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Revision 6c8feefe

Von Jan Büren vor 3 Monaten hinzugefügt

  • ID 6c8feefecfae5b5ce1d3ea7a5d05d8c2f53f0c81
  • Vorgänger 9fe89a1e
  • Nachfolger ba8e17aa

SelfTest:check_missing_tax: Bei reverse_charge Steuer, kein Fehlalarm

Unterschiede anzeigen:

523 523
  # check tax bookings. all taxkey <> 0 should have tax bookings in acc_trans
524 524

525 525
  my $query = qq| select trans_id, chart.accno,transdate from acc_trans left join chart on ( = acc_trans.chart_id)
                    WHERE taxkey NOT IN (SELECT taxkey from tax where rate=0) AND trans_id NOT IN
                    WHERE taxkey NOT IN (SELECT taxkey from tax where rate=0 OR reverse_charge_chart_id is not null) AND trans_id NOT IN
527 527
                    (select trans_id from acc_trans where chart_link ilike '%tax%' and trans_id IN
528 528
                    (SELECT trans_id from acc_trans where taxkey NOT IN (SELECT taxkey from tax where rate=0)))
529 529
                    AND transdate >= ? AND transdate <= ?|;

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