kivitendo/t/db_helper/payment.t @ 784c2880
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | use Test::More;
use strict;
use lib 't';
use utf8;
use Carp;
use Support::TestSetup;
use Test::Exception;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use SL::DB::Buchungsgruppe;
use SL::DB::Currency;
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::DB::Exchangerate;
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::Invoice;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::Unit;
use SL::DB::TaxZone;
use SL::DB::BankAccount;
use SL::DB::PaymentTerm;
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | use SL::DBUtils qw(selectfirst_array_query);
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | use Data::Dumper;
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($customer, $vendor, $currency_id, @parts, $buchungsgruppe, $buchungsgruppe7, $unit, $employee, $tax, $tax7, $tax_9, $taxzone, $payment_terms, $bank_account);
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($transdate1, $transdate2, $transdate3, $transdate4, $currency, $exchangerate, $exchangerate2, $exchangerate3, $exchangerate4);
my ($ar_chart,$bank,$ar_amount_chart, $ap_chart, $ap_amount_chart, $fxloss_chart, $fxgain_chart);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $reset_state_counter = 0;
my $purchase_invoice_counter = 0; # used for generating purchase invnumber
sub clear_up {
SL::DB::Manager::InvoiceItem->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Part->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Customer->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Vendor->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::PaymentTerm->delete_all(all => 1);
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Currency->delete_all(where => [ name => 'CUR' ]);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | };
sub reset_state {
my %params = @_;
return if $reset_state_counter;
$params{$_} ||= {} for qw(buchungsgruppe unit customer part tax vendor);
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | $transdate1 = DateTime->today;
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | $transdate2 = DateTime->today->add(days => 1);
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | $transdate3 = DateTime->today->add(days => 2);
$transdate4 = DateTime->today->add(days => 3);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$buchungsgruppe = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 19%', %{ $params{buchungsgruppe} }) || croak "No accounting group";
$buchungsgruppe7 = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 7%') || croak "No accounting group for 7\%";
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => 'kg', %{ $params{unit} }) || croak "No unit";
$employee = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current || croak "No employee";
$tax = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.19, %{ $params{tax} }) || croak "No tax";
$tax7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.07) || croak "No tax for 7\%";
$taxzone = SL::DB::Manager::TaxZone->find_by( description => 'Inland') || croak "No taxzone";
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | $tax_9 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.19, %{ $params{tax} }) || croak "No tax";
# $tax7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.07) || croak "No tax for 7\%";
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$currency_id = $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | $currency = SL::DB::Currency->new(name => 'CUR')->save;
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$fxgain_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '2660') or die "Can't find fxgain_chart in test";
$fxloss_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '2150') or die "Can't find fxloss_chart in test";
$currency->db->dbh->do('UPDATE defaults SET fxgain_accno_id = ' . $fxgain_chart->id);
$currency->db->dbh->do('UPDATE defaults SET fxloss_accno_id = ' . $fxloss_chart->id);
is($fxgain_chart->id, $::instance_conf->get_fxgain_accno_id, "fxgain_chart was updated in defaults");
is($fxloss_chart->id, $::instance_conf->get_fxloss_accno_id, "fxloss_chart was updated in defaults");
$exchangerate = SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(transdate => $transdate1,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | buy => '1.33333',
sell => '1.33333',
currency_id => $currency->id,
$exchangerate2 = SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(transdate => $transdate2,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | buy => '0.8',
sell => '0.8',
currency_id => $currency->id,
$exchangerate3 = SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(transdate => $transdate3,
buy => '1.55557',
sell => '1.55557',
currency_id => $currency->id,
$exchangerate4 = SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(transdate => $transdate4,
buy => '0.77777',
sell => '0.77777',
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | currency_id => $currency->id,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | $customer = SL::DB::Customer->new(
name => 'Test Customer',
currency_id => $currency_id,
taxzone_id => $taxzone->id,
%{ $params{customer} }
$bank_account = SL::DB::BankAccount->new(
account_number => '123',
bank_code => '123',
iban => '123',
bic => '123',
bank => '123',
chart_id => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Bank' )->id,
name => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( description => 'Bank' )->description,
$payment_terms = SL::DB::PaymentTerm->new(
description => 'payment',
description_long => 'payment',
terms_netto => '30',
terms_skonto => '5',
5bc87ade | Moritz Bunkus | percent_skonto => '0.05',
auto_calculation => 1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | )->save;
$vendor = SL::DB::Vendor->new(
name => 'Test Vendor',
currency_id => $currency_id,
taxzone_id => $taxzone->id,
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
%{ $params{vendor} }
@parts = ();
push @parts, SL::DB::Part->new(
partnumber => 'T4254',
description => 'Fourty-two fifty-four',
lastcost => 1.93,
sellprice => 2.34,
buchungsgruppen_id => $buchungsgruppe->id,
