kivitendo/SL/Presenter/ @ 748ce36f
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | package SL::Presenter::MaterialComponents;
use strict;
use SL::HTML::Restrict;
291ad5ec | Sven Schöling | use SL::MoreCommon qw(listify);
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | use SL::Presenter::EscapedText qw(escape);
use SL::Presenter::Tag qw(html_tag);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
291ad5ec | Sven Schöling | use List::UtilsBy qw(partition_by);
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | |||
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
ea869efe | Sven Schöling | input_tag
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | );
use constant BUTTON => 'btn';
use constant BUTTON_FLAT => 'btn-flat';
use constant BUTTON_FLOATING => 'btn-floating';
use constant BUTTON_LARGE => 'btn-large';
use constant BUTTON_SMALL => 'btn-small';
use constant DISABLED => 'disabled';
use constant LEFT => 'left';
use constant MATERIAL_ICONS => 'material-icons';
use constant RIGHT => 'right';
use constant LARGE => 'large';
use constant MEDIUM => 'medium';
use constant SMALL => 'small';
use constant TINY => 'tiny';
13fddaf3 | Sven Schöling | use constant INPUT_FIELD => 'input-field';
6be0a1ce | Sven Schöling | use constant DATEPICKER => 'datepicker';
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | |||
use constant WAVES_EFFECT => 'waves-effect';
use constant WAVES_LIGHT => 'waves-light';
my %optional_classes = (
button => {
disabled => DISABLED,
flat => BUTTON_FLAT,
floating => BUTTON_FLOATING,
large => BUTTON_LARGE,
small => BUTTON_SMALL,
icon => {
left => LEFT,
right => RIGHT,
large => LARGE,
medium => MEDIUM,
small => SMALL,
tiny => TINY,
291ad5ec | Sven Schöling | size => {
map { $_ => $_ }
qw(col row),
(map { "s$_" } 1..12),
(map { "m$_" } 1..12),
(map { "l$_" } 1..12),
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | );
use Carp;
sub _confirm_js {
'if (!confirm("'. _J($_[0]) .'")) return false;'
sub _confirm_to_onclick {
my ($attributes, $onclick) = @_;
if ($attributes->{confirm}) {
$$onclick //= '';
$$onclick = _confirm_js(delete($attributes->{confirm})) . $attributes->{onlick};
# used to extract material properties that need to be translated to classes
# supports prefixing for delegation
# returns a list of classes, mutates the attributes
sub _extract_attribute_classes {
my ($attributes, $type, $prefix) = @_;
my @classes;
my $attr;
for my $key (keys %$attributes) {
if ($prefix) {
next unless $key =~ /^${prefix}_(.*)/;
$attr = $1;
} else {
$attr = $key;
if ($optional_classes{$type}{$attr}) {
$attributes->{$key} = undef;
push @classes, $optional_classes{$type}{$attr};
# delete all undefined values
my @delete_keys = grep { !defined $attributes->{$_} } keys %$attributes;
delete $attributes->{$_} for @delete_keys;
291ad5ec | Sven Schöling | # used to extract material classes that are passed directly as classes
sub _extract_classes {
my ($attributes, $type) = @_;
my @classes = map { split / / } listify($attributes->{class});
my %classes = partition_by { !!$optional_classes{$type}{$_} } @classes;
$attributes->{class} = $classes{''};
13fddaf3 | Sven Schöling | sub _set_id_attribute {
my ($attributes, $name, $unique) = @_;
if (!delete($attributes->{no_id}) && !$attributes->{id}) {
$attributes->{id} = name_to_id($name);
$attributes->{id} .= '_' . $attributes->{value} if $unique;
%{ $attributes };
{ # This will give you an id for identifying html tags and such.
