


Herunterladen (28,3 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::Controller::RequirementSpecItem;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use Carp;
use List::MoreUtils qw(apply);
use List::Util qw(first);
use Time::HiRes ();

use SL::Clipboard;
use SL::Controller::Helper::RequirementSpec;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpec;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecComplexity;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecPredefinedText;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecRisk;
use SL::Helper::Flash;
use SL::JSON;
use SL::Locale::String;

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
scalar => [ qw(item visible_item visible_section clicked_item sections) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(complexities risks predefined_texts) ],

__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_requirement_spec_item', only => [ qw(dragged_and_dropped ajax_update ajax_edit ajax_delete ajax_flag ajax_copy) ]);

# actions

sub action_ajax_list {
my ($self) = @_;

if (!$::form->{clicked_id}) {
# Clicked on "sections" in the tree. Do nothing.
return $self->render;

my $clicked_item = SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $::form->{clicked_id})->load;

if (!$self->visible_section || ($self->visible_section->id != $self->item->id)) {
$self->render_list($self->item, $clicked_item);
} else {


sub insert_new_item_in_section_view {
my ($self) = @_;


my $new_type = $self->item->item_type;
my $id_prefix = $new_type eq 'sub-function-block' ? 'sub-' : '';
my $template = 'requirement_spec_item/_' . (apply { s/-/_/g; $_ } $new_type);
my $html = "" . $self->render($template, { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $self->item);
my $next_item = $self->item->get_next_in_list;

if ($next_item) {
$self->js->insertBefore($html, '#' . $id_prefix . 'function-block-' . $next_item->id);
} else {
my $parent_is_section = $self->item->parent->item_type eq 'section';
$self->js->appendTo($html, $parent_is_section ? '#section-list' : '#sub-function-block-container-' . $self->item->parent_id);
$self->js->show('#sub-function-block-container-' . $self->item->parent_id) if !$parent_is_section;

$self->replace_bottom($self->item->parent) if $new_type eq 'sub-function-block';

sub action_dragged_and_dropped {
my ($self) = @_;

my $position = $::form->{position} =~ m/^ (?: before | after | last ) $/x ? $::form->{position} : die "Unknown 'position' parameter";
my $dropped_item = $::form->{dropped_id} ? SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $::form->{dropped_id})->load : undef;

my $old_visible_section = $self->visible_section ? $self->visible_section : undef;
my $old_parent_id = $self->item->parent_id;
my $old_type = $self->item->item_type;
my $new_type = !$dropped_item ? 'section' : $position =~ m/before|after/ ? $dropped_item->item_type : $dropped_item->child_type;

$self->item->db->do_transaction(sub {
$self->item->parent_id($position =~ m/before|after/ ? $dropped_item->parent_id : $dropped_item->id) if $dropped_item;
$self->item->add_to_list(position => $position, reference => $::form->{dropped_id} || undef);

$self->item(SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $self->item->id)->load);
my $new_section = $self->item->section;
my $new_visible_section = SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $self->visible_item->id)->load->section;

return $self->invalidate_version->render if !$old_visible_section || ($new_type eq 'section');

# From here on $old_visible_section is definitely set.

my $old_parent = SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $old_parent_id)->load;
my $old_section = $old_parent->section;

# Section debug info:
# $::lxdebug->message(0, "old sec ID " . $old_section->id . " new " . $new_section->id . " old visible " . $old_visible_section->id . " new visible " . $new_visible_section->id
# . " PARENT: old " . $old_parent->id . " new " . $self->item->parent_id . '/' . $self->item->parent->id);

# Item debug info:
# $::lxdebug->message(0, 'item id: ' . $self->item->id . " new type: $new_type old type: $old_type #old children: " . scalar(@{ $old_parent->children }));

if ($old_visible_section->id != $new_visible_section->id) {
# The currently visible item has been dragged to a different section.
return $self->render_list($new_section, $self->item)

if ($old_visible_section->id == $old_section->id) {
my $id_prefix = $old_type eq 'sub-function-block' ? 'sub-' : '';
$self->js->remove('#' . $id_prefix . 'function-block-' . $self->item->id);

if ($old_type eq 'sub-function-block') {
$self->replace_bottom($old_parent) ;
$self->js->hide('#sub-function-block-container-' . $old_parent->id) if 0 == scalar(@{ $old_parent->children });

