kivitendo/t/file/filesystem.t @ 75b1036d
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | use strict;
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | use Test::More tests => 14;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
use lib 't';
c0b53018 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
use File::Temp;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | use Support::TestSetup;
use Test::Exception;
use SL::File;
use SL::Dev::File;
c0b53018 | Moritz Bunkus | my $temp_dir = File::Temp::tempdir("kivi-t-file-filesystem.XXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
my $storage_dir = "$temp_dir/storage";
mkdir($storage_dir) || die $!;
d3856535 | Sven Schöling | {
local $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{document_path} = $storage_dir;
local $::instance_conf->{data}{doc_files} = 1;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
c0b53018 | Moritz Bunkus | my $scannerfile = "${temp_dir}/f2";
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
my $file1 = SL::Dev::File::create_uploaded( file_name => 'file1', file_contents => 'inhalt1 uploaded' );
my $file2 = SL::Dev::File::create_scanned( file_name => 'file2', file_contents => 'inhalt2 scanned', file_path => $scannerfile );
my $file3 = SL::Dev::File::create_created( file_name => 'file3', file_contents => 'inhalt3 created' );
my $file4 = SL::Dev::File::create_created( file_name => 'file3', file_contents => 'inhalt3 new version');
is( SL::Dev::File->get_all_count(), 3,"total number of files created is 3");
ok( $file1->file_name eq 'file1' ,"file has right name");
my $content1 = $file1->get_content;
ok( $$content1 eq 'inhalt1 uploaded' ,"file has right content");
is( -f $scannerfile ? 1 : 0, 0,"scanned document is moved from scanner");
is( -f $scannerfile ? 1 : 0, 1,"scanned document is moved back to scanner");
my $content2 = File::Slurp::read_file($scannerfile);
ok( $content2 eq 'inhalt2 scanned' ,"scanned file has right content");
my @file5 = SL::Dev::File->get_all(file_name => 'file3');
is( scalar( @file5), 1, "one actual file found");
my $content5 = $file5[0]->get_content();
ok( $$content5 eq 'inhalt3 new version' ,"file has right actual content");
my @file6 = SL::Dev::File->get_all_versions(file_name => 'file3');
is( scalar( @file6), 2,"two file versions found");
$content5 = $file6[0]->get_content;
ok( $$content5 eq 'inhalt3 new version' ,"file has right actual content");
$content5 = $file6[1]->get_content;
ok( $$content5 eq 'inhalt3 created' ,"file has right old content");
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | #print "\n\nController Test:\n";
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | # now test controller
#$::form->{object_id} = 1;
#$::form->{object_type}= 'sales_order';
#$::form->{file_type} = 'document';
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | |||
my $output;
open(my $outputFH, '>', \$output) or die; # This shouldn't fail
my $oldFH = select $outputFH;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | $::form->{id} = $file1->id;
use SL::Controller::File;
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | |||
select $oldFH;
close $outputFH;
my @lines = split "\n" , $output;
ok($lines[4] eq 'inhalt1 uploaded' ,"controller download has correct content");
#some controller checks
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | $::form->{object_id} = 12345678;
$::form->{object_type} = undef;
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | my $result='xx1';
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | eval {
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | $result='yy1';
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | 1;
} or do {
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | $result=$@;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | };
83c97773 | Martin Helmling | $result = substr($result,0,14);
cbf8ed02 | Martin Helmling | #print $result."\n";
83c97773 | Martin Helmling | ok($result eq "No object type","correct error 'No object type'");
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | |||
$::form->{object_type} ='sales_order';
$::form->{file_type} ='';
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | eval {
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | $result='yy2';
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | 1;
} or do {
a4684ad1 | Martin Helmling | $result=$@;
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | };
83c97773 | Martin Helmling | $result = substr($result,0,12);
cbf8ed02 | Martin Helmling | #print $result."\n";
83c97773 | Martin Helmling | ok($result eq "No file type","correct error 'No file type'");
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
sub clear_up {
c0b53018 | Moritz Bunkus | # Cleaning up may fail.
eval {
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | |||
d3856535 | Sven Schöling | }
8c7f25bc | Martin Helmling | sub reset_state {
my %params = @_;