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Revision 73a404b5

Von Bernd Blessmann vor mehr als 14 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 73a404b58ebe0de883558b898ee07ae3499461b7
  • Vorgänger 4c6a0cbb
  • Nachfolger 684e4405

MHD-Behandlung in Fehlermeldung bei unzureichender Lagermenge.

Der Fehlertext wird jetzt unterschiedich erzeugt, je nachdem,
ob show_bestbefore in der config an oder aus ist.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

1310 1310
        my $pinfo = $part_info_map{$request->{parts_id}};
1311 1311
        my $binfo = $bin_info_map{$request->{bin_id}};
1312 1312

        push @{ $form->{ERRORS} }, $locale->text("There is not enough available of '#1' at warehouse '#2', bin '#3', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.",
                                                 $pinfo->{description}, $binfo->{warehouse_description}, $binfo->{bin_description},
                                                 $request->{chargenumber} ? $locale->text('chargenumber #1', $request->{chargenumber}) : $locale->text('no chargenumber'),
                                                 $request->{bestbefore} ? $locale->text('bestbefore #1', $request->{bestbefore}) : $locale->text('no bestbefore'),
                                                 $form->format_amount_units('amount'      => $request->{sum_base_qty},
                                                                            'part_unit'   => $pinfo->{unit},
                                                                            'conv_units'  => 'convertible_not_smaller'));
        if ($main::show_best_before) {
            push @{ $form->{ERRORS} }, $locale->text("There is not enough available of '#1' at warehouse '#2', bin '#3', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.",
                                                     $request->{chargenumber} ? $locale->text('chargenumber #1', $request->{chargenumber}) : $locale->text('no chargenumber'),
                                                     $request->{bestbefore} ? $locale->text('bestbefore #1', $request->{bestbefore}) : $locale->text('no bestbefore'),
                                                     $form->format_amount_units('amount'      => $request->{sum_base_qty},
                                                                                'part_unit'   => $pinfo->{unit},
                                                                                'conv_units'  => 'convertible_not_smaller'));
        } else {
            push @{ $form->{ERRORS} }, $locale->text("There is not enough available of '#1' at warehouse '#2', bin '#3', #4, for the transfer of #5.",
                                                     $request->{chargenumber} ? $locale->text('chargenumber #1', $request->{chargenumber}) : $locale->text('no chargenumber'),
                                                     $form->format_amount_units('amount'      => $request->{sum_base_qty},
                                                                                'part_unit'   => $pinfo->{unit},
                                                                                'conv_units'  => 'convertible_not_smaller'));
1320 1333
1321 1334
1322 1335