} elsif (0 == scalar(@{ $old_section->children })) {

if ($old_visible_section->id == $new_section->id) {

# $::lxdebug->dump(0, "js", $self->js->to_array);


sub action_ajax_add_section {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

die "Missing parameter 'requirement_spec_id'" if !$::form->{requirement_spec_id};

$self->item(SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(requirement_spec_id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id}, item_type => 'section'));

my $insert_after = $::form->{id} ? SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $::form->{id})->load->section->id : undef;
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section_form', { output => 0 }, id_base => 'new_section', insert_after => $insert_after);

->hide('#column-content > *')
->appendTo($html, '#column-content')

sub action_ajax_add_function_block {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

return $self->add_function_block('function-block');

sub action_ajax_add_sub_function_block {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

return $self->add_function_block('sub-function-block');

sub action_ajax_create {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $prefix = $::form->{form_prefix} || die "Missing parameter 'form_prefix'";
my $attributes = $::form->{$prefix} || die "Missing parameter group '${prefix}'";
my $insert_after = delete $attributes->{insert_after};

if (!$attributes->{parent_id}) {
$attributes->{order_part_id} ||= $::instance_conf->get_requirement_spec_section_order_part_id;

my @errors = $self->item(SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(%{ $attributes }))->validate;
return $self->js->error(@errors)->render($self) if @errors;

$self->item->add_to_list(position => 'after', reference => $insert_after) if $insert_after;

my $type = $self->item->item_type;

if ($type eq 'section') {
my $node = $self->presenter->requirement_spec_item_jstree_data($self->item);
->jstree->create_node('#tree', $insert_after ? ('#fb-' . $insert_after, 'after') : ('#sections', 'last'), $node)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id);
return $self->add_new_item_form_after_create

my $template = 'requirement_spec_item/_' . (apply { s/-/_/g; $_ } $type);
my $html = $self->render($template, { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $self->item, id_prefix => $type eq 'function-block' ? '' : 'sub-');
my $node = $self->presenter->requirement_spec_item_jstree_data($self->item);

->replaceWith('#' . $prefix . '_form', $html)
->jstree->create_node('#tree', $insert_after ? ('#fb-' . $insert_after, 'after') : ('#fb-' . $self->item->parent_id, 'last'), $node)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id);

$self->replace_bottom($self->item->parent) if $type eq 'sub-function-block';



sub action_ajax_edit {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

$self->item(SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $::form->{id})->load);

if (!$self->is_item_visible) {
# Show section/item to edit if it is not visible.

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $self->item->section);
$self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html);

if ($self->item->item_type =~ m/section/) {
# Edit the section header, not an item.
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section_form', { output => 0 });

->hide('#section-header-' . $self->item->id)
->insertAfter($html, '#section-header-' . $self->item->id)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id)
->val('#current_content_type', 'section')
->val('#current_content_id', $self->item->id)

# Edit a function block or a sub function block
my @dependencies = $self->create_dependencies;
my @selected_dependencies = map { $_->id } @{ $self->item->dependencies };

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_function_block_form', { output => 0 }, DEPENDENCIES => \@dependencies, SELECTED_DEPENDENCIES => \@selected_dependencies);
my $id_base = 'edit_function_block_' . $self->item->id;
my $content_top_id = '#' . $self->item->item_type . '-content-top-' . $self->item->id;

->insertAfter($html, $content_top_id)
->run('kivi.requirement_spec.init_function_block_keypress_events', "${id_base}_form")
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id)
->val('#current_content_type', $self->item->item_type)
->val('#current_content_id', $self->item->id)

sub action_ajax_update {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $prefix = $::form->{form_prefix} || die "Missing parameter 'form_prefix'";
my $attributes = $::form->{$prefix} || {};

foreach (qw(requirement_spec_id parent_id position)) {
delete $attributes->{$_} if !defined $attributes->{$_};

my @errors = $self->item->assign_attributes(%{ $attributes })->validate;
return $self->js->error(@errors)->render($self) if @errors;


my $type = $self->item->item_type;

if ($type eq 'section') {
# Updated section, now update section header.