unit => $unit->name,
%{ $params{part1} }
push @parts, SL::DB::Part->new(
partnumber => 'T0815',
description => 'Zero EIGHT fifteeN @ 7%',
lastcost => 5.473,
sellprice => 9.714,
buchungsgruppen_id => $buchungsgruppe7->id,
unit => $unit->name,
%{ $params{part2} }
push @parts, SL::DB::Part->new(
partnumber => '19%',
description => 'Testware 19%',
lastcost => 0,
sellprice => 50,
buchungsgruppen_id => $buchungsgruppe->id,
unit => $unit->name,
%{ $params{part3} }
push @parts, SL::DB::Part->new(
partnumber => '7%',
description => 'Testware 7%',
lastcost => 0,
sellprice => 50,
buchungsgruppen_id => $buchungsgruppe7->id,
unit => $unit->name,
%{ $params{part4} }
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | $ar_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '1400' ); # Forderungen
$ap_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '1600' ); # Verbindlichkeiten
$bank = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '1200' ); # Bank
$ar_amount_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '8400' ); # Erlöse
$ap_amount_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '3400' ); # Wareneingang 19%
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | $reset_state_counter++;
sub new_invoice {
my %params = @_;
return SL::DB::Invoice->new(
customer_id => $customer->id,
currency_id => $currency_id,
employee_id => $employee->id,
salesman_id => $employee->id,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | gldate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | taxzone_id => $taxzone->id,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | invoice => 1,
type => 'invoice',
sub new_purchase_invoice {
# my %params = @_;
# manually create a Kreditorenbuchung from scratch, ap + acc_trans bookings, as no helper exists yet, like $invoice->post.
# arap-Booking must come last in the acc_trans order
my $purchase_invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
vendor_id => $vendor->id,
invnumber => 'newap ' . $purchase_invoice_counter ,
currency_id => $currency_id,
employee_id => $employee->id,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | gldate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | taxzone_id => $taxzone->id,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | invoice => 0,
type => 'invoice',
taxincluded => 0,
amount => '226',
netamount => '200',
paid => '0',
# %params,
my $expense_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '3400');
my $expense_chart_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $expense_chart->id,
chart_link => $expense_chart->link,
amount => '-100',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | source => '',
taxkey => 9,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9)->id);
my $tax_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '1576');
my $tax_chart_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $tax_chart->id,
chart_link => $tax_chart->link,
amount => '-19',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | source => '',
taxkey => 0,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9)->id);
$expense_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '3300');
$expense_chart_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $expense_chart->id,
chart_link => $expense_chart->link,
amount => '-100',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | source => '',
taxkey => 8,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8)->id);
$tax_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '1571');
$tax_chart_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(
trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $tax_chart->id,
chart_link => $tax_chart->link,
amount => '-7',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | source => '',
taxkey => 0,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8)->id);
my $arap_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '1600');
my $arap_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $purchase_invoice->id,
chart_id => $arap_chart->id,
chart_link => $arap_chart->link,
amount => '226',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | source => '',
taxkey => 0,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
return $purchase_invoice;
sub new_item {
my (%params) = @_;
my $part = delete($params{part}) || $parts[0];
return SL::DB::InvoiceItem->new(
parts_id => $part->id,
lastcost => $part->lastcost,
sellprice => $part->sellprice,
description => $part->description,
unit => $part->unit,
sub number_of_payments {
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $invoice = shift;
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $number_of_payments;
my $paid_amount;
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | foreach my $transaction ( @{ $invoice->transactions } ) {
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | if ( $transaction->chart_link =~ /(AR_paid|AP_paid)/ ) {
$paid_amount += $transaction->amount ;
return ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount);
sub total_amount {
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $invoice = shift;
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my $total = sum map { $_->amount } @{ $invoice->transactions };
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
return $::form->round_amount($total, 5);
# test 1
sub test_default_invoice_one_item_19_without_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = '6.96';
$params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -6.96, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AR_paid booking");
is($invoice->paid, 6.96, "${title}: paid");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_invoice_one_item_19_without_skonto_overpaid() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = '16.96';
$params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
$params{amount} = '-10.00';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -6.96, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 2, "${title}: 1 AR_paid booking");
is($invoice->paid, 6.96, "${title}: paid");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test 2
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1.2, part => $parts[1]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{payment_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
