package SL::Layout::Base;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use Time::HiRes qw();
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(menu auto_reload_resources_param) ],
'scalar' => qw(focus),
'array' => [
'add_stylesheets_inline' => { interface => 'add', hash_key => 'stylesheets_inline' },
'add_javascripts_inline' => { interface => 'add', hash_key => 'javascripts_inline' },
'sub_layouts', => { interface => 'get_set_init' },
'add_sub_layouts' => { interface => 'add', hash_key => 'sub_layouts' },
use SL::Menu;
my %menu_cache;
sub new {
my ($class, @slurp) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@slurp);
sub init_menu {
sub init_auto_reload_resources_param {
return '' unless $::lx_office_conf{debug}->{auto_reload_resources};
return sprintf('?rand=%d-%d-%d', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int(rand 1000000000000));
# inheritable/overridable
sub pre_content {
join '', map { $_->pre_content } $_[0]->sub_layouts;
sub start_content {
join '', map { $_->start_content } $_[0]->sub_layouts;
sub end_content {
join '', map { $_->end_content } $_[0]->sub_layouts;
sub post_content {
join '', map { $_->post_content } $_[0]->sub_layouts;
sub stylesheets_inline {
uniq ( map { $_->stylesheets_inline } $_[0]->sub_layouts ),
@{ $_[0]->{stylesheets_inline} || [] };
sub javascripts_inline {
uniq ( map { $_->javascripts_inline } $_[0]->sub_layouts ),
@{ $_[0]->{javascripts_inline} || [] };
sub init_sub_layouts { [] }
# Interface
sub add_stylesheets {
sub use_stylesheet {
my $self = shift;
push @{ $self->{stylesheets} ||= [] }, @_ if @_;
@{ $self->{stylesheets} ||= [] };
sub stylesheets {
my ($self) = @_;
my $css_path = $self->get_stylesheet_for_user;
return uniq grep { $_ } map { $self->_find_stylesheet($_, $css_path) }
$self->use_stylesheet, map { $_->stylesheets } $self->sub_layouts;
sub _find_stylesheet {
my ($self, $stylesheet, $css_path) = @_;
return "$css_path/$stylesheet" if -f "$css_path/$stylesheet";
return "css/$stylesheet" if -f "css/$stylesheet";
return $stylesheet if -f $stylesheet;
sub get_stylesheet_for_user {
my $css_path = 'css';
if (my $user_style = $::myconfig{stylesheet}) {
$user_style =~ s/\.css$//; # nuke trailing .css, this is a remnand of pre 2.7.0 stylesheet handling
if (-d "$css_path/$user_style" &&
-f "$css_path/$user_style/main.css") {
$css_path = "$css_path/$user_style";
} else {
$css_path = "$css_path/kivitendo";
} else {
$css_path = "$css_path/kivitendo";
$::myconfig{css_path} = $css_path; # needed for menunew, FIXME: don't do this here
return $css_path;
sub add_javascripts {
sub use_javascript {
my $self = shift;
push @{ $self->{javascripts} ||= [] }, @_ if @_;
@{ $self->{javascripts} ||= [] };
sub javascripts {
my ($self) = @_;
return uniq grep { $_ } map { $self->_find_javascript($_) }
map({ $_->javascripts } $self->sub_layouts), $self->use_javascript;
sub _find_javascript {
my ($self, $javascript) = @_;
return "js/$javascript" if -f "js/$javascript";
return $javascript if -f $javascript;
# track state of form header
sub header_done {
$_[0]{_header_done} = 1;
sub need_footer {