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section_header', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $self->item);

return $self->invalidate_version
->html('#section-header-' . $self->item->id, $html)
->show('#section-header-' . $self->item->id)
->jstree->rename_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id, $::request->presenter->requirement_spec_item_tree_node_title($self->item))
->prop('#fb-' . $self->item->id . ' a', 'title', $self->item->content_excerpt)
->addClass('#fb-' . $self->item->id . ' a', 'tooltip')

# Updated function block or sub function block. Update (sub)
# function block and potentially the bottom of the parent function
# block.

my $id_prefix = $type eq 'function-block' ? '' : 'sub-';
my $html_top = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_function_block_content_top', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $self->item, id_prefix => $id_prefix);
$id_prefix .= 'function-block-content-';

->remove('#' . $prefix . '_form')
->replaceWith('#' . $id_prefix . 'top-' . $self->item->id, $html_top)
->prop('#fb-' . $self->item->id . ' a', 'title', $self->item->content_excerpt)
->addClass('#fb-' . $self->item->id . ' a', 'tooltip')
->jstree->rename_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id, $::request->presenter->requirement_spec_item_tree_node_title($self->item));

$self->replace_bottom($self->item, id_prefix => $id_prefix);
$self->replace_bottom($self->item->parent) if $type eq 'sub-function-block';


sub action_ajax_delete {
my ($self) = @_;

my $full_list = $self->item->get_full_list;


if ($self->visible_section && ($self->visible_section->id == $self->item->id)) {
# Currently visible section is deleted.

my $new_section = first { $_->id != $self->item->id } @{ $self->item->requirement_spec->sections };
if ($new_section) {

} else {
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_no_section', { output => 0 });
$self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html)
->val('#current_content_type', '')
->val('#current_content_id', '')

} elsif ($self->is_item_visible) {
# Item in currently visible section is deleted.

my $type = $self->item->item_type;
$self->js->remove('#edit_function_block_' . $self->item->id . '_form')
->remove('#' . $type . '-' . $self->item->id);

$self->replace_bottom($self->item->parent_id) if $type eq 'sub-function-block';

if (1 == scalar @{ $full_list }) {
if ($type eq 'function-block') {
} elsif ($type eq 'sub-function-block') {
$self->js->hide('#sub-function-block-container-' . $self->item->parent_id);

->jstree->delete_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id)

sub action_ajax_flag {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->item->update_attributes(is_flagged => !$self->item->is_flagged);

->action_if($self->is_item_visible, 'toggleClass', '#' . $self->item->item_type . '-' . $self->item->id, 'flagged')
->toggleClass('#fb-' . $self->item->id, 'flagged')

sub action_ajax_copy {
my ($self, %params) = @_;


sub determine_paste_position {
my ($self) = @_;

if ($self->item->item_type eq 'section') {
# Sections are always pasted either directly after the
# clicked-upon section or at the very end.
return $self->clicked_item ? (undef, $self->clicked_item->section->id) : ();

} elsif ($self->item->item_type eq 'function-block') {
# A function block:
# - paste on section list: insert into last section as last element
# - paste on section: insert into that section as last element
# - paste on function block: insert after clicked-upon element
# - paste on sub function block: insert after parent function block of clicked-upon element
return !$self->clicked_item ? ( $self->sections->[-1]->id, undef )
: $self->clicked_item->item_type eq 'section' ? ( $self->clicked_item->id, undef )
: $self->clicked_item->item_type eq 'function-block' ? ( $self->clicked_item->parent_id, $self->clicked_item->id )
: ( $self->clicked_item->parent->parent_id, $self->clicked_item->parent_id );

} else { # sub-function-block
# A sub function block:
# - paste on section list: promote to function block and insert into last section as last element
# - paste on section: promote to function block and insert into that section as last element
# - paste on function block: insert as last element in clicked-upon element
# - paste on sub function block: insert after clicked-upon element

# Promote sub function blocks to function blocks when pasting on a
# section or the section list.
$self->item->item_type('function-block') if !$self->clicked_item || ($self->clicked_item->item_type eq 'section');

return !$self->clicked_item ? ( $self->sections->[-1]->id, undef )
: $self->clicked_item->item_type eq 'section' ? ( $self->clicked_item->id, undef )
: $self->clicked_item->item_type eq 'function-block' ? ( $self->clicked_item->id, undef )
: ( $self->clicked_item->parent_id, $self->clicked_item->id );

sub assign_requirement_spec_id_rec {
my ($self, $item) = @_;

$item->assign_attributes(requirement_spec_id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id}, fb_number => undef);
$self->assign_requirement_spec_id_rec($_) for @{ $item->children || [] };

return $item;

sub create_and_insert_node_rec {
my ($self, $item, $new_parent_id, $insert_after) = @_;

my $node = $self->presenter->requirement_spec_item_jstree_data($item);
$self->js->jstree->create_node('#tree', $insert_after ? ('#fb-' . $insert_after, 'after') : $new_parent_id ? ('#fb-' . $new_parent_id, 'last') : ('#sections', 'last'), $node);

