Revision 6ebb31d0
Von Jan Büren vor etwa 3 Jahren hinzugefügt
templates/webpages/common/_send_email_dialog.html | ||
[% SET no_file_label = have_files ? LxERP.t8("Don't include a printout of the record with the email, only selected files") : LxERP.t8("Don't include a printout of the record with the email") ;
options = [
[ "normal", LxERP.t8("Create and send a new printout for this record") ],
[ "old_file", LxERP.t8("Send the last printout created for this record") ],
[ "normal", LxERP.t8("Create and send a new printout for this record") ],
[ "no_file", no_file_label ],
] ;
L.select_tag("email_form.attachment_policy", options, onchange="kivi.SalesPurchase.activate_send_email_actions_regarding_printout()") %]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Standardmäßig nur die alte Version des Belegs zum E-Mail-Versand erlauben