->{children} || [] }) } @{ $item->{children} || [] };

if ($item->{item_type} eq 'section') {
return t8('Requirement spec section #1 "#2" with #3 function blocks and a total of #4 sub function blocks; preamble: "#5"',
$item->{fb_number}, $item->{title}, $num_children, $num_grandchildren, Common::truncate($item->{description}, strip => 'full'));
} elsif ($item->{item_type} eq 'function-block') {
return t8('Requirement spec function block #1 with #2 sub function blocks; description: "#3"',
$item->{fb_number}, $num_children, Common::truncate($item->{description}, strip => 'full'));
} else {
return t8('Requirement spec sub function block #1; description: "#2"',
$item->{fb_number}, Common::truncate($item->{description}, strip => 'full'));

sub _load_children {
my ($object) = @_;

_load_children($_) for @{ $object->children };

return $object;

sub _fix_object {
my ($self, $object) = @_;

$object->$_(undef) for qw(fb_number);
$self->_fix_object($_) for @{ $object->children || [] };

sub _fix_tree {
my ($self, $tree, $object) = @_;

delete @{ $tree }{ qw(id itime mtime parent_id position requirement_spec_id) };
$self->_fix_tree($_) for @{ $tree->{children} || [] };



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecItem - Clipboard specialization for


=over 4

=item C<describe>

Returns a human-readable description depending on the copied type
(section, function block or sub function block).

=item C<dump $object>

This specialization reloads C<$object> from the database, loads all of
its children (but only the other requirement spec items, no other
relationships) and dumps it.

=item C<_fix_object $object>

Fixes C<$object> and all of its children by clearing certain columns
like the position or function block numbers.


=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