$self->create_and_insert_node_rec($_, $item->id) for @{ $item->children || [] };

$self->js->jstree->open_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $item->id);

sub action_ajax_paste {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $copied = SL::Clipboard->new->get_entry(qr/^RequirementSpecItem$/);

if (!$copied) {
return $self->js->error(t8("The clipboard does not contain anything that can be pasted here."))

my $req_spec = SL::DB::RequirementSpec->new(id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id})->load;

if (($self->item->item_type ne 'section') && !@{ $self->sections }) {
return $self->js->error(t8("You cannot paste function blocks or sub function blocks if there is no section."))

$self->clicked_item($::form->{id} ? SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $::form->{id})->load : undef);

my ($new_parent_id, $insert_after) = $self->determine_paste_position;

# Store result in database.
$self->item->update_attributes(parent_id => $new_parent_id);
$self->item->add_to_list(position => 'after', reference => $insert_after) if $insert_after;

# Update the tree: create the node for all pasted objects.
$self->create_and_insert_node_rec($self->item, $new_parent_id, $insert_after);

# Pasting the very first section?
if (!@{ $self->sections }) {
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $self->item);
$self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id)

# Update the current view if required.
$self->insert_new_item_in_section_view($self->js) if $self->is_item_visible;


# filters

sub check_auth {
my ($self) = @_;

sub load_requirement_spec_item {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->item(SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $::form->{id})->load);

# helpers

sub create_random_id {
return join '-', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();

sub format_exception {
return join "\n", (split m/\n/, $@)[0..4];

sub init_complexities {
my ($self) = @_;

return SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecComplexity->get_all_sorted;

sub init_risks {
my ($self) = @_;

return SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecRisk->get_all_sorted;

sub init_predefined_texts {
return SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecPredefinedText->get_all_sorted(where => [ useable_for_sections => 1 ]);

sub replace_bottom {
my ($self, $item_or_id) = @_;

my $item = (ref($item_or_id) ? $item_or_id : SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $item_or_id))->load;
my $id_prefix = $item->item_type eq 'function-block' ? '' : 'sub-';
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_function_block_content_bottom', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $item, id_prefix => $id_prefix);
return $self->js->replaceWith('#' . $id_prefix . 'function-block-content-bottom-' . $item->id, $html);

sub render_list {
my ($self, $item, $item_to_select) = @_;

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $item);
$self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html);
$self->select_node($item_to_select || $item);

sub select_node {
my ($self, $item) = @_;

->val( '#current_content_type', $item->item_type)
->val( '#current_content_id', $item->id)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $item->id);

sub create_dependency_item {
my $self = shift;
[ $_[0]->id, $self->presenter->truncate(join(' ', grep { $_ } ($_[1], $_[0]->fb_number, $_[0]->description_as_stripped_html))) ];

sub create_dependencies {
my ($self) = @_;

return map { [ $_->fb_number . ' ' . $_->title,
[ map { ( $self->create_dependency_item($_),
map { $self->create_dependency_item($_, '->') } @{ $_->children_sorted })
} @{ $_->children_sorted } ] ]
} @{ $self->item->requirement_spec->sections };

sub ensure_section_is_shown {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

return $self->js if $self->is_item_visible;

# Show section/item to edit if it is not visible.
my $new_section = $self->item->section;
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $new_section);

return $self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html)
->val('#current_content_type', 'section')
->val('#current_content_id', $new_section->id)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $new_section->id);

sub add_new_item_form {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

for (qw(insert_position display_reference)) {
croak "Missing parameter $_" if !$params{$_};
croak "Missing parameter insert_reference" if ($params{insert_position} eq 'insertAfter') && !$params{insert_reference};

my $id_base = join('_', 'new_function_block', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
my $html = $self->render(
{ output => 0 },
DEPENDENCIES => [ $self->create_dependencies ],
requirement_spec_item => $self->item,
id_base => $id_base,
insert_after => $params{insert_position} eq 'insertAfter' ? $params{insert_reference} : undef,

return $self->js
->action($params{insert_position}, $html, $params{display_reference})
->action_if($self->item->item_type eq 'sub-function-block', 'show', '#sub-function-block-container-' . $self->item->parent_id)
->run('kivi.requirement_spec.init_function_block_keypress_events', "${id_base}_form")

sub add_new_item_form_after_create {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $created_item = $self->item;

my ($new_item_type, $new_parent_id, $insert_position, $insert_reference, $display_reference);
if ($created_item->item_type eq 'section') {
# $created_item is section, new one will be function-block
$new_item_type = 'function-block';
$new_parent_id = $created_item->id;
$insert_position = 'appendTo';
$display_reference = '#section-list';

