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Revision 6b22268c

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 5 Jahren hinzugefügt

Auftrags-Controller: PDF-Download per ajax-send_file

Unterschiede anzeigen:

# print the order
# This is called if "print" is pressed in the print dialog.
# If PDF creation was requested and succeeded, the pdf is stored in a session
# file and the filename is stored as session value with an unique key. A
# javascript function with this key is then called. This function calls the
# download action below (action_download_pdf), which offers the file for
# download.
# If PDF creation was requested and succeeded, the pdf is offered for download
# via send_file (which uses ajax in this case).
sub action_print {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($media eq 'screen') {
# screen/download
my $sfile = SL::SessionFile::Random->new(mode => "w");
my $key = join('_', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
$::auth->set_session_value("Order::print-${key}" => $sfile->file_name);
->run('kivi.Order.download_pdf', $pdf_filename, $key)
->flash('info', t8('The PDF has been created'));
$self->js->flash('info', t8('The PDF has been created'));
type => SL::MIME->mime_type_from_ext($pdf_filename),
name => $pdf_filename,
js_no_render => 1,
} elsif ($media eq 'printer') {
# printer
# offer pdf for download
# It needs to get the key for the session value to get the pdf file.
sub action_download_pdf {
my ($self) = @_;
my $key = $::form->{key};
my $tmp_filename = $::auth->get_session_value("Order::print-${key}");
return $self->send_file(
type => SL::MIME->mime_type_from_ext($::form->{pdf_filename}),
name => $::form->{pdf_filename},
# open the email dialog
sub action_show_email_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
$.post("", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
ns.download_pdf = function(pdf_filename, key) {
var data = [{ name: 'action', value: 'Order/download_pdf' },
{ name: 'type', value: $('#type').val() },
{ name: 'pdf_filename', value: pdf_filename },
{ name: 'key', value: key }];
$.download("", data);
}; = function(warn_on_duplicates) {
if (warn_on_duplicates && !ns.check_duplicate_parts(kivi.t8("Do you really want to send by mail?"))) return;
if (!ns.check_cv()) return;

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