Revision 6b321c53
Von Udo Spallek vor fast 19 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
my $sum = 0;
# } Moritz Bunkus
# The old fixed notation of <%variable%> is changed to a new dynamic one.
my ${pre} = '<%'; # Variable Prefix, must be regex save!
my ${suf} = '%>'; # Variable Suffix, must be regex save!
# Make sure that all *notes* (intnotes, partnotes_*, notes etc) are converted to markup correctly.
$self->format_string(grep(/notes/, keys(%{$self})));
... | ... | |
$two_passes = 0;
# first we generate a tmpfile
# read file and replace <%variable%>
# read file and replace ${pre}variable${suf}
while ($_ = shift) {
$par = "";
$var = $_;
# Switch <%analyse%> for template checking
# If <%analyse%> is set in the template, you'll find the
# Switch ${pre}analyse${suf} for template checking
# If ${pre}analyse${suf} is set in the template, you'll find the
# parsed output in the user Directory for analysing
# Latex errors
# <%analyse%> is a switch (allways off, on if set), not a Variable
# ${pre}analyse${suf} is a switch (allways off, on if set), not a Variable
# Set $form->{analysing}="" for system state: never analyse.
# Set $form->{analysing}="1" for system state: ever analyse.
$self->{analysing} = "1" if (/<%analyse%>/ && !defined $self->{analysing});
$self->{analysing} = "1" if (/${pre}analyse${suf}/ && !defined $self->{analysing});
$two_passes = 1 if (/\\pageref/);
# { Moritz Bunkus
# detect pagebreak block and its parameters
if (/\s*<%pagebreak ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)%>/) {
if (/\s*${pre}pagebreak ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)${suf}/) {
$chars_per_line = $1;
$lines_on_first_page = $2;
$lines_on_second_page = $3;
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end pagebreak%>/);
last if (/\s*${pre}end pagebreak${suf}/);
$pagebreak .= $_;
# } Moritz Bunkus
if (/\s*<%foreach /) {
if (/\s*${pre}foreach /) {
# this one we need for the count
chomp $var;
$var =~ s/\s*<%foreach (.+?)%>/$1/;
$var =~ s/\s*${pre}foreach (.+?)${suf}/$1/;
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);
last if (/\s*${pre}end /);
# store line in $par
$par .= $_;
... | ... | |
# { Moritz Bunkus
# Try to detect whether a manual page break is necessary
# but only if there was a <%pagebreak ...%> block before
# but only if there was a ${pre}pagebreak ...${suf} block before
if ($chars_per_line) {
my $lines =
... | ... | |
) {
my $pb = $pagebreak;
# replace the special variables <%sumcarriedforward%>
# and <%lastpage%>
# replace the special variables ${pre}sumcarriedforward${suf}
# and ${pre}lastpage${suf}
my $psum = $self->format_amount($myconfig, $sum, 2);
$pb =~ s/<%sumcarriedforward%>/$psum/g;
$pb =~ s/<%lastpage%>/$current_page/g;
$pb =~ s/${pre}sumcarriedforward${suf}/$psum/g;
$pb =~ s/${pre}lastpage${suf}/$current_page/g;
# only "normal" variables are supported here
# (no <%if, no <%foreach, no <%include)
# (no ${pre}if, no ${pre}foreach, no ${pre}include)
$pb =~ s/<%(.+?)%>/$self->{$1}/g;
$pb =~ s/${pre}(.+?)${suf}/$self->{$1}/g;
# page break block is ready to rock
print(OUT $pb);
... | ... | |
# don't parse par, we need it for each line
$_ = $par;
print OUT;
# if not comes before if!
if (/\s*<%if not /) {
if (/\s*${pre}if not /) {
# check if it is not set and display
s/\s*<%if not (.+?)%>/$1/;
s/\s*${pre}if not (.+?)${suf}/$1/;
unless ($self->{$_}) {
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);
last if (/\s*${pre}end /);
# store line in $par
$par .= $_;
... | ... | |
} else {
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);
last if (/\s*${pre}end /);
if (/\s*<%if /) {
if (/\s*${pre}if /) {
# check if it is set and display
s/\s*<%if (.+?)%>/$1/;
s/\s*${pre}if (.+?)${suf}/$1/;
if ($self->{$_}) {
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);
last if (/\s*${pre}end /);
# store line in $par
$par .= $_;
... | ... | |
} else {
while ($_ = shift) {
last if (/\s*<%end /);
last if (/\s*${pre}end /);
# check for <%include filename%>
if (/\s*<%include /) {
# check for ${pre}include filename${suf}
if (/\s*${pre}include /) {
# get the directory/filename
chomp $var;
$var =~ s/\s*<%include (.+?)%>/$1/;
$var =~ s/\s*${pre}include (.+?)${suf}/$1/;
# mangle filename on basedir
$var =~ s/^(\/|\.\.)//g;
... | ... | |
s/<nobr><\/nobr>/ /g;
print OUT;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Vorbereitungen zu den Variablenanpassungen.
Die alte Variablensyntax ist nun zentral in der parse_template veraenderbar:
$pre ist die linke Einklammerung vor der Variablen: <%
$suf ist die rechte Einklammerung nach der Variablen: %>
Voreinstellung wie gehabt.