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Revision 69966b4c

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 6 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 69966b4c3df791edabe5e7265010293efbba18ed
  • Vorgänger f747a789
  • Nachfolger 552ed9ba

Auftrags-Controller: Workflow Auftrag VK <-> EK

Unterschiede anzeigen:

my $destination_type = $::form->{type} eq _sales_quotation_type() ? _sales_order_type()
: $::form->{type} eq _request_quotation_type() ? _purchase_order_type()
: $::form->{type} eq _purchase_order_type() ? _sales_order_type()
: $::form->{type} eq _sales_order_type() ? _purchase_order_type()
: '';
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new_from($self->order, destination_type => $destination_type));
# change form type
$::form->{type} = $destination_type;
$self->cv ($self->init_cv);
action => [
t8('Sales Order'),
submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "Order/sales_order" } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (_sales_quotation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (_sales_quotation_type(), _purchase_order_type())),
disabled => !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Purchase Order'),
submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "Order/purchase_order" } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (_request_quotation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (_sales_order_type(), _request_quotation_type())),
disabled => !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.') : undef,
], # end of combobox "Workflow"
=item * custom shipto address
=item * check for direct delivery (workflow sales order -> purchase order)
=item * language / part translations
=item * access rights
{ from => 'sales_order', to => 'sales_order', abbr => 'soso' },
{ from => 'request_quotation', to => 'request_quotation', abbr => 'rqrq' },
{ from => 'purchase_order', to => 'purchase_order', abbr => 'popo' },
{ from => 'sales_order', to => 'purchase_order', abbr => 'sopo' },
{ from => 'purchase_order', to => 'sales_order', abbr => 'poso' },
my $from_to = (grep { $_->{from} eq $source->type && $_->{to} eq $destination_type} @from_tos)[0];
croak("Cannot convert from '" . $source->type . "' to '" . $destination_type . "'") if !$from_to;
my $is_abbr_any = sub {
# foreach my $abbr (@_) {
# croak "no such abbreviation: '$abbr'" if !grep { $_->{abbr} eq $abbr } @from_tos;
# }
any { $from_to->{abbr} eq $_ } @_;
my ($item_parent_id_column, $item_parent_column);
if (ref($source) eq 'SL::DB::Order') {
transdate => DateTime->today_local,
if ( $is_abbr_any->(qw(sopo poso)) ) {
$args{ordnumber} = undef;
$args{reqdate} = DateTime->today_local->next_workday();
$args{employee} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current;
if ( $is_abbr_any->(qw(sopo)) ) {
$args{customer_id} = undef;
$args{salesman_id} = undef;
$args{payment_id} = undef;
$args{delivery_term_id} = undef;
if ( $is_abbr_any->(qw(poso)) ) {
$args{vendor_id} = undef;
# Custom shipto addresses (the ones specific to the sales/purchase
# record and not to the customer/vendor) are only linked from
# shipto → order. Meaning order.shipto_id
custom_variables => \@custom_variables,
if ( $is_abbr_any->(qw(sopo)) ) {
if ( $is_abbr_any->(qw(poso)) ) {
$current_oe_item->{"converted_from_orderitems_id"} = $_->{id} if ref($item_parent) eq 'SL::DB::Order';
} @{ $items };
ns.price_chooser_item_row = function(clicked) {
if (!ns.check_cv()) return;
var row = $(clicked).parents("tbody").first();
var item_id_dom = $(row).find('[name="orderitem_ids[+]"]');

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