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Revision 73a404b5

Von Bernd Blessmann vor mehr als 14 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 73a404b58ebe0de883558b898ee07ae3499461b7
  • Vorgänger 4c6a0cbb
  • Nachfolger 684e4405

MHD-Behandlung in Fehlermeldung bei unzureichender Lagermenge.

Der Fehlertext wird jetzt unterschiedich erzeugt, je nachdem,
ob show_bestbefore in der config an oder aus ist.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

328 328
  'The session is invalid or has expired.' => 'The session is invalid or has expired.',
329 329
  'The subject is missing.'     => 'The subject is missing.',
330 330
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.',
331 332
  'To (email)'                  => 'To (email)',
332 333
  'Total'                       => 'Total',
333 334
  'Transaction description'     => 'Transaction description',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff