Revision 6cc8028d
Von Cem Aydin vor etwa 2 Jahren hinzugefügt
templates/design40_webpages/client_config/_features.html | ||
398 | 398 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.qrbill_copy_invnumber", SELF.defaults.qrbill_copy_invnumber) %]</td> |
399 | 399 |
<td class="long-desc">[% LxERP.t8("If enabled the invoice number will be copied to the unstructured message upon booking. If there's a message already the invoice number will be appended to it.") %]</td> |
400 | 400 |
</tr> |
401 |
401 |
<tr> |
402 | 402 |
<th>[% LxERP.t8("Lock RFQ/Quotation and Order Subversion") %]</th> |
403 | 403 |
<td>[% L.yes_no_tag("defaults.lock_oe_subversions", SELF.defaults.lock_oe_subversions) %]</td> |
404 | 404 |
<td class="long-desc">[% LxERP.t8("If enabled RFQs, Quotations and Orders can only be send once via email. By creating another subversion the current record gets a minor subversion and can be send again via email.") %]</td> |
405 |
405 |
</tr> |
406 | 406 |
<tr> |
407 | 407 |
<th class="caption" colspan="3">[% LxERP.t8('Transport and service costs reminder') %]</th> |
408 | 408 |
</tr> |
... | ... | |
506 | 506 |
</tr> |
507 | 507 |
[% END %] |
508 | 508 |
<tr> |
509 |
<th align="left">[% 'Display' | $T8 %]:</th>
509 |
<th class="left">[% 'Display' | $T8 %]:</th>
510 | 510 |
<td> |
511 | 511 |
[% L.hidden_tag("displayable_name_specs[+].module", module) %] |
512 | 512 |
[% L.input_tag("displayable_name_specs[].default", spec.prefs.get_default, size=50) %] |
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
design40: _features.html: Einrückung korrigiert, align="left" durch Klasse ersetzt