Revision 72ef551a
Von Holger Lindemann vor fast 17 Jahren hinzugefügt
xtcom/xtcomexport.php | ||
1 |
<? |
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/*************************************************************** |
3 |
*Author: Holger Lindemann |
4 |
*Copyright: (c) 2004 Lx-System |
5 |
*License: non free |
6 |
*eMail: |
7 |
*Version: 1.6 |
8 |
*Shop: xt::Commerce |
9 |
*ERP: Lx-Office ERP 2.4.x |
10 |
***************************************************************/ |
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/* |
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* Noch einzubauen: |
13 |
*/ |
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//echo <<<EOF |
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echo "<html>"; |
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echo " <head><title>Lx-ERP Export der Shopartikel</title>"; |
17 |
echo ' <link type="text/css" REL="stylesheet" HREF="css/main.css"></link>'; |
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echo "<body>"; |
19 |
//EOF; |
20 |
21 |
require_once "shoplib.php"; |
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/********************************************** |
25 |
* getAttribut($oid,$pid) |
26 |
* |
27 |
**********************************************/ |
28 |
function getAttribut($oid,$pid) { |
29 |
$sql="select * from orders_products_attributes where orders_id=$oid and orders_products_id=$pid"; |
30 |
$rs=getAll("shop",$sql,"getAttribut"); |
31 |
$txt=""; |
32 |
foreach ($rs as $zeile) { |
33 |
$txt.="\n - ".$zeile["products_options"].":".$zeile["products_options_values"]; |
34 |
}; |
35 |
return $txt; |
36 |
} |
37 |
38 |
/********************************************** |
39 |
* getBrutto($id) |
40 |
* |
41 |
**********************************************/ |
42 |
function getBrutto($id) { |
43 |
$sql="select * from orders_total where orders_id=$id and class='ot_total'"; |
44 |
$rs=getAll("shop",$sql,"getBrutto"); |
45 |
return $rs[0]["value"]; |
46 |
} |
47 |
48 |
/********************************************** |
49 |
* getMwst($id) |
50 |
* |
51 |
**********************************************/ |
52 |
function getMwst($id) { |
53 |
$sql="select * from orders_total where orders_id=$id and class='ot_tax'"; |
54 |
$rs=getAll("shop",$sql,"getMwst"); |
55 |
$mwst=0; |
56 |
if ($rs) { |
57 |
foreach ($rs as $zeile) { |
58 |
$mwst+=$zeile["value"]; |
59 |
} |
60 |
} |
61 |
return $mwst; |
62 |
} |
63 |
64 |
/********************************************** |
65 |
* getSonderkosten($id,$art) |
66 |
* |
67 |
**********************************************/ |
68 |
function getSonderkosten($id,$art) { |
69 |
$sql="select * from orders_total where orders_id=$id and class='".$GLOBALS["skosten"][$art]."'"; |
70 |
$rs=getAll("shop",$sql,"getSonderkosten"); |
71 |
if ($rs[0]["value"]) { |
72 |
$kosten=round($rs[0]["value"]/(100+$GLOBALS["versand"]["TAX"])*100,2); |
73 |
} else { |
74 |
$kosten=false; |
75 |
} |
76 |
return $kosten; |
77 |
} |
78 |
79 |
/********************************************** |
80 |
* insBestArtikel($zeile,$transID) |
81 |
* |
82 |
**********************************************/ |
83 |
function insBestArtikel($ordersID,$transID) { |
84 |
global $div07,$div16; |
85 |
$sql="select * from orders_products where orders_id=$ordersID"; |
86 |
$rs=getAll("shop",$sql,"insBestArtikel"); |
87 |
$ok=true; |
88 |
if ($rs) foreach ($rs as $zeile) { |
89 |
$sql="select * from parts where partnumber='".$zeile["products_model"]."'"; |
