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Revision 71e8a340

Von Jan Büren vor fast 2 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 71e8a3402d70c7650fa7442f771474ef3e5b9818
  • Vorgänger 18e7a0c3
  • Nachfolger 8619799d

Shopware6: Erweiterung für prozetualen Rabatt im POD ergänzt

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#Mapping Positions
my %discount_identifier;
foreach my $pos (@positions) {
if ($pos->{type} eq 'promotion') {
next unless $pos->{payload}->{discountType} eq 'percentage';
foreach my $discount_pos (@{ $pos->{payload}->{composition} }) {
my $price = $::form->round_amount($pos->{unitPrice}, 2); # unit
my %pos_columns = ( description => $pos->{product}->{name},
partnumber => $pos->{product}->{productNumber},
also be synced. This should be more clear (language configuration for shops) and the order
synchronisation should also handle this (longdescription is simply copied from part.notes)
=item * Shopware6 Promotion Codes
Shopware6 Promotion Codes with discounts for specific positions (called line items in Shopware)
are in a single line item of the type 'promotion'. kivitendo uses a simple real number in the
range of 0 .. 1 to add a discount for a line item.
This implementation adds a percentual discount for the correct positions and does not process
the discount line item afterwards. The original Shopware Promotion Code is also saved.
=head1 AUTHOR

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff