


Herunterladen (3,79 KB) Statistiken
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2bb452ee Martin Helmling
package SL::File::Backend;

use strict;

use parent qw(Rose::Object);

sub store { die 'store needs to be implemented' }

sub delete { die 'delete needs to be implemented' }

sub rename { die 'rename needs to be implemented' }

sub get_content { die 'get_content needs to be implemented' }

sub get_filepath { die 'get_filepath needs to be implemented' }

sub get_mtime { die 'get_mtime needs to be implemented' }

sub get_version_count { die 'get_version_count needs to be implemented' }

sub enabled { 0; }

sub sync_from_backend { }




=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::File::Backend - Base class for file storage backend


See the synopsis of L<SL::File> and L<SL::File::Object>


The most methods must be overridden by the specific storage backend

See also the overview of L<SL::File> and L<SL::File::Object>.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item C<store PARAMS>

The file data is stored in the backend.

Available C<PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<dbfile>

The object SL::DB::File as param.

=item C<file_contents>

The data of the file to store

=item C<file_path>

If the data is still in a file, the contents of this file is copied.


If both parameter C<file_contents> and C<file_path> exists,
the backend is responsible in which way the contents is fetched.

If the file exists the backend is responsible to decide to save a new version of the file or override the
latest existing file.

=item C<delete PARAMS>

The file data is deleted in the backend.

Available C<PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<dbfile>

The object SL::DB::File as param.

=item C<last>

If this parameter is set only the latest version of the file are deleted.

=item C<all_but_notlast>

If this parameter is set all versions of the file are deleted except the latest version.

If none of the two parameters C<all_versions> or C<all__but_notlast> is set
all version of the file are deleted.

ca10be4b Tamino Steinert
=item C<file_version>

If this parameter is set only this file version will be deleted. The object has
to be of type C<SL::DB::FileVersion>.

2bb452ee Martin Helmling

=item C<rename PARAMS>

e61cd137 Moritz Bunkus
The Filename of the file is changed. If the backend is not dependent from the filename
2bb452ee Martin Helmling
nothing must happens. The rename must work on all versions of the file.

Available C<PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<dbfile>

The object SL::DB::File as param.


=item C<get_version_count PARAMS>

The count of the available versions of a file will returned.
The versions are numbered from 1 up to the returned value

Available C<PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<dbfile>


=item C<get_mtime PARAMS>

Available C<PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<dbfile>

The object SL::DB::File as param.

=item C<version>

The version number of the file for which the modification timestamp is wanted.
If no version set or version is 0 , the mtime of the latest version is returned.


=item C<get_content PARAMS>

For downloading or printing the real data need to retrieve.
A reference of the data must be returned.

Available C<PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<dbfile>

The object SL::DB::File as param.


=item C<get_file_path PARAMS>

If the backend has files as storage, the file path can returned.
If a file is not available in the backend a temporary file must be created with the contents.

Available C<PARAMS>:

=over 4

=item C<dbfile>

The object SL::DB::File as param.


=item C<enabled>

returns 1 if the backend is enabled and has all config to work.
In other cases it must return 0

=item C<sync_from_backend>

For Backends which may be changed outside of kivitendo a synchronization of the database is done.
Normally the backend is responsible to actualise the data if it needed.
This interface can be used if a long work must be done and runs in a extra task.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<SL::File>, L<SL::File::Object>

=head1 AUTHOR

Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>