90 |
$rs2=getAll("erp",$sql,"insBestArtikel"); |
91 |
if ( $rs2[0]["id"]) {$artID=$rs2[0]["id"]; $artNr=$rs2[0]["partnumber"]; } |
92 |
else { |
93 |
if ($zeile["products_tax"]=="19.0000") { |
94 |
$artID=$div16["ID"]; |
95 |
$artNr=$div16["NR"]; |
96 |
} else { |
97 |
$artID=$div07["ID"]; |
98 |
$artNr=$div07["NR"]; |
99 |
}; |
100 |
} |
101 |
$preis=round($zeile["products_price"]/(100+$zeile["products_tax"])*100,2); |
102 |
$text=getAttribut($ordersID,$zeile["orders_products_id"]); |
103 |
$sql="insert into orderitems (trans_id, parts_id, description, qty, sellprice, unit, ship, discount) values ("; |
104 |
$sql.=$transID.",".$artID.",'".$zeile["products_name"].$text."',".$zeile["products_quantity"].",".$preis.",'Stck',0,0)"; |
105 |
echo " - Artikel:[ BuNr.:$artID ArtNr:<b>$artNr</b> ".$zeile["products_name"]." ]<br>"; |
106 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insBestArtikel"); |
107 |
if ($rc === -99) { $ok=false; break; }; |
108 |
} |
109 |
return $ok; |
110 |
} |
111 |
112 |
function insAuftrag($data) { |
113 |
global $ERPusr,$versand,$nachn,$minder,$paypal,$auftrnr; |
114 |
$Zahlmethode=array("authorizenet"=>"","banktransfer"=>"Lastschriftverfahren","cc"=>"Kreditkarte", |
115 |
"cod"=>"Nachnahme","eustandardtransfer"=>"EU-Standard Bank Transfer","iclear"=>"iclear Rechnungskauf", |
116 |
"invoice"=>"Rechnung","ipayment"=>"iPayment","liberecobanktransfer"=>"Lastschriftverfahren", |
117 |
"liberecocc"=>"Kreditkarte","moneybookers"=>"","moneyorder"=>"Scheck/Vorkasse", |
118 |
"nochex"=>"NOCHEX","paypal"=>"PayPal","pm2checkout"=>"2CheckOut","psigate"=>"PSiGate", |
119 |
"qenta"=>"","secpay"=>"SECPay"); |
120 |
$brutto=getBrutto($data["orders_id"]); |
121 |
$mwst=getMwst($data["orders_id"]); |
122 |
$netto=$brutto-$mwst; |
123 |
$versandK=getSonderkosten($data["orders_id"],"Versand"); |
124 |
$nachnK =getSonderkosten($data["orders_id"],"NachName"); |
125 |
$mindermK=getSonderkosten($data["orders_id"],"Minder"); |
126 |
$paypalK =getSonderkosten($data["orders_id"],"Paypal"); |
127 |
// Hier beginnt die Transaktion |
128 |
$rc=query("erp","BEGIN WORK","insAuftrag"); |
129 |
if ($rc === -99) { echo "Probleme mit Transaktion. Abbruch!"; exit(); }; |
130 |
if ($auftrnr) { |
131 |
$auftrag=$GLOBALS["preA"].getNextAnr(); |
132 |
} else { |
133 |
$auftrag=$GLOBALS["preA"].$data["orders_id"]; |
134 |
} |
135 |
$sql="select count(*) as cnt from oe where ordnumber = '$auftrag'"; |
136 |
$rs=getAll("erp",$sql,"insAuftrag 1"); |
137 |
if ($rs[0]["cnt"]>0) { |
138 |
$auftrag=$GLOBALS["preA"].getNextAnr(); |
139 |
} |
140 |
$newID=uniqid (rand()); |
141 |
$sql="insert into oe (notes,ordnumber,cusordnumber) values ('$newID','$auftrag','".$data["kdnr"]."')"; |
142 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insAuftrag 2"); |
143 |
if ($rc === -99) { |
144 |
echo "Auftrag ".$data["orders_id"]." konnte nicht angelegt werden.<br>"; |
145 |
$rc=query("erp","ROLLBACK WORK","chkKunde"); |
146 |
echo "Auftrag ".$data["orders_id"]." konnte nicht angelegt werden.<br>"; |
147 |
return false; |
148 |
} |
149 |
$sql="select * from oe where notes = '$newID'"; |
150 |
$rs2=getAll("erp",$sql,"insAuftrag 3"); |
151 |
if (!$rs2>0) { |
152 |
echo "Auftrag ".$data["orders_id"]." konnte nicht angelegt werden.<br>"; |
153 |
$rc=query("erp","ROLLBACK WORK","chkKunde"); |
154 |
echo "Auftrag ".$data["orders_id"]." konnte nicht angelegt werden.<br>"; |
155 |
return false; |
156 |
} |
157 |
