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package SL::Controller::PhoneNumber;

use utf8;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use List::Util qw(first);

use SL::JSON;
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::Locale::String;
use SL::CTI;

use SL::DB::Contact;
use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Vendor;

use Data::Dumper;

sub action_look_up {
my ($self) = @_;

my $number = $self->normalize_number($::form->{number} // '');

return $self->render(\to_json({}), { type => 'json', process => 0 }) if ($number eq '');

my $result = $self->find_contact_for_number($number)
// $self->find_customer_vendor_for_number($number)
// {};

$self->render(\to_json($result), { type => 'json', process => 0 });

sub find_contact_for_number {
my ($self, $number) = @_;

my @number_fields = qw(cp_phone1 cp_phone2 cp_mobile1 cp_mobile2 cp_fax);

my $contacts = SL::DB::Manager::Contact->get_all(
inject_results => 1,
where => [ map({ (or => [ "!$_" => undef, "!$_" => "" ],) } @number_fields) ],

my @hits;

foreach my $contact (@{ $contacts }) {
foreach my $field (@number_fields) {
next if $self->normalize_number($contact->$field) ne $number;

push @hits, $contact;

return if !@hits;

my @cv_ids = grep { $_ } map { $_->cp_cv_id } @hits;

my %customers_vendors =
map { ($_->id => $_) } (
@{ SL::DB::Manager::Customer->get_all(where => [ id => \@cv_ids ], inject_results => 1) },
@{ SL::DB::Manager::Vendor ->get_all(where => [ id => \@cv_ids ], inject_results => 1) },

my $chosen = first {
&& $customers_vendors{$_->cp_cv_id}
&& !$customers_vendors{$_->cp_cv_id}->obsolete
&& ($_->cp_name !~ m{ungültig}i)
} @hits;

$chosen //= $hits[0];

return {
full_name => join(' ', grep { $_ ne '' } map { $_ // '' } ($chosen->cp_title, $chosen->cp_givenname, $chosen->cp_name)),
id => $chosen->cp_id,
type => 'contact',
map({ my $method = "cp_$_"; ($_ => $chosen->$method // '') } qw(title givenname name phone1 phone2 mobile1 mobile2 fax)),

sub find_customer_vendor_for_number {
my ($self, $number) = @_;

my @number_fields = qw(phone fax);

my @customers_vendors = map {
my $class = "SL::DB::Manager::$_";
@{ $class->get_all(
inject_results => 1,
where => [ map({ (or => [ "!$_" => undef, "!$_" => "" ],) } @number_fields) ],
) }
} qw(Customer Vendor);

my @hits;

foreach my $customer_vendor (@customers_vendors) {
foreach my $field (@number_fields) {
next if $self->normalize_number($customer_vendor->$field) ne $number;

push @hits, $customer_vendor;

return if !@hits;

my $chosen = first { !$_->obsolete } @hits;
$chosen //= $hits[0];

return {
full_name => $chosen->name // '',
phone1 => $chosen->phone // '',
fax => $chosen->fax // '',
id => $chosen->id,
type => ref($chosen) eq 'SL::DB::Customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor',
map({ ($_ => '') } qw(title givenname name phone2 mobile1 mobile2)),

sub normalize_number {
my ($self, $number) = @_;

return '' if ($number // '') eq '';

my $config = $::lx_office_conf{cti} || {};
my $idp = $config->{international_dialing_prefix} // '00';
my $country_code = $config->{our_country_code} // '49';

$number = SL::CTI->sanitize_number(number => $number);

return $number if $number =~ m{^$idp};

$number =~ s{^0+}{};

return $idp . $country_code . $number;




=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::Controller::Contact - Looking up information on contacts/customers/vendors based on a phone number


=over 4

=item C<action_look_up>

This action can be used by external systems such as PBXes in order to
match a calling number to a name. Requires one form parameter to be
passed, C<number>.

The number will then be normalized. This requires that the
international dialing prefix and the server's own country code be set
up in C<kivitendo.conf>, section C<[cti]>. They default to C<00> and
C<49> (Germany) respectively.

Next the function will look up a contact whose normalized numbers
equals the requested number. The fields C<phone1>, C<phone2>,
C<mobile1>, C<mobile2> and C<fax> are considered. Active contacts are
given preference over inactive ones (inactive meaning that they don't
belong to a customer/vendor anymore or that the customer/vendor itself
is flagged as obsolete).

If no contact is found, customers & vendors are searched. Their fields
C<phone> and C<fax> are considered. The first customer/vendor who
isn't flagged as being obsolete is chosen; if there's none, the first
obsolete one is.

The function always sends one JSON-encoded object. If there's no hit
for the number, an empty object is returned. Otherwise the following
fields are present:

=over 4

=item C<id> — the database ID of the corresponding record

=item C<type> — describes the type of record returned; can be either
C<contact>, C<customer> or C<vendor>

=item C<full_name> — for contacts this is the concatenation of the
title, given name and family name; for customers/vendors it's the
company name

=item C<title> — title (empty for customers/vendors)

=item C<givenname> — first/given name (empty for customers/vendors)

=item C<name> — last/family name (empty for customers/vendors)

=item C<phone1> — first phone number (for all object types)

=item C<phone2> — second phone number (empty for customers/vendors)

=item C<mobile1> — first mobile number (empty for customers/vendors)

=item C<mobile2> — second mobile number (empty for customers/vendors)

=item C<fax> — fax number (for all object types)


Here's an example how querying the API via C<curl> might look:

curl --user user_name:password 'https://…/kivitendo/'

Note that the request must be authenticated via a valid Kivitendo
login. However, the user doesn't need any special permissions within
Kivitendo; any valid Kivitendo user will do.


=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
