Revision 74b68fd8
Von Jan Büren vor etwa 2 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/DB/Helper/ | ||
$exchangerate = $params{exchangerate};
my $new_open_amount = ( $self->open_amount / $self->get_exchangerate ) * $exchangerate;
# my $gain_loss_amount = _round($amount * ($exchangerate - $self->get_exchangerate ) * -1,2);
# $fx_gain_loss_amount = _round( $self->open_amount - $new_open_amount);
# $fx_gain_loss_amount = _round($self->open_amount / $self->get_exchangerate - $new_open_amount / $exchangerate);
# works for ap, but change sign for ar (todo credit notes and negative ap transactions
# $fx_gain_loss_amount *= -1 if $self->is_sales;
# if new open amount for payment booking is smaller than original amount use this
# assume that the rest are fees, if the user selected this
# caller wants to book fees and set a fee amount
if ($params{fx_book} && $params{fx_fee_amount} > 0) {
die "Bank Fees can only be added for AP transactions or Sales Credit Notes"
unless $self->invoice_type =~ m/^purchase_invoice$|^ap_transaction$|^credit_note$/;
$self->_add_bank_fx_fees(fee => _round($params{fx_fee_amount}),
bt_id => $params{bt_id},
bank_chart_id => $params{chart_id},
... | ... | |
source => $params{source},
transdate_obj => $transdate_obj );
# invoice_amount add gl booking
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'fee ' . $params{fx_fee_amount});
$return_bank_amount += _round($params{fx_fee_amount}); # invoice_type needs negative bank_amount
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'bank_amount' . $return_bank_amount);
#$fx_gain_loss_amount = _round($params{amount} - ($params{amount} / $self->get_exchangerate * $exchangerate) );
} elsif (!$self->forex) { # invoices uses default currency. no exchangerate
$exchangerate = 1;
... | ... | |
tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
$return_bank_amount += $amount;
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'return 5 :' . $return_bank_amount);
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'paid amount hier 1 :' . $paid_amount);
push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
# deal with fxtransaction ...
# if invoice exchangerate differs from exchangerate of payment
... | ... | |
if ($exchangerate != 1 && $self->get_exchangerate and $self->get_exchangerate != 1 and $self->get_exchangerate != $exchangerate) {
my $fxgain_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_fxgain_accno_id) || die "Can't determine fxgain chart";
my $fxloss_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_fxloss_accno_id) || die "Can't determine fxloss chart";
# AMOUNT == EUR / fx rate pay * (fx rate invoice - fx rate pa)
# rate invoice = 2, fx rate paid = 1.75
# partial payment of 15000 EUR invtotal 20000
# 15000/1.75 * (2 - 1.75) = 2142. EUR gain if invoice is purchase # sql ledger (with fx amount):
# AMOUNT == EUR / fx rate payment * (fx rate invoice - fx rate payment)
# $amount = $form->round_amount($form->{"paid_$i"} * ($form->{exchangerate} - $form->{"exchangerate_$i"}) * -1, 2);
# exchangerate gain/loss
# $amount = $form->round_amount($form->{"paid_$i"} * ($form->{exchangerate} - $form->{"exchangerate_$i"}), 2);
# ==>
my $fx_gain_loss_sign = $is_sales ? -1 : 1; # multiplier for getting the right sign depending on ar/ap
# =>
my $fx_gain_loss_sign = $is_sales ? -1 : 1; # multiplier for getting the right sign depending on ar/ap
$fx_gain_loss_amount = _round($params{amount} / $exchangerate * ( $self->get_exchangerate - $exchangerate)) * $fx_gain_loss_sign;
$fx_gain_loss_amount = _round($params{amount} / $exchangerate * ( $self->get_exchangerate - $exchangerate)) * $fx_gain_loss_sign;
my $gain_loss_chart = $fx_gain_loss_amount > 0 ? $fxgain_chart : $fxloss_chart;
# for sales add loss to ar.paid and subtract gain from ar.paid
# for sales add loss to ar.paid and subtract gain from ar.paid
$paid_amount += abs($fx_gain_loss_amount) if $fx_gain_loss_amount < 0 && $self->is_sales; # extract if we have fx_loss
$paid_amount -= abs($fx_gain_loss_amount) if $fx_gain_loss_amount > 0 && $self->is_sales; # but add if to match original invoice amount (arap)
# for purchase add gain to ap.paid and subtract loss from ap.paid
$paid_amount += abs($fx_gain_loss_amount) if $fx_gain_loss_amount < 0 && $self->is_sales; # extract if we have fx_loss
$paid_amount -= abs($fx_gain_loss_amount) if $fx_gain_loss_amount > 0 && $self->is_sales; # but add if to match original invoice amount (arap)
$paid_amount += abs($fx_gain_loss_amount) if $fx_gain_loss_amount > 0 && !$self->is_sales; # but add if to match original invoice amount (arap)
$paid_amount -= abs($fx_gain_loss_amount) if $fx_gain_loss_amount < 0 && !$self->is_sales; # extract if we have fx_loss
# (self->amount - self->paid) / $self->exchangerate
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'paid dort 2 ' . $paid_amount);
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'return 1 ' . $return_bank_amount);
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'paid amount hier 2 ' . $paid_amount);
# $return_bank_amount += $fx_gain_loss_amount if $fx_gain_loss_amount < 0; # only add if we have fx_loss
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'paid2chart ' . $fx_gain_loss_amount);
$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'return 2 ' . $return_bank_amount);
# $fx_gain_loss_amount = $gain_loss_amount;
$new_acc_trans = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
chart_id => $gain_loss_chart->id,
... | ... | |
push @new_acc_ids, $tax_booking->acc_trans_id;
# $fx_gain_loss_amount *= -1 if $self->is_sales;
$self->paid($self->paid + _round($paid_amount)) if $paid_amount;
... | ... | |
sub open_amount_fx {
# validate shift == $self
{ can => [ qw(forex get_exchangerate) ],
... | ... | |
sub amount_less_skonto_fx {
# validate shift == $self
{ can => [ qw(forex get_exchangerate percent_skonto) ],
... | ... | |
return ( $self->amount_less_skonto / $self->get_exchangerate ) * $fx_rate;
sub skonto_amount {
my $self = shift;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Payment-Helper: Debugs raus, Kosmetik