1660 1660
  'There is at least one sales or purchase invoice for which Lx-Office recorded an inventory transaction with taxkeys even though no tax was recorded.' => 'Es gibt mindestens eine Einkaufs- oder Verkaufsrechnung, f?r die Lx-Office einen Steuerschl?ssel ungleich 0 verzeichnet hat, obwohl f?r Warenbestandsbuchugen bei Rechnungen nie Steuern gebucht werden.',
1661 1661
  'There is at least one transaction for which the user has chosen a logically wrong taxkey.' => 'Es gibt mindestens eine Buchung, bei der ein logisch nicht passender Steuerschl?ssel ausgew?hlt wurde.',
1662 1662
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4, #5, nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #6 auszulagern.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4 nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #5 auszulagern.',
1663 1664
  'There is not enough left of \'#1\' in bin \'#2\' for the removal of #3.' => 'In Lagerplatz \'#2\' ist nicht genug von \'#1\' vorhanden, um #3 zu entnehmen.',
1664 1665
  'There is nothing to do in this step.' => 'In diesem Schritt gibt es nichts mehr zu tun.',
1665 1666
  'Therefore there\'s no need to create the same article more than once if it is sold or bought in/from another tax zone.' => 'Deswegen muss man den gleichen Artikel nicht mehr mehrmals anlegen, wenn er in verschiedenen Steuerzonen gehandelt werden soll.',
1893 1894
  'bank_transfer_payment_list_#1' => 'ueberweisungs_zahlungsliste_#1',
1894 1895
  'bankaccounts'                => 'Bankkonten',
1895 1896
  'banktransfers'               => 'ueberweisungen',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit #1',
1897 1898
  'bin_list'                    => 'Lagerliste',
1898 1899
  'bis'                         => 'bis',
1899 1900
  'button'                      => '?',
263 263
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.' => 'Die Artikel dieses Lieferscheins wurden bereits eingelagert.',
264 264
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => 'Die Artikel dieses Lieferscheins wurden bereits ausgelagert.',
265 265
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4, #5, nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #6 auszulagern.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4 nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #5 auszulagern.',
266 267
  'To (email)'                  => 'An',
267 268
  'Transaction description'     => 'Vorgangsbezeichnung',
268 269
  'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions' => 'Dialogbuchen, Debitorenrechnungen, Kreditorenrechnungen',
290 291
  'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => 'Ihre PostgreSQL-Installation benutzt UTF-8 als Zeichensatz. Sie m?ssen deshalb Lx-Office so konfigurieren, dass es ebenfalls UTF-8 als Zeichensatz benutzt.',
291 292
  'Zipcode'                     => 'PLZ',
292 293
  '[email]'                     => '[email]',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit #1',
294 295
  'bin_list'                    => 'Lagerliste',
295 296
  'chargenumber #1'             => 'Chargennummer #1',
296 297
  'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Das Schlüsselwort "DB_config" fehlt.',
328 328
  'The session is invalid or has expired.' => 'Die Session ist ungültig oder abgelaufen.',
329 329
  'The subject is missing.'     => 'Der Betreff fehlt.',
330 330
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4, #5, nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #6 auszulagern.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4 nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #5 auszulagern.',
331 332
  'To (email)'                  => 'An',
332 333
  'Total'                       => 'Summe',
333 334
  'Transaction description'     => 'Vorgangsbezeichnung',
367 368
  'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => 'Ihre PostgreSQL-Installation benutzt UTF-8 als Zeichensatz. Sie m?ssen deshalb Lx-Office so konfigurieren, dass es ebenfalls UTF-8 als Zeichensatz benutzt.',
368 369
  'Zipcode'                     => 'PLZ',
369 370
  '[email]'                     => '[email]',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit #1',
371 372
  'bin_list'                    => 'Lagerliste',
372 373
  'chargenumber #1'             => 'Chargennummer #1',
373 374
  'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Das Schlüsselwort "DB_config" fehlt.',
301 301
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.' => 'Die Artikel dieses Lieferscheins wurden bereits eingelagert.',
302 302
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => 'Die Artikel dieses Lieferscheins wurden bereits ausgelagert.',
303 303
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4, #5, nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #6 auszulagern.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4 nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #5 auszulagern.',
304 305
  'To (email)'                  => 'An',
305 306
  'Total'                       => 'Summe',
306 307
  'Transaction description'     => 'Vorgangsbezeichnung',
336 337
  'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => 'Ihre PostgreSQL-Installation benutzt UTF-8 als Zeichensatz. Sie m?ssen deshalb Lx-Office so konfigurieren, dass es ebenfalls UTF-8 als Zeichensatz benutzt.',
337 338
  'Zipcode'                     => 'PLZ',
338 339
  '[email]'                     => '[email]',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit #1',
340 341
  'bin_list'                    => 'Lagerliste',
341 342
  'chargenumber #1'             => 'Chargennummer #1',
342 343
  'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Das Schlüsselwort "DB_config" fehlt.',
324 324
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => 'Die Artikel dieses Lieferscheins wurden bereits ausgelagert.',
325 325
  'The subject is missing.'     => 'Der Betreff fehlt.',
326 326
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4, #5, nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #6 auszulagern.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'Von \'#1\' ist in Lager \'#2\', Lagerplatz \'#3\', #4 nicht genügend eingelagert, um insgesamt #5 auszulagern.',
327 328
  'To (email)'                  => 'An',
328 329
  'Total'                       => 'Summe',
329 330
  'Transaction description'     => 'Vorgangsbezeichnung',
360 361
  'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => 'Ihre PostgreSQL-Installation benutzt UTF-8 als Zeichensatz. Sie m?ssen deshalb Lx-Office so konfigurieren, dass es ebenfalls UTF-8 als Zeichensatz benutzt.',
361 362
  'Zipcode'                     => 'PLZ',
362 363
  '[email]'                     => '[email]',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit',
  'bestbefore #1'               => 'Mindesthaltbarkeit #1',
364 365
  'bin_list'                    => 'Lagerliste',
365 366
  'chargenumber #1'             => 'Chargennummer #1',
366 367
  'config/ Key "DB_config" is missing.' => 'config/ Das Schlüsselwort "DB_config" fehlt.',
1656 1656
  'There is at least one sales or purchase invoice for which Lx-Office recorded an inventory transaction with taxkeys even though no tax was recorded.' => '',
1657 1657
  'There is at least one transaction for which the user has chosen a logically wrong taxkey.' => '',
1658 1658
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => '',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => '',
1659 1660
  'There is not enough left of \'#1\' in bin \'#2\' for the removal of #3.' => '',
1660 1661
  'There is nothing to do in this step.' => '',
1661 1662
  'Therefore there\'s no need to create the same article more than once if it is sold or bought in/from another tax zone.' => '',
263 263
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.' => 'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.',
264 264
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => 'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.',
265 265
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.',
266 267
  'To (email)'                  => 'To (email)',
267 268
  'Transaction description'     => 'Transaction description',
268 269
  'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions' => 'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions',
328 328
  'The session is invalid or has expired.' => 'The session is invalid or has expired.',
329 329
  'The subject is missing.'     => 'The subject is missing.',
330 330
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.',
331 332
  'To (email)'                  => 'To (email)',
332 333
  'Total'                       => 'Total',
333 334
  'Transaction description'     => 'Transaction description',
1640 1640
  'There is at least one sales or purchase invoice for which Lx-Office recorded an inventory transaction with taxkeys even though no tax was recorded.' => '',
1641 1641
  'There is at least one transaction for which the user has chosen a logically wrong taxkey.' => '',
1642 1642
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => '',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => '',
1643 1644
  'There is not enough left of \'#1\' in bin \'#2\' for the removal of #3.' => '',
1644 1645
  'There is nothing to do in this step.' => '',
1645 1646
  'Therefore there\'s no need to create the same article more than once if it is sold or bought in/from another tax zone.' => '',
301 301
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.' => 'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.',
302 302
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => 'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.',
303 303
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.',
304 305
  'To (email)'                  => 'To (email)',
305 306
  'Total'                       => 'Total',
306 307
  'Transaction description'     => 'Transaction description',
324 324
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => 'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.',
325 325
  'The subject is missing.'     => 'The subject is missing.',
326 326
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.',
  'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => 'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.',
327 328
  'To (email)'                  => 'To (email)',
328 329
  'Total'                       => 'Total',
329 330
  'Transaction description'     => 'Transaction description',

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