} elsif (!$::form->{shift_in_out}) {
# $created_item is function-block or sub-function-block, new one will be the same
$new_item_type = $created_item->item_type;
$new_parent_id = $created_item->parent_id;
$insert_position = 'insertAfter';
$insert_reference = $created_item->id;
$display_reference = '#' . $created_item->item_type . '-' . $created_item->id;

} elsif ($created_item->item_type eq 'function-block') {
# $created_item is function-block, new one will be sub-function-block
$new_item_type = 'sub-function-block';
$new_parent_id = $created_item->id;
$insert_position = 'appendTo';
$display_reference = '#sub-function-block-container-' . $created_item->id;

} else {
# $created_item is sub-function-block, new one will be function-block
$new_item_type = 'function-block';
$new_parent_id = $created_item->parent->parent_id;
$insert_position = 'insertAfter';
$insert_reference = $created_item->parent_id;
$display_reference = '#function-block-' . $created_item->parent_id;

"OLD item_type " . $created_item->item_type . " ; NEW item_type $new_item_type ; parent_id $new_parent_id ; " .
"insert_position $insert_position ; insert_reference $insert_reference ; display_reference $display_reference");

requirement_spec_id => $created_item->requirement_spec_id,
parent_id => $new_parent_id,
item_type => $new_item_type,

insert_reference => $insert_reference,
insert_position => $insert_position,
display_reference => $display_reference,

sub add_function_block {
my ($self, $new_type) = @_;

my $clicked_id = $::form->{id} || ($self->visible_item ? $self->visible_item->id : undef);

die "Invalid new_type '$new_type'" if $new_type !~ m/^(?:sub-)?function-block$/;
die "Missing parameter 'id' and no visible item" if !$clicked_id;
die "Missing parameter 'requirement_spec_id'" if !$::form->{requirement_spec_id};

my $clicked_item = SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $clicked_id)->load;
my $clicked_type = $clicked_item->item_type;

die "Invalid clicked_type '$clicked_type'" if $clicked_type !~ m/^(?: section | (?:sub-)? function-block )$/x;

my $case = "${clicked_type}:${new_type}";

my ($insert_position, $insert_reference, $parent_id, $display_reference)
= $case eq 'section:function-block' ? ( 'appendTo', $clicked_item->id, $clicked_item->id, '#section-list' )
: $case eq 'function-block:function-block' ? ( 'insertAfter', $clicked_item->id, $clicked_item->parent_id, '#function-block-' )
: $case eq 'function-block:sub-function-block' ? ( 'appendTo' , $clicked_item->id, $clicked_item->id, '#sub-function-block-container-' )
: $case eq 'sub-function-block:function-block' ? ( 'insertAfter', $clicked_item->parent_id, $clicked_item->parent->parent_id, '#function-block-' )
: $case eq 'sub-function-block:sub-function-block' ? ( 'insertAfter', $clicked_item->id, $clicked_item->parent_id, '#sub-function-block-' )
: die "Invalid combination of 'clicked_type (section)/new_type ($new_type)'";

$display_reference .= $insert_reference if $display_reference =~ m/-$/;

$self->item(SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(requirement_spec_id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id}, parent_id => $parent_id, item_type => $new_type));

$self->js->show('#sub-function-block-container-' . $parent_id) if $new_type eq 'sub-function-block';
$self->add_new_item_form(insert_position => $insert_position, insert_reference => $insert_reference, display_reference => $display_reference);


sub is_item_visible {
my ($self, $item) = @_;

$item ||= $self->item;
return $self->visible_section && ($self->visible_section->id == $item->section->id);

sub invalidate_version {
my ($self) = @_;

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec/_version', { output => 0 },
requirement_spec => SL::DB::RequirementSpec->new(id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id} || $self->item->requirement_spec_id)->load);
return $self->js->html('#requirement_spec_version', $html);