$params{amount} = $invoice->amount_less_skonto;
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 19.44, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_tax_included() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1.2, part => $parts[1]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 1,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{payment_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
$params{amount} = $invoice->amount_less_skonto;
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt';
is($invoice->netamount, 15.82, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 17.51, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -17.51, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 17.51, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
6d574389 | Sven Schöling | { local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
6d574389 | Sven Schöling | }
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | }
# test 3 : two items, without skonto
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_without_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1.2, part => $parts[1]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = '19.44'; # pass full amount
$params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 19.44, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test 4
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_without_skonto_incomplete_payment() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1.2, part => $parts[1]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => '9.44',
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo,
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto incomplete payment';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -9.44, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 9.44, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test 5
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1.2, part => $parts[1]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => '9.44',
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => '10.00',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 19.44, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 2, "${title}: 2 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test 6
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1.2, part => $parts[1]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => '9.44',
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => '8.73',
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => $invoice->open_amount,
payment_type => 'difference_as_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 19.44, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 4, "${title}: 4 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto_1cent() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
# if there is only one cent left there can only be one skonto booking, the
# error handling should choose the highest amount, which is the 7% account
# (11.66) rather than the 19% account (5.85). The actual tax amount is
# higher for the 19% case, though (1.11 compared to 0.82)
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1.2, part => $parts[1]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => '19.42',
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => $invoice->open_amount,
payment_type => 'difference_as_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 19.44, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 2 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto_2cent() {
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
# if there are two cents left there will be two skonto bookings, 1 cent each
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1.2, part => $parts[1]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => '19.42',
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => $invoice->open_amount,
payment_type => 'difference_as_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 19.44, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_invoice_one_item_19_multiple_payment_final_difference_as_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = '2.32';
$params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
$params{amount} = '3.81';
$params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
$params{amount} = $invoice->open_amount; # set amount, otherwise previous 3.81 is used
$params{payment_type} = 'difference_as_skonto';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -6.96, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid booking");
is($invoice->paid, 6.96, "${title}: paid");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_invoice_one_item_19_multiple_payment_final_difference_as_skonto_1cent() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item = new_item(qty => 2.5);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = '6.95';
$params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
$params{amount} = $invoice->open_amount; # set amount, otherwise previous value 6.95 is used
$params{payment_type} = 'difference_as_skonto';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -6.96, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 2, "${title}: 3 AR_paid booking");
is($invoice->paid, 6.96, "${title}: paid");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test 3 : two items, without skonto
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_without_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = '226'; # pass full amount
$params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto';
$purchase_invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_with_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
# $params{amount} = '226'; # pass full amount
$params{payment_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
$purchase_invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_tax_partial_unrounded_payment_without_skonto() {
# check whether unrounded amounts passed via $params{amount} are rounded for without_skonto case
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
