Revision 6c984131
Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
# 25.4.09 Antwort: Ja. Aber erst wenn im Frontend die locales-Funktion aufgerufen wird
$kannNichtFertigen .= "Zum Fertigen fehlen: " . abs($partsQTY - $max_parts) .
" Einheiten der Ware: " . $self->get_part_description(parts_id => $currentPart_ID) .
" Einheiten der Ware: " . $self->get_part_description(parts_id => $currentPart_ID) .
" im Lager: " . $warehouse_desc .
", um das Erzeugnis herzustellen. <br>"; # Konnte die Menge nicht mit der aktuellen Anzahl der Waren fertigen
next; # die weiteren Überprüfungen sind unnötig, daher das nächste elemente prüfen (genaue Ausgabe, was noch fehlt)
... | ... | |
=head2 create_assembly \%PARAMS, [ \%PARAMS, ... ]
Creates an assembly if all defined items are available.
One to n rows are inserted in inventory for the used parts and
exactly one row is inserted in inventory for the created assembly.
The calling params originate from C<transfer> but only parts_id with the
attribute assembly are processed.
The typical params would be:
my %TRANSFER = (
'login' => $::myconfig{login},
'dst_warehouse_id' => $form->{warehouse_id},
'dst_bin_id' => $form->{bin_id},
'chargenumber' => $form->{chargenumber},
'bestbefore' => $form->{bestbefore},
'assembly_id' => $form->{parts_id},
'qty' => $form->{qty},
'comment' => $form->{comment}
=head3 Prerequisites
All of these prerequisites have to be trueish, otherwise the function will exit
unsuccessfully with a return value of undef.
=over 4
=item Mandantory params
assembly_id, qty, login, dst_warehouse_id and dst_bin_id are mandatory.
=item Subset named 'Assembly' of data set 'Part'
assembly_id has to be an id in the table parts with the valid subset assembly.
=item More than zero items need to be defined for this subset
There has to be at least one date set in the table assembly referenced to this assembly_id.
=item The param qty needs to be in the set of positive integers
No negative qty's can be assembled neither zero.
=item The assembly item(s) have to be in the same warehouse
inventory.warehouse_id equals dst_warehouse_id (client configurable).
=item The assembly item(s) have to be in stock with the qty needed
The qty of all assembly item(s) are >= than the needed qty
to assemble the qty of assemblies (client configurable).
=item assembly item(s) with the parts set 'service' are ignored
The subset 'Services' of part will not transferred for assembly item(s).
Client configurable prerequisites can be changed with different
prerequisites as described in client_config (s.a. next chapter).
More prerequisites may be added in the future.
=head2 default creation of assembly
Inventory entries distinguish between directions (in/out) and transfer_types.
Valid entries after a creation of an assembly are 'out' and 'used' for assembly
items and 'in' and 'assembled' for the assembly.
The method is transaction safe, in case of errors not a single entry will be made
in inventory.
Two prerequisites can be changed with this global parameters
=over 2
=item $::instance_conf->get_transfer_default_warehouse_for_assembly
If trueish we try to get all the items form the default bins defined in parts
and do not try to find them in the destination warehouse. Returns an
error if not all items have set a default bin in parts.
=item $::instance_conf->get_bin_id_ignore_onhand
If trueish we can create assemblies even if we do not have enough items in stock.
The needed qty will be booked in a special bin, which has to be configured in
the client config.
=head1 BUGS
None yet.
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
1. Version POD zu create_assembly
create_assembly wird transfer_assembly ersetzen.
Dies ist die erste Version alle aktuellen optionalen Verfahren
für 'Erzeugnis fertigen' zu ergänzen.
Aktuell offen ist die Liste der Parameter, sowie das
Verhalten bzgl. best_before