$BEZAHLEN=$Zahlmethode[$data["payment_method"]]."\n"; |
158 |
if ($data["cc_type"]) { |
159 |
$BEZAHLEN.=$data["cc_type"]."\n".$data["cc_owner"]."\n".$data["cc_number"]."\n".$data["cc_expires"]."\n"; |
160 |
} else if ($data["banktransfer_blz"]) { |
161 |
$BEZAHLEN.="Kontoinhaber: ".$data["banktransfer_owner"]."\nBanknummer: ".$data["banktransfer_blz"]; |
162 |
$BEZAHLEN.="\nBank: ".$data["banktransfer_bankname"]."\nKontonummer: ".$data["banktransfer_number"]."\n"; |
163 |
} |
164 |
$sql="update oe set cusordnumber=".$data["orders_id"].", transdate='".$data["date_purchased"]."', customer_id=".$data["kdnr"].", "; |
165 |
$sql.="amount=".$brutto.", netamount=".$netto.", reqdate='".$data["date_purchased"]."', taxincluded='f', "; |
166 |
if ($data["shipto"]>0) $sql.="shipto_id=".$data["shipto"].", "; |
167 |
$sql.="intnotes='".$data["comments"]."',notes='".$BEZAHLEN."', curr='EUR',employee_id=".$ERPusr["ID"].", vendor_id=0 "; |
168 |
$sql.="where id=".$rs2[0]["id"]; |
169 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insAuftrag 4"); |
170 |
if ($rc === -99) { |
171 |
echo "Auftrag ".$data["orders_id"]." konnte nicht angelegt werden.<br>"; |
172 |
$rc=query("erp","ROLLBACK WORK","chkKunde"); |
173 |
if ($rc === -99) { echo "Probleme mit Transaktion. Abbruch!"; exit(); }; |
174 |
return false; |
175 |
} |
176 |
echo "Auftrag:[ Buchungsnummer:".$rs2[0]["id"]." AuftrNr:<b>".$auftrag."</b> ]<br>"; |
177 |
if (!insBestArtikel($data["orders_id"],$rs2[0]["id"])) { |
178 |
echo "Auftrag ".$data["orders_id"]." konnte nicht angelegt werden.<br>"; |
179 |
$rc=query("erp","ROLLBACK WORK","chkKunde"); |
180 |
if ($rc === -99) { echo "Probleme mit Transaktion. Abbruch!"; exit(); }; |
181 |
return false; |
182 |
}; |
183 |
if ($versandK) { |
184 |
$sql="insert into orderitems (trans_id, parts_id, description, qty, sellprice, unit, ship, discount) values ("; |
185 |
$sql.=$rs2[0]["id"].",".$versand["ID"].",'".$versand["TXT"]."',1,".$versandK.",'mal',0,0)"; |
186 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insAuftrag 8"); |
187 |
if ($rc === -99) echo "Auftrag $auftrag : Fehler bei den Versandkosten<br>"; |
188 |
} |
189 |
if ($nachnK) { |
190 |
$sql="insert into orderitems (trans_id, parts_id, description, qty, sellprice, unit, ship, discount) values ("; |
191 |
$sql.=$rs2[0]["id"].",".$nachn["ID"].",'".$nachn["TXT"]."',1,".$nachnK.",'mal',0,0)"; |
192 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insAuftrag 9"); |
193 |
if ($rc === -99) echo "Auftrag $auftrag : Fehler bei den Nachnamekosten<br>"; |
194 |
} |
195 |
if ($mindermK) { |
196 |
$sql="insert into orderitems (trans_id, parts_id, description, qty, sellprice, unit, ship, discount) values ("; |
197 |
$sql.=$rs2[0]["id"].",".$minder["ID"].",'".$minder["TXT"]."',1,".$mindermK.",'mal',0,0)"; |
198 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insAuftrag 10"); |
199 |
if ($rc === -99) echo "Auftrag $auftrag : Fehler beim Mindermengenzuschlag<br>"; |
200 |
} |
201 |
if ($paypalK) { |
202 |
$sql="insert into orderitems (trans_id, parts_id, description, qty, sellprice, unit, ship, discount) values ("; |
203 |
$sql.=$rs2[0]["id"].",".$paypal["ID"].",'".$paypal["TXT"]."',1,".$paypalK.",'mal',0,0)"; |
204 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insAuftrag 11"); |
205 |
if ($rc === -99) echo "Auftrag $auftrag : Fehler bei den PayPal-Kosten<br>"; |
206 |
} |
207 |
$sql="update orders set orders_status ='3' WHERE orders_id =".$data["orders_id"]; |
208 |
