kivitendo/scripts/ @ 6ca21978
39139d92 | Sven Schöling | #!/usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use GD;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
my $css_file = 'generated.css';
my $image_file = 'generated.png';
my $class_for_map = 'icon';
'css-out=s' => \$css_file,
'image-out=s' => \$image_file,
'icon-class=s' => \$class_for_map,
my @files = @ARGV;
my @gd_images;
# read files
for my $filename (@files) {
my $image = GD::Image->newFromPng($filename);
if (!defined $image) {
warn "warning: could not load image '$filename'. skpping...";
push @gd_images, {
gd => $image,
filename => $filename,
# make target layout
# for simplification thi will check if all the images have the same dimensions
# and croak if not
my $first_height = $gd_images[0]->{gd}->height;
my $first_width = $gd_images[0]->{gd}->width;
use Data::Dumper;
for my $img (@gd_images) {
die 'heights are not equal' if $first_height != $img->{gd}->height;
die 'widths are not equal' if $first_width != $img->{gd}->width;
# all equal? nice.
# we'll be lazy and just put them all together left-to-right
my $new_height = $first_height;
my $new_width = $first_width * @gd_images;
my $new_image = GD::Image->new($new_width, $new_height, 1);
# now copy them all together, and keep a referende to;
my $h_offset = 0;
for (@gd_images) {
$_->{h_offset} = $h_offset;
$_->{v_offset} = 0;
$new_image->copy($_->{gd}, $_->{h_offset}, $_->{v_offset}, 0, 0, $_->{gd}->width, $_->{gd}->height);
} continue {
$h_offset += $_->{gd}->width;
# now write that png...
open my $file, '>:raw', $image_file or die "can't write to $image_file";
print $file $new_image->png;
# make css file
open my $file, ">", $css_file or die "can't write too $css_file";
print $file ".$class_for_map { background: url(../$image_file) ${first_width}px 0px no-repeat; padding: 0; width: ${first_width}px; height: ${first_height}px; }\n";
for (@gd_images) {
my $name = fileparse($_->{filename}, ".png");
$name =~ s/ /-/g;
print $file ".$class_for_map.$name { background-position: -$_->{h_offset}px 0px; }\n";
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
image_maps - generates image maps for css sprites from images in a directory
scripts/ \
--out-css=css/icons_16.css \
--out-image= image/maps/icons_16.png \
=head1 OPTIONS
=head1 BUGS
None yet. :)
=head1 AUTHOR
Sven Schoeling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>