kivitendo/scripts/ @ 6c27e6e4
f4338c0b | Sven Schöling | #!/usr/local/bin/perl -pli.orig
# perlcode -> template converter
# there's ugly perl generated html in your
# no problem. copy&paste it into a separate html file, remove 'qq|' and '|;' and use this script to fix most of the rest.
# use: perl <file>
# will save the original file as file.orig
s/\$form->\{(?:"([^}]+)"|([^}]+))\}/[% $+ %]/g;
b63e6fde | Sven Schöling | s/\| \s* \. \s* \$locale->text \( ' ([^']+) ' \) \s* \. \s* qq\|/<translate>$1<\/translate>/xg;
s/\| \s* \. \s* \$locale->text \( " ([^"]+) " \) \s* \. \s* qq\|/<translate>$1<\/translate>/xg;