$rc=query("shop",$sql,"insBestArtikel 12"); |
209 |
if ($rc === -99) echo "Bestellung im Shop nicht geschlossen"; |
210 |
$rc=query("erp","COMMIT WORK","chkKunde"); |
211 |
if ($rc === -99) { echo "Probleme mit Transaktion. Abbruch!"; exit(); }; |
212 |
return true; |
213 |
} |
214 |
215 |
/********************************************** |
216 |
* getBestellung() |
217 |
* |
218 |
**********************************************/ |
219 |
function getBestellung() { |
220 |
$sql="select b.*,h.comments,o.*,cn.kdnr from orders o left join orders_status_history h on h.orders_id=o.orders_id "; |
221 |
$sql.="left join banktransfer b on b.orders_id =o.orders_id left join customers_number cn on "; |
222 |
$sql.="cn.customers_id=o.customers_id where o.orders_status=1 order by o.orders_id"; |
223 |
$rs=getAll("shop",$sql,"getBestellung"); |
224 |
return $rs; |
225 |
} |
226 |
227 |
/********************************************** |
228 |
* chkKdData() |
229 |
* |
230 |
**********************************************/ |
231 |
function chkKunden() { |
232 |
$felder=array("firstname","lastname","company","street_address","city","postcode","country"); |
233 |
foreach ($GLOBALS["bestellungen"] as $bestellung) { |
234 |
$rc=query("erp","BEGIN WORK","chkKunden"); |
235 |
if ($rc === -99) { echo "Probleme mit Transaktion. Abbruch!"; exit(); }; |
236 |
if ($bestellung["kdnr"]>0) { // Bestandskunde; kdnr == ID in customers |
237 |
$msg="update "; |
238 |
$kdnr=chkOldKd($bestellung); |
239 |
if ($kdnr == -1) { //Kunde nicht gefunden, neu anlegen. |
240 |
$msg="insert "; |
241 |
$kdnr=insNewKd($bestellung); |
242 |
$GLOBALS["neuKd"]++; |
243 |
} else if (!$kdnr) { |
244 |
echo $msg." ".$bestellung["customers_name"]." fehlgeschlagen!<br>"; |
245 |
$GLOBALS["gesKd"]++; |
246 |
continue; |
247 |
} |
248 |
} else { // Neukunde |
249 |
$msg="insert "; |
250 |
$kdnr=insNewKd($bestellung); |
251 |
$GLOBALS["neuKd"]++; |
252 |
} |
253 |
echo $bestellung["customers_company"]." ".$bestellung["customers_name"]." $kdnr<br>"; |
254 |
$GLOBALS["bestellungen"][$GLOBALS["gesKd"]]["kdnr"]=$kdnr; |
255 |
$sql="delete from customers_number where customers_id=".$bestellung["customers_id"]; |
256 |
$rc=query("shop",$sql,"chkKunde"); |
257 |
$sql="insert into customers_number (customers_id,kdnr) values(".$bestellung["customers_id"].",".$kdnr.")"; |
258 |
$rc=query("shop",$sql,"chkKunde"); |
259 |
if ($kdnr>0) { |
260 |
foreach($felder as $feld) { |
261 |
if ($bestellung["delivery_$feld"]<>$bestellung["customers_$feld"]) { |
262 |
$rc=insShData($bestellung,$kdnr); |
263 |
if ($rc>0) $GLOBALS["bestellungen"][$GLOBALS["gesKd"]]["shipto"]=$rc; |
264 |
break; |
265 |
} |
266 |
} |
267 |
} |
268 |
if (!$kdnr || $rc === -99) { |
269 |
echo $msg." ".$bestellung["customers_name"]." fehlgeschlagen! ($kdnr,$rc)<br>"; |
270 |
$rc=query("erp","ROLLBACK WORK","chkKunde"); |
271 |
if ($rc === -99) { echo "Probleme mit Transaktion. Abbruch!"; exit(); }; |
272 |
} else { |
273 |
$rc=query("erp","COMMIT WORK","chkKunde"); |
274 |
if ($rc === -99) { echo "Probleme mit Transaktion. Abbruch!"; exit(); }; |
275 |
} $GLOBALS["gesKd"]++; |
276 |
} |
277 |
return true; |
278 |
} |
279 |
280 |
function chkOldKd($data) { |
281 |
$sql="select * from customer where id = ".$data["kdnr"]; |
282 |
$rs=getAll("erp",$sql,"chkKdData"); |
283 |
if (!$rs || $rs[0]["id"]<>$data["kdnr"]) { return -1; }; // Kunde nicht gefunden |
284 |
if ($rs[0]["zipcode"]<>$data["customers_postcode"]) $set.="zipcode='".$data["customers_postcode"]."',"; |