amount => ( $purchase_invoice->amount / 3 * 2),
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default purchase_invoice, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
is($paid_amount, 150.67, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
# pay 2/3 and 1/5, leaves 3.83% to be used as Skonto
amount => ( $purchase_invoice->amount / 3 * 2),
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
amount => ( $purchase_invoice->amount / 5 ),
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
payment_type => 'difference_as_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default purchase_invoice, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 4, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_50_50() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 1, part => $parts[2]);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 1, part => $parts[3]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = $invoice->amount_less_skonto;
$params{payment_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 50/50';
is($invoice->netamount, 100, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 113, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -113, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 113, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test
sub test_default_invoice_four_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_4x_25() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[2]);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[3]);
my $item3 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[2]);
my $item4 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[3]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2, $item3, $item4 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = $invoice->amount_less_skonto;
$params{payment_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
is($invoice->netamount , 100 , "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount , 113 , "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount , -113 , "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid , 113 , "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments , 3 , "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
is($total , 0 , "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_invoice_four_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_4x_25_tax_included() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[2]);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[3]);
my $item3 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[2]);
my $item4 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[3]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 1,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2, $item3, $item4 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
# default values
my %params = ( chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$params{amount} = $invoice->amount_less_skonto;
$params{payment_type} = 'with_skonto_pt';
$invoice->pay_invoice( %params );
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
is($invoice->netamount, 88.75, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 100, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -100, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 100, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
6d574389 | Sven Schöling | { local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | }
sub test_default_invoice_four_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_4x_25_multiple() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $item1 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[2]);
my $item2 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[3]);
my $item3 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[2]);
my $item4 = new_item(qty => 0.5, part => $parts[3]);
my $invoice = new_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
invoiceitems => [ $item1, $item2, $item3, $item4 ],
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
$invoice->pay_invoice( amount => '90',
payment_type => 'without_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
$invoice->pay_invoice( payment_type => 'difference_as_skonto',
chart_id => $bank_account->chart_id,
transdate => DateTime->today_local->to_kivitendo
0d34b381 | Geoffrey Richardson | my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
is($invoice->netamount, 100, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 113, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -113, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 113, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance: this will fail due to rounding error in invoice post, not the skonto");
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | sub test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment {
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(75 * $exchangerate->sell,2); # 75 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 100 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
invoice => 0,
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | taxincluded => 0,
customer_id => $customer->id,
taxzone_id => $customer->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency->id,
transactions => [],
notes => 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ar_amount_chart,
tax_id => $tax->id,
$invoice->create_ar_row(chart => $ar_chart);
is(SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->get_all_count(where => [ invoice => 0 ]), 1, 'there is one ar transaction');
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency->id , 'currency_id has been saved');
is($invoice->netamount , 100 , 'ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->amount , 119 , 'ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->taxincluded , 0 , 'ar transaction doesn\'t have taxincluded');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ar_amount_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '100.00000', $ar_amount_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ar_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '-119.00000', $ar_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 50,
