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Revision 7854aaaa

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor fast 3 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 7854aaaa1fad9fbdb31fd8c28c94a4944726de1c
  • Vorgänger 5032fc48
  • Nachfolger 1bb8eb34

Unterversionen: Prüfung auf DMS-File angepasst: …

Nur prüfen, wenn Versionierung an, DMS an und Beleg mit verschickt wird.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

# self is generated on the fly. form is a file from the dms
# TODO: for the case Filesystem and Webdav we want the real file from the filesystem
# for the nyi case DMS/CMIS we need a gloid or whatever the system offers (elo_id for ELO)
# DMS kivi version should have a record_link to email_journal
# the record link has to refer to the correct version -> helper table file <-> file_version
my $file_id = $self->{file_id} || $::form->{file_id};
die "No file id" unless $file_id;
if ($::instance_conf->get_lock_oe_subversions) {
my $file_id;
if ($::instance_conf->get_doc_storage && $::form->{attachment_policy} ne 'no_file') {
# self is generated on the fly. form is a file from the dms
# TODO: for the case Filesystem and Webdav we want the real file from the filesystem
# for the nyi case DMS/CMIS we need a gloid or whatever the system offers (elo_id for ELO)
# DMS kivi version should have a record_link to email_journal
# the record link has to refer to the correct version -> helper table file <-> file_version
$file_id = $self->{file_id} || $::form->{file_id};
die "No file id" unless $file_id;
# email is sent -> set this version to final and link to journal and file
my $current_version = SL::DB::Manager::OrderVersion->get_all(where => [oe_id => $self->order->id, final_version => 0]);
die "Invalid version state" unless scalar @{ $current_version } == 1;

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff