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Revision 74ddad54

Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 2 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 74ddad54cc8ec2a041963f6507faf1abec73de1b
  • Vorgänger 2a4fb1bf
  • Nachfolger 40416dee

wip: REMOVE Wechselkursberechungen geändert in Payment-Helper

Unterschiede anzeigen:

# sign is simply the sign of amount in bank_transactions: positive for increase and negative for decrease
# $amount_for_booking *= $sign;
# check exchangerate and if fx_loss calculate new booking_amount for this invoice
if ($fx_rate > 0) {
die "Exchangerate without currency" unless $currency_id;
die "Invoice currency differs from user input currency" unless $currency_id == $invoice->currency->id;
# 1 set daily default or custom record exchange rate
my $default_rate = $invoice->get_exchangerate_for_bank_transaction($bank_transaction->id);
if (!$default_rate) { # set new daily default
# helper
my $buysell = $invoice->is_sales ? 'buy' : 'sell';
my $ex = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $currency_id,
transdate => $bank_transaction->valutadate)
|| SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(currency_id => $currency_id,
transdate => $bank_transaction->valutadate);
$ex->update_attributes($buysell => $fx_rate);
} elsif ($default_rate != $fx_rate) { # set record (banktransaction) exchangerate
$bank_transaction->exchangerate($fx_rate); # custom rate, will be displayed in ap, ir, is
} elsif ($default_rate == $fx_rate) {
# should be last valid state -> do nothing
} else { die "Invalid exchange rate state:" . $default_rate . " " . $fx_rate; }
# 2 if fx_loss, we probably need a higher amount to pay the original amount of the ap invoice
if ($invoice->get_exchangerate < $fx_rate) {
# set whole bank_transaction amount -> pay_invoice will try to calculate losses and bank fees
my $not_assigned_amount = abs($bank_transaction->not_assigned_amount);
$amount_for_payment = $not_assigned_amount;
$amount_for_payment *= -1 if $invoice->amount < 0;
} elsif ($invoice->get_exchangerate > $fx_rate) {
# if fx_gain do nothing, because gain
# bla bla
} else {
die "Invalid exchange rate state for record:" . $invoice->get_exchangerate . " " . $fx_rate;
# ... and then pay the invoice
my @acc_ids = $invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank_transaction->local_bank_account->chart_id,
trans_id => $invoice->id,
croak t8('Cannot post transaction above the maximum future booking date!') if $transdate_obj > DateTime->now->add( days => $::instance_conf->get_max_future_booking_interval );
# currency is either passed or use the invoice currency if it differs from the default currency
# TODO remove
my ($exchangerate,$currency);
if ($params{currency} || $params{currency_id}) {
if ($params{currency} || $params{currency_id} ) { # currency was specified
$currency = SL::DB::Manager::Currency->find_by(name => $params{currency}) || SL::DB::Manager::Currency->find_by(id => $params{currency_id});
} else { # use invoice currency
$currency = SL::DB::Manager::Currency->find_by(id => $self->currency_id);
die "no currency" unless $currency;
if ($currency->id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id) {
$exchangerate = 1;
} else {
my $rate = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $currency->id,
transdate => $transdate_obj,
if ($rate) {
$exchangerate = $is_sales ? $rate->buy : $rate->sell;
} else {
die "No exchange rate for " . $transdate_obj->to_kivitendo;
} else { # no currency param given or currency is the same as default_currency
# currency has to be passed and caller has to be sure to assign it for a forex invoice
# dies if called for a invoice with the default currency (TODO: Params::Validate before)
my ($exchangerate, $currency, $fx_gain_loss_amount, $return_bank_amount);
if ($params{currency} || $params{currency_id} && $self->forex) { # currency was specified
$currency = SL::DB::Manager::Currency->find_by(name => $params{currency}) || SL::DB::Manager::Currency->find_by(id => $params{currency_id});
# set exchangerate - no fallback
# die "No exchange rate" unless $params{exchangerate} > 0;
$exchangerate = $params{exchangerate};
# hook for gl_bookings $book_fx_bank_fees;
# and calculus fidibus total fx
# self->amount - paid / self->exchangerate * banktransaction.exchangerate = total new amount EUR
my $new_open_amount = ( $self->open_amount / $self->get_exchangerate ) * $exchangerate;
# my $gain_loss_amount = _round($amount * ($exchangerate - $self->get_exchangerate ) * -1,2);
$fx_gain_loss_amount = _round( $self->open_amount - $new_open_amount);
# works for ap, but change sign for ar (todo credit notes and negative ap transactions
$fx_gain_loss_amount *= -1 if $self->is_sales;
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'h 1 ' . $new_open_amount . ' h 3 ' . $params{amount} . ' und fx ' . $fx_gain_loss_amount );
if ($params{fx_book} && $new_open_amount < $params{amount}) {
die "Bank Fees can only be added for AP transactions" if $self->is_sales;
$self->_add_bank_fx_fees(fee => _round($params{amount} - $new_open_amount),
bt_id => $params{bt_id},
bank_chart_id => $params{chart_id},