currency => 'CUR',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1->to_kivitendo,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | );
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 39.25,
currency => 'CUR',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1->to_kivitendo,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | );
# $invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
# amount => 30,
# transdate => $transdate2->to_kivitendo,
# );
is(scalar @{$invoice->transactions}, 9, 'ar transaction has 9 transactions (incl. fxtransactions)');
is($invoice->paid, $invoice->amount, 'ar transaction paid = amount in default currency');
sub test_ar_currency_tax_included {
# we want the acc_trans amount to be 100
my $amount = $::form->round_amount(75 * $exchangerate->sell * 1.19);
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount($amount / 1.19,2);
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
invoice => 0,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | amount => 119,
netamount => 100,
transdate => $transdate1,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | taxincluded => 1,
customer_id => $customer->id,
taxzone_id => $customer->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency->id,
notes => 'test_ar_currency_tax_included',
transactions => [],
$invoice->add_ar_amount_row( # should take care of taxincluded
amount => $invoice->amount, # tax included in local currency
chart => $ar_amount_chart,
tax_id => $tax->id,
$invoice->create_ar_row( chart => $ar_chart );
is(SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->get_all_count(where => [ invoice => 0 ]), 2, 'there are now two ar transactions');
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency->id , 'currency_id has been saved');
is($invoice->amount , $amount , 'amount ok');
is($invoice->netamount , $netamount , 'netamount ok');
is($invoice->taxincluded , 1 , 'ar transaction has taxincluded');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ar_amount_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '100.00000', $ar_amount_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ar_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '-119.00000', $ar_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 89.25,
currency => 'CUR',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1->to_kivitendo,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | );
sub test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment {
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(75 * $exchangerate->buy,2); # 75 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 100 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
invoice => 0,
invnumber => 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment',
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | taxincluded => 0,
vendor_id => $vendor->id,
taxzone_id => $vendor->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency->id,
transactions => [],
notes => 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ap_amount_chart,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
$invoice->create_ap_row(chart => $ap_chart);
is($invoice->currency_id, $currency->id, 'currency_id has been saved');
is($invoice->netamount, 100, 'ap amount has been converted');
is($invoice->amount, 119, 'ap amount has been converted');
is($invoice->taxincluded, 0, 'ap transaction doesn\'t have taxincluded');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ap_amount_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '-100.00000', $ap_amount_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ap_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '119.00000', $ap_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 50,
currency => 'CUR',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1->to_kivitendo,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | );
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 39.25,
currency => 'CUR',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1->to_kivitendo,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | );
is(scalar @{$invoice->transactions}, 9, 'ap transaction has 9 transactions (incl. fxtransactions)');
is($invoice->paid, $invoice->amount, 'ap transaction paid = amount in default currency');
sub test_ap_currency_tax_included {
# we want the acc_trans amount to be 100
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | my $amount = $::form->round_amount(75 * $exchangerate->buy * 1.19);
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | my $netamount = $::form->round_amount($amount / 1.19,2);
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
invoice => 0,
amount => 119, #$amount,
netamount => 100, #$netamount,
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | taxincluded => 1,
vendor_id => $vendor->id,
taxzone_id => $vendor->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency->id,
notes => 'test_ap_currency_tax_included',
invnumber => 'test_ap_currency_tax_included',
transactions => [],
$invoice->add_ap_amount_row( # should take care of taxincluded
amount => $invoice->amount, # tax included in local currency
chart => $ap_amount_chart,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
$invoice->create_ap_row( chart => $ap_chart );
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency->id , 'currency_id has been saved');
is($invoice->amount , $amount , 'amount ok');
is($invoice->netamount , $netamount , 'netamount ok');
is($invoice->taxincluded , 1 , 'ap transaction has taxincluded');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ap_amount_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '-100.00000', $ap_amount_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ap_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '119.00000', $ap_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 89.25,
currency => 'CUR',
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | transdate => $transdate1->to_kivitendo,
sub test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2 {
my $title = 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(125 * $exchangerate2->sell,2); # 125.00 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 148.75 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