# It's guaranteed to be unique unless you exceed 10 mio calls per request.
# Do not use these id's to store information across requests.
my $_id_sequence = int rand 1e7;
sub _id {
return ( $_id_sequence = ($_id_sequence + 1) % 1e7 );
sub name_to_id {
my ($name) = @_;
if (!$name) {
return "id_" . _id();
$name =~ s/\[\+?\]/ _id() /ge; # give constructs with [] or [+] unique ids
$name =~ s/[^\w_]/_/g;
$name =~ s/_+/_/g;
return $name;
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | sub button_tag {
my ($onclick, $value, %attributes) = @_;
_set_id_attribute(\%attributes, $attributes{name}) if $attributes{name};
_confirm_to_onclick(\%attributes, \$onclick);
my @button_classes = _extract_attribute_classes(\%attributes, "button");
my @icon_classes = _extract_attribute_classes(\%attributes, "icon", "icon");
$attributes{class} = [
grep { $_ } $attributes{class}, WAVES_EFFECT, WAVES_LIGHT, BUTTON, @button_classes
if ($attributes{icon}) {
$value = icon(delete $attributes{icon}, class => \@icon_classes)
. $value;
html_tag('a', $value, %attributes, onclick => $onclick);
sub submit_tag {
my ($name, $value, %attributes) = @_;
_set_id_attribute(\%attributes, $attributes{name}) if $attributes{name};
_confirm_to_onclick(\%attributes, \($attributes{onclick} //= ''));
my @button_classes = _extract_attribute_classes(\%attributes, "button");
my @icon_classes = _extract_attribute_classes(\%attributes, "icon", "icon");
$attributes{class} = [
grep { $_ } $attributes{class}, WAVES_EFFECT, WAVES_LIGHT, BUTTON, @button_classes
if ($attributes{icon}) {
$value = icon(delete $attributes{icon}, class => \@icon_classes)
. $value;
html_tag('button', $value, type => 'submit', %attributes);
sub icon {
my ($name, %attributes) = @_;
my @icon_classes = _extract_attribute_classes(\%attributes, "icon");
html_tag('i', $name, class => [ grep { $_ } MATERIAL_ICONS, @icon_classes, delete $attributes{class} ], %attributes);
sub input_tag {
my ($name, $value, %attributes) = @_;
13fddaf3 | Sven Schöling | _set_id_attribute(\%attributes, $attributes{name});
0bd2b138 | Bernd Bleßmann | my $class = delete $attributes{class};
13fddaf3 | Sven Schöling | my $icon = $attributes{icon}
? icon(delete $attributes{icon}, class => 'prefix')
: '';
my $label = $attributes{label}
? html_tag('label', delete $attributes{label}, for => $attributes{id})
: '';
$attributes{type} //= 'text';
$icon .
html_tag('input', undef, value => $value, %attributes, name => $name) .
class => [ grep $_, $class, INPUT_FIELD ],
6be0a1ce | Sven Schöling | sub date_tag {
my ($name, $value, %attributes) = @_;
_set_id_attribute(\%attributes, $name);
my $icon = $attributes{icon}
? icon(delete $attributes{icon}, class => 'prefix')
: '';
my $label = $attributes{label}
? html_tag('label', delete $attributes{label}, for => $attributes{id})
: '';
$attributes{type} = 'text'; # required for materialize
my @onchange = $attributes{onchange} ? (onChange => delete $attributes{onchange}) : ();
my @classes = (delete $attributes{class});
$attributes{'data-validate'} = join(' ', "date", grep { $_ } (delete $attributes{'data-validate'}));
$icon .
blessed($value) ? $value->to_lxoffice : $value,
size => 11, type => 'text', name => $name,
class => DATEPICKER, @onchange,
) .
class => [ grep $_, @classes, INPUT_FIELD ],
291ad5ec | Sven Schöling | }
6be0a1ce | Sven Schöling | |||
291ad5ec | Sven Schöling | sub select_tag {
my ($name, $collection, %attributes) = @_;
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | |||
291ad5ec | Sven Schöling | |||
_set_id_attribute(\%attributes, $name);
my @size_classes = _extract_classes(\%attributes, "size");
my $icon = $attributes{icon}
? icon(delete $attributes{icon}, class => 'prefix')
: '';
my $label = $attributes{label}
? html_tag('label', delete $attributes{label}, for => $attributes{id})
: '';
my $select_html = SL::Presenter::Tag::select_tag($name, $collection, %attributes);
$icon . $select_html . $label,
class => [ INPUT_FIELD, @size_classes ],
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | }
015d45ca | Sven Schöling | sub checkbox_tag {
my ($name, %attributes) = @_;
_set_id_attribute(\%attributes, $name);
my $label = $attributes{label}
? html_tag('span', delete $attributes{label})
: '';
my $checkbox_html = SL::Presenter::Tag::checkbox_tag($name, %attributes);
$checkbox_html . $label,
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | |||
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::Presenter::MaterialComponents - MaterialCSS Component wrapper
ea869efe | Sven Schöling | This is a collection of components in the style of L<SL::Presenter::Tag>
intended for materialzecss. They should be useable similarly to their original
versions but be well-behaved for materialize.
They will also recognize some materialize conventions:
=over 4
=item icon>
Most elements can be decorated with an icon by supplying the C<icon> with the name.
=item grid classes
Grid classes like C<s12> or C<m6> can be given as keys with any truish value or
directly as classes.
76cad441 | Sven Schöling | =head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@googlemail.comE<gt>