memo => $params{memo},
source => $params{source},
transdate_obj => $transdate_obj );
# invoice_amount
$return_bank_amount += _round($params{amount} - $new_open_amount);
} else { }
# always use new open amount for payment booking and add this value to arap.paid
$params{amount} = $new_open_amount;
# $paid_amount = $new_open_amount;
} elsif (!$self->forex) { # invoices uses default currency. no exchangerate
$exchangerate = 1;
} else {
die "Cannot calculate exchange rate, if invoices uses the default currency";
# absolute skonto amount for invoice, use as reference sum to see if the
# calculated skontos add up
my $source = $params{source} // '';
my $rounded_params_amount = _round( $params{amount} ); # / $exchangerate);
my $fx_gain_loss_amount = 0; # for fx_gain and fx_loss
my $return_bank_amount; # will be returned for invoice_amount
my $db = $self->db;
$db->with_transaction(sub {
my $new_acc_trans;
$pay_amount = $self->amount_less_skonto if $params{payment_type} eq 'with_skonto_pt';
# bank account and AR/AP
$paid_amount += $pay_amount * $exchangerate;
$paid_amount += $pay_amount;
my $amount = (-1 * $pay_amount) * $mult;
$return_bank_amount = $amount;
push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
# deal with fxtransaction
if ( $self->currency_id != $::instance_conf->get_currency_id && $exchangerate != 1) {
my $fxamount = _round($amount - ($amount * $exchangerate));
# deal with fxtransaction ...
# if invoice exchangerate differs from exchangerate of payment
# add fxloss or fxgain
if ($fx_gain_loss_amount && $exchangerate != 1 && $self->get_exchangerate and $self->get_exchangerate != 1 and $self->get_exchangerate != $exchangerate) {
# (self->amount - self->paid) / $self->exchangerate
my $fxgain_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_fxgain_accno_id) || die "Can't determine fxgain chart";
my $fxloss_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_fxloss_accno_id) || die "Can't determine fxloss chart";
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'was sagt gain loss' . $fx_gain_loss_amount);
my $gain_loss_chart = $fx_gain_loss_amount > 0 ? $fxgain_chart : $fxloss_chart;
$paid_amount += $fx_gain_loss_amount if $fx_gain_loss_amount < 0; # only add if we have fx_loss
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'paid2 ' . $paid_amount);
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'paid2chart ' . $fx_gain_loss_amount);
# $fx_gain_loss_amount = $gain_loss_amount;
$new_acc_trans = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
chart_id => $account_bank->id,
chart_link => $account_bank->link,
amount => $fxamount * -1,
chart_id => $gain_loss_chart->id,
chart_link => $gain_loss_chart->link,
amount => $fx_gain_loss_amount,
transdate => $transdate_obj,
source => $source,
memo => $memo,
taxkey => 0,
fx_transaction => 1,
fx_transaction => 0, # probably indicates a real bank account in foreign currency
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
# if invoice exchangerate differs from exchangerate of payment
# deal with fxloss and fxamount
if ($self->exchangerate and $self->exchangerate != 1 and $self->exchangerate != $exchangerate) {
my $fxgain_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_fxgain_accno_id) || die "Can't determine fxgain chart";
my $fxloss_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_fxloss_accno_id) || die "Can't determine fxloss chart";
my $gain_loss_amount = _round($amount * ($exchangerate - $self->exchangerate ) * -1,2);
my $gain_loss_chart = $gain_loss_amount > 0 ? $fxgain_chart : $fxloss_chart;
$fx_gain_loss_amount = $gain_loss_amount;
$new_acc_trans = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
chart_id => $gain_loss_chart->id,
chart_link => $gain_loss_chart->link,
amount => $gain_loss_amount,
transdate => $transdate_obj,
source => $source,
memo => $memo,
taxkey => 0,
fx_transaction => 0,
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
# skonto cases
push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
$reference_amount -= abs($amount);
$paid_amount += -1 * $amount * $exchangerate;
$paid_amount += -1 * $amount;
$skonto_amount_check -= $skonto_booking->{'skonto_amount'};
# regardless of payment_type there is always only exactly one arap booking
# TODO: compare $arap_amount to running total
# TODO: compare $arap_amount to running total and/or use this as running total for ar.paid|ap.paid
my $arap_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
chart_id => $reference_account->id,
chart_link => $reference_account->link,
amount => _round($arap_amount * $mult * $exchangerate - $fx_gain_loss_amount),
amount => _round($arap_amount * $mult - $fx_gain_loss_amount),
transdate => $transdate_obj,
source => '', #$params{source},
taxkey => 0,
push @new_acc_ids, $tax_booking->acc_trans_id;
$fx_gain_loss_amount *= -1 if $self->is_sales;
$self->paid($self->paid + _round($paid_amount) + $fx_gain_loss_amount) if $paid_amount;
# $fx_gain_loss_amount *= -1 if $self->is_sales;
$self->paid($self->paid + _round($paid_amount)) if $paid_amount;
return @skonto_charts;
sub within_skonto_period {
my $self = shift;

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