invoice => 0,
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
transdate => $transdate2,
taxincluded => 0,
customer_id => $customer->id,
taxzone_id => $customer->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency->id,
transactions => [],
notes => 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment 0.8',
invnumber => 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment 0.8',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ar_amount_chart,
tax_id => $tax->id,
$invoice->create_ar_row(chart => $ar_chart);
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency->id , "$title: currency_id has been saved");
is($invoice->netamount , 100 , "$title: ar amount has been converted");
is($invoice->amount , 119 , "$title: ar amount has been converted");
is($invoice->taxincluded , 0 , "$title: ar transaction doesn\"t have taxincluded");
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ar_amount_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '100.00000', $title . " " . $ar_amount_chart->accno . ": has been converted for currency");
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ar_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '-119.00000', $title . " " . $ar_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 123.45,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate2->to_kivitendo,
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 15.30,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate3->to_kivitendo,
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 10.00,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate4->to_kivitendo,
# $invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
# amount => 30,
# transdate => $transdate2->to_kivitendo,
# );
my $fx_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, fx_transaction => 1 ], sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is(scalar @{$fx_transactions}, 3, "$title: ar transaction has 3 fx transactions");
is($fx_transactions->[0]->amount, '24.69000', "$title fx transactions 1: 123.45-(123.45*0.8) = 24.69");
is(scalar @{$invoice->transactions}, 14, "$title ar transaction has 14 transactions (incl. fxtransactions and fx_gain)");
is($invoice->paid, $invoice->amount, "$title ar transaction paid = amount in default currency");
sub test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note {
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(-125 * $exchangerate2->sell,2); # 125.00 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 148.75 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
invoice => 0,
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
transdate => $transdate2,
taxincluded => 0,
customer_id => $customer->id,
taxzone_id => $customer->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency->id,
transactions => [],
notes => 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment credit note 0.8',
invnumber => 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment credit note 0.8',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ar_amount_chart,
tax_id => $tax->id,
$invoice->create_ar_row(chart => $ar_chart);
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency->id , 'currency_id has been saved');
is($invoice->netamount , -100 , 'ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->amount , -119 , 'ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->taxincluded , 0 , 'ar transaction doesn\'t have taxincluded');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ar_amount_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '-100.00000', $ar_amount_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ar_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '119.00000', $ar_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => -123.45,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate2->to_kivitendo,
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => -25.30,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate2->to_kivitendo,
my $fx_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, fx_transaction => 1 ], sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is(scalar @{$fx_transactions}, 2, 'ar transaction has 2 fx transactions');
is($fx_transactions->[0]->amount, '-24.69000', 'fx transactions 1: 123.45-(123.45*0.8) = 24.69');
is(scalar @{$invoice->transactions}, 9, 'ar transaction has 9 transactions (incl. fxtransactions)');
is($invoice->paid, $invoice->amount, 'ar transaction paid = amount in default currency');
sub test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2 {
my $title = 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(125 * $exchangerate2->sell,2); # 125.00 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 148.75 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
invoice => 0,
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
transdate => $transdate2,
taxincluded => 0,
vendor_id => $vendor->id,
taxzone_id => $vendor->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency->id,
transactions => [],
notes => 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2 0.8 + 1.33333',
invnumber => 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2 0.8 + 1.33333',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ap_amount_chart,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
$invoice->create_ap_row(chart => $ap_chart);
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency->id , "$title: currency_id has been saved");
is($invoice->netamount , 100 , "$title: ap amount has been converted");
is($invoice->amount , 119 , "$title: ap amount has been converted");
is($invoice->taxincluded , 0 , "$title: ap transaction doesn\'t have taxincluded");
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ap_amount_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '-100.00000', $ap_amount_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ap_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '119.00000', $ap_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 10,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate2->to_kivitendo,
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 123.45,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate3->to_kivitendo,
