kivitendo/SL/Template/Plugin/ @ 7399e9f0
518ed6b5 | Moritz Bunkus | package SL::Template::Plugin::JavaScript;
use base qw( Template::Plugin );
use Template::Plugin;
c510d88b | Sven Schöling | use strict;
518ed6b5 | Moritz Bunkus | sub new {
71878bf7 | Moritz Bunkus | my ($class, $context, @args) = @_;
518ed6b5 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
71878bf7 | Moritz Bunkus | return bless {
CONTEXT => $context,
}, $class;
518ed6b5 | Moritz Bunkus | }
71878bf7 | Moritz Bunkus | #
# public interface
2a8df53f | Sven Schöling | # see ecmascript spec section 7.8.4
my @escape_chars = ('\\', '\'', '"');
my %control_chars = (
"\n" => 'n',
"\t" => 't',
"\r" => 'r',
"\f" => 'f',
"\x08" => 'b',
"\x0B" => 'v', # noone uses vertical tab anyway...
my $re = join '', map { qr/($_)/s } join '|', keys(%control_chars), map { "\Q$_\E" } @escape_chars;
518ed6b5 | Moritz Bunkus | sub escape {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
2a8df53f | Sven Schöling | $text =~ s/$re/'\\' . ($control_chars{$1} || $1)/egs;
518ed6b5 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
return $text;
71878bf7 | Moritz Bunkus | sub replace_with {
return _replace_helper('replaceWith', @_);
sub replace_html_with {
return _replace_helper('html', @_);
# private methods
sub _context {
die 'not an accessor' if @_ > 1;
return $_[0]->{CONTEXT};
sub _replace_helper {
my ($method, $self, $selector, $template, $locals) = @_;
$template .= '.html' unless $template =~ m/\.html$/;
my $html = $self->escape($self->_context->process($template, %{ $locals || { } }));
my $code = <<CODE;
return $code;
518ed6b5 | Moritz Bunkus | 1;
71878bf7 | Moritz Bunkus | __END__
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::Template::Plugin::JavaScript - Template plugin for JavaScript helper functions
=over 4
=item C<escape $value>
Returns C<$value> escaped for inclusion in a JavaScript string. The
value is not wrapped in quotes. Example:
<input type="submit" value="Delete"
onclick="if (confirm('Do you really want to delete this: [% JavaScript.escape(obj.description) %]') return true; else return false;">
=item C<replace_with $selector, $template, %locals>
Returns code replacing the DOM elements matched by C<$selector> with
the content rendered by Template's I<PROCESS> directive applied to
C<$template>. C<%locals> are passed as local parameters to I<PROCESS>.
Uses jQuery's C<obj.replaceWith()> function. Requires jQuery to be loaded.
<li id="item1">First item</li>
<li id="item2">Second item</li>
<li id="item3">Another item</li>
<script type="text/javascript">
function do_work() {
[% JavaScript.replace_with('#item2', 'todo/single_item', item => current_todo_item) %]
<input type="submit" onclick="do_work(); return false;" value="Replace single item">
=item C<replace_html_with $selector, $template, %locals>
Returns code replacing the inner HTML of the DOM elements matched by
C<$selector> with the content rendered by Template's I<PROCESS>
directive applied to C<$template>. C<%locals> are passed as local
parameters to I<PROCESS>.
Uses jQuery's C<obj.html()> function. Requires jQuery to be loaded.
<ul id="todo_list">
<li id="item1">First item</li>
<li id="item2">Second item</li>
<li id="item3">Another item</li>
<script type="text/javascript">
function do_work() {
[% JavaScript.replace_html_with('#todo_list', 'todo/full_list', items => todo_items) %]
<input type="submit" onclick="do_work(); return false;" value="Replace list">
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>