285 |
if ($rs[0]["city"]<>$data["customers_city"]) $set.="city='".$data["customers_city"]."',"; |
286 |
if (in_array($data["customers_country"],$GLOBALS["LAND"])) { |
287 |
if ($rs[0]["country"]<>$GLOBALS["LAND"][$data["customers_country"]]) $set.="country='".$GLOBALS["LAND"][$data["customers_country"]]."',"; |
288 |
} else { |
289 |
if ($rs[0]["country"]<>$data["customers_country"]) $set.="country='".$data["customers_country"]."',"; |
290 |
} |
291 |
if ($rs[0]["phone"]<>$data["customers_phone"])$set.="phone='".$data["customers_phone"]."',"; |
292 |
if ($rs[0]["email"]<>$data["customers_email_address"])$set.="email='".$data["customers_mail_address"]."',"; |
293 |
if ($data["customers_company"]) { |
294 |
if ($rs[0]["name"]<>$data["customers_company"]) $set.="name='".$data["customers_company"]."',"; |
295 |
if ($rs[0]["contact"]<>$data["customers_name"]) $set.="contact='".$data["customers_name"]."',"; |
296 |
} else { |
297 |
if ($rs[0]["name"]<>$data["customers_name"]) $set.="name='".$data["customers_lastname"].", ".$data["customers_firstname"]."',"; |
298 |
} |
299 |
if ($rs[0]["street"]<>$data["customers_street_address"]) $set.="street='".$data["customers_street_address"]."',"; |
300 |
if ($set) { |
301 |
$sql="update customer set ".substr($set,0,-1)." where id=".$rs[0]["id"]; |
302 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"chkKdData"); |
303 |
if ($rc === -99) { |
304 |
return false; |
305 |
} else { |
306 |
return $data["kdnr"]; |
307 |
} |
308 |
} else { |
309 |
return $data["kdnr"]; |
310 |
} |
311 |
} |
312 |
313 |
/********************************************** |
314 |
* insShData($data,$id) |
315 |
* |
316 |
**********************************************/ |
317 |
function insShData($data,$id) { |
318 |
$set=$id; |
319 |
if ($data["delivery_company"]) { $set.=",'".$data["delivery_company"]."','".$data["delivery_name"]."',"; } |
320 |
else { $set.=",'".$data["delivery_name"]."','',"; } |
321 |
$set.="'".$data["delivery_street_address"]."',"; |
322 |
$set.="'".$data["delivery_postcode"]."',"; |
323 |
$set.="'".$data["delivery_city"]."',"; |
324 |
if (in_array($data["delivery_country"],$GLOBALS["LAND"])) { |
325 |
$set.="'".$GLOBALS["LAND"][$data["delivery_country"]]."',"; |
326 |
} else { |
327 |
$set.="'".$data["delivery_country"]."',"; |
328 |
} |
329 |
$set.="'".$data["customers_telephone"]."',"; |
330 |
$set.="'".$data["customers_email_address"]."'"; |
331 |
$sql="insert into shipto (trans_id,shiptoname,shiptodepartment_1,shiptostreet,shiptozipcode,shiptocity,"; |
332 |
$sql.="shiptocountry,shiptophone,shiptoemail,module) values ($set,'CT')"; |
333 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insShData"); |
334 |
if ($rc === -99) return false; |
335 |
$sql="select shipto_id from shipto where trans_id = $id and module='CT' order by itime desc limit 1"; |
336 |
$rs=getAll("erp",$sql,"insKdData"); |
337 |
if ($rs[0]["shipto_id"]>0) { |
338 |
$sid=$rs[0]["shipto_id"]; |
339 |
$sql="update customers_number set shipto = $sid where kdnr = $id"; |
340 |
$rc2=query("shop",$sql,"insShData"); |
341 |
if ($rc2 === -99) { |
342 |
$sql="delete from shipto where shipto_id=$sid"; |
343 |
$rc=query("shop",$sql,"insShData"); |
344 |
return false; |
345 |
} |
346 |
return $sid; |
347 |
} else { |
348 |
echo "Fehler bei abweichender Anschrift ".$data["delivery_name"]; |
349 |
$sql="delete from shipto where shipto_id=$sid"; |
350 |
$rc=query("shop",$sql,"insShData"); |
351 |
return false; |
352 |
