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package SL::DB::Helper::PriceUpdater;

use strict;

use parent qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(update_prices);

use Carp;

sub update_prices {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;

croak('Missing parameters amount/percent') unless $params{amount} || $params{percent};

my @prices = ref $params{prices} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $params{prices} } : ( $params{prices} || 'sellprice' );

foreach my $field (@prices) {
my $rounding_error = 0;

foreach my $item (@{ $self->items }) {
my $new_price;
if ($params{amount}) {
$new_price = $item->$field + $params{amount} + $rounding_error;
} else {
$new_price = $item->$field * $params{percent} / 100 + $rounding_error;

$item->$field($::form->round_amount($new_price, 2));
$rounding_error += $new_price - $item->$field;

_dbg("new_price $new_price new_price_no_err " . ($new_price - $rounding_error) . " rounded " . $item->$field .
" error_old " . ($rounding_error - $new_price + $item->$field) . " error_new $rounding_error");

return $self->calculate_prices_and_taxes if $params{calculate};
return $self;

sub _dbg {
# $::lxdebug->message(0, __PACKAGE__ . ': ' . join(' ', @_));



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::DB::Helper::PriceUpdater - Mixin for updating all prices by a fixed amount or by a percentage


=over 4

=item C<update_prices %params>

Updates the prices of all items as returned by the function C<items>
provided by the mixing class.

Supported arguments via C<%params> are:

=over 2

=item C<amount>

Absolute amount to add or subtract. Either C<amount> or C<percent>
must be given. Resulting prices are rounded to two significant places.

=item C<percent>

Percentage to set the prices to (with 100 meaning "no
change"). Resulting prices are rounded to two significant
places. Rounding errors are carried over to the next item.

Either C<amount> or C<percent> must be given.

=item C<prices>

A string or an array of strings naming the prices to update. If
missing only the C<sellprice> field will be updated.

=item C<calculate>

If trueish the all prices, taxes and amounts are re-calculated by
Returns that function's result.


Returns C<$self> unless C<$params{calculate}> is trueish.


=head1 EXPORTS

This mixin exports the function L</update_prices>.

=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