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | );
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | $invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => 15.30,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate4->to_kivitendo,
my $fx_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, fx_transaction => 1 ], sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is(scalar @{$fx_transactions}, 3, "$title: ap transaction has 3 fx transactions");
is($fx_transactions->[0]->amount, '-2.00000', "$title: fx transaction 1: 10.00-( 10.00*0.80000) = 2.00000");
is($fx_transactions->[1]->amount, '68.59000', "$title: fx transaction 2: 123.45-(123.45*1.55557) = -68.58511");
is($fx_transactions->[2]->amount, '-3.40000', "$title: fx transaction 3: 15.30-(15.30 *0.77777) = 3.40012");
my $fx_loss_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, chart_id => $fxloss_chart->id ], sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
my $fx_gain_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, chart_id => $fxgain_chart->id ], sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_gain_transactions->[0]->amount, '0.34000', "$title: fx gain amount ok");
is($fx_loss_transactions->[0]->amount, '-93.28000', "$title: fx loss amount ok");
is(scalar @{$invoice->transactions}, 14, "$title: ap transaction has 14 transactions (incl. fxtransactions and gain_loss)");
is($invoice->paid, $invoice->amount, "$title: ap transaction paid = amount in default currency");
is(total_amount($invoice), 0, "$title: even balance");
sub test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note {
my $title = 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(-125 * $exchangerate2->sell,2); # 125.00 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 148.75 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
invoice => 0,
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
transdate => $transdate2,
taxincluded => 0,
vendor_id => $vendor->id,
taxzone_id => $vendor->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency->id,
transactions => [],
notes => 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment credit note 0.8 + 1.33333',
invnumber => 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment credit note 0.8 + 1.33333',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ap_amount_chart,
tax_id => $tax_9->id,
$invoice->create_ap_row(chart => $ap_chart);
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | is($invoice->currency_id , $currency->id , "$title: currency_id has been saved");
is($invoice->netamount , -100 , "$title: ap amount has been converted");
is($invoice->amount , -119 , "$title: ap amount has been converted");
is($invoice->taxincluded , 0 , "$title: ap transaction doesn\'t have taxincluded");
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ap_amount_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '100.00000', $ap_amount_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
is(SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(chart_id => $ap_chart->id, trans_id => $invoice->id)->amount, '-119.00000', $ap_chart->accno . ': has been converted for currency');
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => -10,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate2->to_kivitendo,
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => -123.45,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate3->to_kivitendo,
$invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->id,
amount => -15.30,
currency => 'CUR',
transdate => $transdate4->to_kivitendo,
my $fx_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, fx_transaction => 1 ], sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is(scalar @{$fx_transactions}, 3, "$title: ap transaction has 3 fx transactions");
is($fx_transactions->[0]->amount, '2.00000', "$title: fx transaction 1: 10.00-( 10.00*0.80000) = 2.00000");
is($fx_transactions->[1]->amount, '-68.59000', "$title: fx transaction 2: 123.45-(123.45*1.55557) = -68.58511");
is($fx_transactions->[2]->amount, '3.40000', "$title: fx transaction 3: 15.30-(15.30 *0.77777) = 3.40012");
my $fx_gain_loss_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, chart_id => $fxgain_chart->id ], sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_gain_loss_transactions->[0]->amount, '93.28000', "$title: fx gain loss amount ok");
is(scalar @{$invoice->transactions}, 14, "$title: ap transaction has 14 transactions (incl. fxtransactions and gain_loss)");
is($invoice->paid, $invoice->amount, "$title: ap transaction paid = amount in default currency");
is(total_amount($invoice), 0, "$title: even balance");
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | };
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | Support::TestSetup::login();
# test cases: without_skonto
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | test_default_invoice_one_item_19_without_skonto();
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
# test cases: difference_as_skonto
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto();
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
# test cases: with_skonto_pt
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_50_50();
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | # test payment of ar and ap transactions with currency and tax included/not included
dee8b29f | Geoffrey Richardson | # exchangerate = 1.33333
test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2(); # exchangerate 0.8
test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note(); # exchangerate 0.8
test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2(); # two exchangerates, with fx_gain_loss
test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note(); # two exchangerates, with fx_gain_loss
{ local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
my ($acc_trans_sum) = selectfirst_array_query($::form, $currency->db->dbh, 'SELECT SUM(amount) FROM acc_trans'); is($acc_trans_sum, '0.00000', "sum of all acc_trans is 0");
ba68038e | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
15f58ff3 | Geoffrey Richardson | # remove all created data at end of test