} |
353 |
} |
354 |
355 |
/********************************************** |
356 |
* insKdData($BID) |
357 |
* |
358 |
**********************************************/ |
359 |
function insNewKd($data) { |
360 |
$taxid=array("DE"=>0,"CH"=>2,"AU"=>1,"FR"=>1,"IT"=>1,"ES"=>1,"NL"=>1); // Muß erweitert werden |
361 |
$taxidL=array("Germany"=>0,"Switzerland"=>2,"Austria"=>1,"France"=>1,"Italy"=>1,"Spain"=>1,"Netherlands"=>1); // Muß erweitert werden |
362 |
$newID=uniqid(rand(time(),1)); |
363 |
//Kundennummer generieren |
364 |
if ($GLOBALS["kdnum"]==1) { // von der ERP |
365 |
$kdnr=$GLOBALS["preK"].getNextKnr(); |
366 |
} else { // durch Shop |
367 |
$kdnr=$GLOBALS["preK"].$data["customers_id"]; |
368 |
} |
369 |
$sql="select count(*) as cnt from customer where customernumber = '$kdnr'"; |
370 |
$rs=getAll("erp",$sql,"insKdData"); |
371 |
if ($rs[0]["cnt"]>0) { // Kundennummer gibt es schon, eine neue aus ERP |
372 |
$kdnr=$GLOBALS["preK"].getNextKnr(); |
373 |
} |
374 |
$sql="insert into customer (name,customernumber) values ('$newID','$kdnr')"; |
375 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insKdData"); |
376 |
if ($rc === -99) return false; |
377 |
$sql="select * from customer where name = '$newID'"; |
378 |
$rs=getAll("erp",$sql,"insKdData"); |
379 |
if (!$rs) return false; |
380 |
if ($data["customers_company"]) { |
381 |
$set.="set name='".$data["customers_company"]."',contact='".$data["customers_name"]."',"; |
382 |
}else { |
383 |
$set.="set name='".$data["customers_lastname"].", ".$data["customers_firstname"]."',"; |
384 |
$set.="contact='".$data["customers_name"]."',"; |
385 |
} |
386 |
$set.="street='".$data["customers_street_address"]."',"; |
387 |
$set.="zipcode='".$data["customers_postcode"]."',"; |
388 |
$set.="city='".$data["customers_city"]."',"; |
389 |
$set.="country='".$data["delivery_country_iso_code_2"]."',"; |
390 |
$set.="phone='".$data["customers_telephone"]."',"; |
391 |
$set.="email='".$data["customers_email_address"]."',"; |
392 |
if ($data["delivery_country_iso_code_2"]) { |
393 |
$tid=(in_array($data["delivery_country_iso_code_2"],$taxid))?$taxid[$data["delivery_country_iso_code_2"]]:0; |
394 |
} else { |
395 |
$tid=(in_array($data["delivery_country"],$taxidL))?$taxidL[$data["delivery_country"]]:0; |
396 |
} |
397 |
if (!$tid) $tid=0; |
398 |
$set.="taxzone_id=$tid,"; |
399 |
$set.="taxincluded='f' "; |
400 |
$sql="update customer ".$set; |
401 |
$sql.="where id=".$rs[0]["id"]; |
402 |
$rc=query("erp",$sql,"insKdData"); |
403 |
if ($rc === -99) { |
404 |
$sql="delete from customer where id=".$rs[0]["id"]; |
405 |
$rc=query("shop",$sql,"insNewKd"); |
406 |
return false; |
407 |
} else { return $rs[0]["id"]; } |
408 |
} |
409 |
410 |
$LAND=array("Germany"=>"D","Austria"=>"A","Switzerland"=>"CH"); |
411 |
$skosten=array("Versand"=>"ot_shipping","NachName"=>"ot_cod_fee","Paypal"=>"ot_paypal","Minder"=>"ot_loworderfee"); |
412 |
$bestellungen=getBestellung(); |
413 |
$ok=count($bestellungen); |
414 |
$gesKd=0; |
415 |
$neuKd=0; |
416 |
if ($ok) { |
417 |
echo "Es liegen $ok Bestellungen vor. <br>"; |
418 |
chkKunden(); |
419 |
echo $gesKd." Kunde(n), davon ".$neuKd." neue(r) Kunde(n).<br>"; |
420 |
foreach ($bestellungen as $bestellung) { |
421 |
insAuftrag($bestellung); |
422 |
} |
423 |
} else { echo "Es liegen keine Bestellungen vor!<br>"; }; |
424 |
?> |
425 |
<!--a href='trans.php'>zurück</a--> |
426 |
</body> |
427 |
</html> |
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